Friday, December 27, 2019
Taking a Look at Evolutionary Psychology - 1094 Words
Evolutionary Psychology is a practice of social and natural sciences that studies human characteristics through the lens of modern evolutionary theory. This is exactly what Dunbar and his colleges attempt to do with â€Å"the family†in their book. The discussion of the family has to start with defining what parent involvement actually is. The authors of the book Evolutionary Psychology use Robert Trivers’ definition from 1972 that states, â€Å"any investment by the parent in an individual offspring that increases the offspring’s chance of surviving at the cost of parent’s ability to invest in other offspring†. This means that if a parent of a individual uses any of their resources to help improve their child’s chance of survival, meaning†¦show more content†¦The second circumstance for infanticide is if the child is born with severe disabilities or deformities for the simple reason of is the child worth the investment. Is involved in a child’s life who is going to require more of an investment that an average child, and still highly unlikely to reproduce worth it? Twins are a similar circumstance. Parents have the dilemma of possibly of not having adequate resources for both children at the same time. So infanticide could be logical in this situation so the parents could invest heavily into one of the twins to help ensure the best opportunity for the child throughout life as opposed to dividing the resources in half. This leads into the last circumstance, which is just not having the adequate amount of resources to raise even a single child. This practice is exemplified to the rate of aborted children or children sent to orphanages in young single women, or old married women who have had several children prior. Also discussed is how unique the human family is. Human fathers are involved in their children’s lives more than any other species and humans are the only species where grandparents exist . The explanation for these occurrences are that the human infant is so dependant that it needs the support of more than just a mother, and even just the mother and father in some cases. The occurrence of grandparents can also be explained by the phenomenon of menopause. The humanShow MoreRelatedThe Conflict Between Evolutionary Psychology And Scientific Scripture Scholarship912 Words  | 4 PagesIn this chapter, the author highlights some of the superficial conflicts between evolutionary psychology and scientific scripture scholarship (or historical biblical criticism). As the author notes, â€Å"...evolutionary psychology is an attempt to explain important human traits and behaviors in terms of the evolutionary origin of the human species (131).†It attempts to contextualize all the things we humans think, feel, and create in the contexts of Darwinian evolution, and natural selection. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
John Maynard Keynes And The Classical Model Essay
Part One John Maynard Keynes is referred to as one of the most well known economists of his time. Not only was he able to come up with a solution to essentially try to move the economy out of recession and stop booms and busts, but his theory is still being used in todays day and age 70 years later. One big question that has been asked repeatedly about Keynes theory is why did he not believe in self-adjustment of the economy. Keynes rejected the idea that market economies would automatically move towards full employment. He claimed to have found many flaws in the classical model as a whole (Davidson). Overall Keynes rejected the classical models claim that markets self-adjust to solve economic problem because his insight was the opposite of the classical model. He was convinced that sometimes things don’t sort themselves out. The economy would actually continue to go into a downward spiral and the usual dynamic of supply and demand would essentially break down. As far as polic y prescriptions for a recession, Keynes stated that, â€Å"If all else fails, the government can spend the money†(Davidson). Not only did he think this, he also was convinced that they shouldn’t raise taxes or try to balance the budget. If either of these things were to be done, it would essentially cancel out any positive effect from spending. Keynes seemed to have felt very strongly that his theory was bound to work, as well as the people who followed him and his theories closely. However, economistsShow MoreRelatedThe Classical Economists and Keynes: the Debate on Government Policy Activism1189 Words  | 5 Pageswith the famous economist John Maynard Keynes, and the classical economists of his time, whose economic foundations lay in Alfred Marshall’s seminal work, the Principles of Economic. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the classical economist’s non-activist view on unemployment, and Keynes’s critical response to the classical e conomist and his belief the government should play an activist role in combating unemployment. One of the most important tenets of classical economics is that marketRead MoreKayne vs Hayek1370 Words  | 6 PagesChanya Udomphorn ID# 5380040 Macroeconomics Mr. Rattakarn Komonrat Keynes vs. Hayek Macroeconomics is a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of the whole economy. Macroeconomists study aggregated indicators such as GDP, unemployment rates, and price indices to understand how the whole economy functions. They develop models that explain the relationship between such factors as national income, output, consumption, unemployment, inflationRead MoreEssay on John Maynard Keynes Versus Friederich A. Hayek603 Words  | 3 PagesTwo major economic thinkers of the of the early twentieth century, John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich A. Hayek, hold very different economic viewpoints. Keynes is among the most famous economic philosophers. Keynes, whos theories gained a reputation during the Great Depression in the 1930s, focused mainly on an economys bust. It is where the economy declines and finally bottoms-out, that Keynesian economics believes the answers lie for its eventual recovery. On the other hand, Hayek believed t hatRead MoreJohn Maynard Keynes s Economic Theory And Policy After World War II1307 Words  | 6 Pagesfree market - based on supply and demand with no government control - would deliver full employment. John Maynard Keynes came up with a theory as a counterargument: that aggregate demand is the single most powerful force in any economy. Keynes explains that free markets are not able to balance themselves out enough to lead to the full employment everyone was waiting for. The 1930s gave rise to Keynes’ ideas, especially after the publication of his revolutionary book The General Theory of EmploymentRead MoreClassical School Of Thought And The Great Depression1020 Words  | 5 PagesClassical school of thought dates back to the Enlightenment movement and the Industrial Revolution during the eighteenth century, where secularization started to happen resulting in changes on the way of thinking and analyzing daily life. Adam Smith, also known as the father of economics, wr ote An Enquiry into the causes of the Wealth of the Nations in 1776, where he discusses how the wealth of a nation is measured (by GDP), division of labor and lastly, introduces the invisible hand that controlsRead MoreClassical Vs Keynesian Economics1235 Words  | 5 PagesClassical and Keynesian economics are both accepted schools of thought in economics, but each had a different approach to defining economics. The Classical economic theory was developed by Adam Smith while Keynesian theory was developed by John Maynard Keynes. Similarities: One of the most surprising similarities between the two theories is that John Keynes developed his theory based on the Adam Smith’s theory. Keynes did not entirely disagree with Adam Smith but rather, expanded the theory basedRead MoreThe Economic Schools Of Thought1445 Words  | 6 Pagesvarious models aimed at understanding the implications that all actions affect outcome. Like other economic schools of thought, Freshwater developed from previous schools of thought as new macroeconomic ideas were discussed and disputed. Neoclassical synthesis was a postwar movement in economics that absorbed the macroeconomic theories of John Maynard Keynes and the theories of neoclassical economics to formulate a synthesis of Keynesian macroeconomics and neoclassical microeconomics. John HicksRead MoreThe Classical View Of Employment And Income1523 Words  | 7 Pageswill be going into detail on the classical view of full employment, and the Keynesian view of full employment to help you understand better how each school viewed full employment, and how to achieve it. The classical view gives you a look into the supply side of the economy using Say’s law and the Say’s law flow diagram. Most economists followed the classical view up until the 1930’s. Then John Maynard Keynes influenced the world with the Keynesian Revolution. Keynes believed that demand is what shouldRead MoreClassical Vs. Keynesian Models Essay922 Words  | 4 PagesClassical vs Keynesian models Two economic models of thought are classical and Keynesian models. Each model takes a diverse approach to the economic education of financial policy, buyer behavior, and government spending. The classical model, which traces its origins to the 1770s, was the first systematic attempt to explain the determinants of the price level and the national levels of real GDP, employment, consumption, savings, and investments. Classical economist Adam Smith and others assumed thatRead MoreMacroeconomic Theories Of Macroeconomics And Classical Economics999 Words  | 4 Pagesmost general fields in economics. There are two major macroeconomic theories that economists use to describe the economy. Those theories are Keynesian and Classical. Each theory has a different approach to the economic study of monetary policies, consumer behaviors, and government spending. A few distinctions separate the two theories. Classical economics is the theory that free markets will restore full employment without government intervention. They believe that the markets function best without
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
NIST Definition of Cloud Computing
Question: Discuss about the NIST Definition of Cloud Computing. Answer: Introduction Every day more and more companies are aligning to the cloud-based accounting system. From connected gadgets to internet-based education programs, individuals from all over the globe are utilizing the cloud as a medium to connect with consumers and make their own business measures more efficient. In short, it has become a trend and offices are now using it to gain specific advantages (Millard, 2013). Furthermore, even small businesses are attaining benefit from the cloud when it comes to financing management. Although there are various reasons to go for the cloud, yet few businesses opt to host accounting data the traditional-fashioned way. In short, it depends upon the business requirement to vouch for a specific system (Olsen, 2012). However, since accounting is a very delicate aspect of business, many accounting professionals, and entrepreneurs often shy away from experimenting traditional accounting methods as they rely on trusted and tested solutions. Therefore, the major relianc e is the trusted method and solutions (Rouse, 2013). Cloud-based accounting vs. Traditional-based accounting Cloud-based Accounting Traditional-based Accounting Cloud accounting software utilizes the cloud in order to store accounting data, making financial details available to employees and owners anywhere in the presence of an internet connection (Rouse, 2013). With traditional accounting software, a business has one dedicated hard-drive wherein accounting software is installed and financial information is recorded to make it accessible to employees and owners. Unlike cloud accounting, this does not require internet connectivity. This software tends to be a more affordable one because upfront costs involved are usually lesser than that of the traditional accounting system and the hardware that is needed to run in (Rouse, 2013). Managing the finances through a traditional accounting system requires some expenses because it does demand a local infrastructure that makes way for a chunk of investment to be wasted. Furthermore, even the maintenance cost of hardware increases the costing requirements in this method. With this software, a user can add many numbers of users and operate with them in the real-time in order to accelerate the activities. With just a few clicks, user permissions can be controlled and one can define which files are meant for whom (Hu, 2015). Since accounting is not a one-man arena, it requires detailing of all financial details taking place in the company. Moreover, multiple users have to come into action to keep accounting process updated and error-free. However, unlike cloud accounting, the traditional accounting only offers massive restrictions related to user-accessibility and location. Potential limitations The biggest limitation of cloud-based accounting system is that the accounting data is being shared with a third party and they can utilize such data for their self-business interests because the data storage is completely controlled by the providers (Peter Timothy, 2011). In addition, the data can also be stored in several countries wherein the government can audit or review such data if needed. Secondly, the cloud-based accounting system might not support every application possessed by the user. In simple words, some of the users requirements might not be efficiently available in the cloud accounting software (Millard, 2013). Hence, there are restrictions in the applications that make cloud-based accounting a very risky step. Last, but not the least, many of the cloud accounting software fails to offer an appropriate facility to backup the data that is stored in the users computer or laptop. Therefore, when a user might change the software, he or she might also lose the entire dat a that is already entered into with the prior cloud-based accounting software. Therefore, since cloud accounting software fails to offer confidentiality of data, data backup, and pursues many restrictions, the decision to move towards cloud accounting must be made after considering such potential risks, because at the end of the day, financial records are the most important for any organization (Mell, 2011). Moreover, once the system is changed to cloud-based it is difficult to retreat and use another concept. In this way, it creates an image of vendor lock in that adds to the potential limitation. Conclusion The size of the business does not matter when it comes to cloud-base accounting. With every segment of business being performed in the cloud, several different size businesses can gain advantage from using cloud-based accounting services. In simple words, eligibility for cloud benefits relies much more on the users computing requirements, applications used by the business, and workforce habits, than the business size. Nevertheless, businesses that can benefit the most are accountancy firms, data security firms, and global corporations. With cloud accounting, clients in accounting firms can upload significant financial data that is accessible to an accountant as per his requirements, and clients can even download copies of digital ledgers, tax papers from data stored in the cloud (O'Brien Marakas, 2009). Similarly, every office can stay in touch with others in order to share information through cloud accounting in global corporations. Even data security firms can move their customers files continuously by cloud computing, thereby making it difficult to be hacked. References O'Brien, J Marakas, G. (2009). Management Information Systems. McGraw-Hill Olsen, E. (2012). Strategic Planning Kit for Dummies. John Wiley Sons. Millard, C. (2013). Cloud Computing Law. Oxford University Press Mell, P. (2011). The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing. Accessed March 18, 2017 from Rouse, M. (2013).What is a multi-cloud strategy? Accessed March 18, 2017 from Peter, M Timothy G. (2011).The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing. National Institute of Standards and Technology: U.S. Department of Commerce Hu, T.H. (2015).A Prehistory of the Cloud. MIT Press.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Jewish Sexual Ethics Essay Essay Example
Jewish Sexual Ethics Essay Essay Sexual Ethical motives are built-in to Judaism because they provided direct counsel on how to act morally and in conformity with the Torah and God. Although. over many old ages Jews were enduring from persecution. they are presently demoing stableness which can be attributed to the model that is outlined through the strong moralss that they uphold. Sexual moralss provide counsel on how to act morally. righteously and in conformity to the Torah every bit good as forestalling promiscuousness. unfaithfulness. immorality and sexual Acts of the Apostless which hinder the stability of Judaism. The instructions on Adultery. homosexualism. contraceptive method and pre-marital sex provide a model for Judaic behavior through re-iterating the rule beliefs of monogamousness. reproduction. fidelity and the compact made between Moses. Abraham and God in a practical mode. Sexually ethical behavior is indispensable as it promotes behaviour that is respectful. consensual. faithful. morally right and righteous. Sexually ethical behavior provides Judaism with moral model for reproduction. fidelity and the ability to keep religion. We will write a custom essay sample on Jewish Sexual Ethics Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Jewish Sexual Ethics Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Jewish Sexual Ethics Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Adultery is the most valued sexual ethical instruction in Judaism because it breaks the compact made between Abraham and Moses and defies the rule beliefs of love and fidelity. Adultery straight defies the Judaic belief of love. committedness and the sacred establishment of matrimony and is immoral because it put in hazard the household unit which disintegrates love between spouses and inturn interruptions honest and trust. In add-on to this. as monotheists. Jews believe in fidelity and reproduction and criminal conversation amendss and destabilises the societal model for Judaic behavior therefore supplying behavior that is evil and unethical. The cosmopolitan disapprobation of criminal conversation by Orthodox. Conservative. Reform and Broad Jews indicates that criminal conversation is immoral as it breaks the word of God. The united stance on criminal conversation reflects the value of matrimony and this is apparent in the Torah where it states. â€Å"Do non perpetrate adultery†in the Ten Commandments. This is farther emphasised in the commandment. â€Å"You shall non covet your neighbors married woman. †Furthermore. the cosmopolitan disapprobation of criminal conversation by all Judaic discrepancies reflects Judaic beliefs as t protects society from promiscuousness. disease and deformed birth which have the possible to endanger the model for Judaic behavior and hence continue the tradition in stableness and morality. This consequences in society being spiritually and ceremonially clean. besides promote the belief of fidelity and honestness. which will inturn promote Judaism to be moral and stable. Sexually ethical behavior is important promotes the beliefs in God’s true purposes ; that love was between a adult male and a adult female. In add-on to this. the morality and stableness of Judaism is affected by the limitation of reproduction which comes with the act of homosexualism. The importance of life and reproduction is clearly apparent in the Judaic stance on homosexualism as Judaic faith and community is against homosexualism. sing it as iniquitous. whether homosexual or sapphic. as it destabilises the model for Judaic behavior. Homosexuality is non the ideal province in Judaism and is a challenge to the ideal of matrimony and household as it inhibits length of service and continuity of the tradition therefore destabilizing the faith through immoral Acts of the Apostless. It is of import to observe that it is homosexual Acts of the Apostless. non homosexual orientations that are out as Judaism focuses on a person’s actions instead than a person’s desires. In add-on to this. it defies buggery. hence advancing the rule beliefs of fidelity and ritual cleanliness. Homosexuality defies the direct word of God to ‘Go Forth and multiply’ ( Genesis 1:28 ) . because it promotes unfaithfulness. ritual uncleanliness and accordingly endangering the model for Judaic behavior. This can be reinforced as stated it Leviticus. â€Å"No adult male is to hold sexual dealingss with another adult male. God hates that†. ( 18:22 ) . Such an act is condemned in the strongest possible footings as it is detestable and is punishable by decease by the Orthodox Jews. The Orthodox stance on homosexualism can be reinforced as Leviticus provinces. â€Å"If a adult male lies with a adult male as one lies with a adult female. both of them have done what is abhorrent. They must be put to death†( 20:13 ) . Furthermore. progressive and conservative Jews are more likely to accept homosexualism. but those who are homosexual are discouraged from rehearsing and showing their disposition. The act of homosexualism may non be an ideal province in Judaism but due to modern promotions. is easy doing its manner into going accepted. Sexually ethical behavior is indispensable as it allows Jews to follow a model that has established the belief in the demand for reproduction. The act of sloping seed straight defies and destabilises the belief in reproduction and the right to bear kids with your spouse. In add-on to this. the act of contraceptive method defies the mitsvah to get married. procreate and have kids. The methods of contraceptive method allowed under Judaic jurisprudence are those that don’t harm the sperm or forestall it from acquiring to the intended finish. such as preventive pill. This is because the Tenakh provinces that God wanted worlds to dwell the Earth. The spiritual position on birth control is based on the rule that it is a commandment to get married and hold kids and it is out to â€Å"waste seed†. This jurisprudence is based on the narrative of Onan ( Gen 38:8-10 ) who was killed by God for practising sexual intercourse interruptus as a agency of birth control. Contraception besides interferes with reproduction. taught in the first commandment of the Torah ; â€Å"Be fruitful and multiply†. Furthermore. reformed and broad Jews allow birth control for a big figure of grounds. such a ground may be when the gestation may in anyhow harm the bearer of the babe. However. Orthodox Jews are more restrictive and believe that contraceptive method shouldn’t be used for selfish grounds or to wholly avoid holding kids. Through this sexual ethical instruction. Hebraism has been able to keep a model by which it can stay in a righteous and firm province. Sexually ethical behavior is cardinal to the stableness and morality of Judaism as it provides guidelines to the right manner to handle matrimony and the fact that it is disrespectful to withstand the belief in love and matrimony. In add-ons to this. acts that defy love are considered impudent and travel against the moral model that guides Judaism. Judaism believes in the importance of matrimony in the development and completeness of the human being and that a individual must take duty for the spouse and relationships must go on. Thus. Judaism doesn’t license sexual dealingss between spouses prior to marriage. as a sexual act itself is such a powerful force in specifying a relationship. A sexual failure can destruct a relationship despite anterior declarations of love. The lone manner to guarantee that there will be some grade of duty after sex through the act of matrimony. In the Torah. the word used for sex agencies â€Å"to know†. which indicates that Jews believed sex involved the bosom and head every bit good as the organic structure. The Godhead thought that a adult male and adult female are to go â€Å"one flesh†( Gen 2:24 ) . indicated sacred elements nowadayss. the sexual act symbolizing the brotherhood of those created in God’s image. Thus. all strains of Judaism position sex as allowable merely within the holiness of matrimony. This position enables Judaism to stay honorable and unafraid because of the model that they follow. To reason. Sexual Ethical motives are critical to Judaism because they provided direct counsel on how to act morally and in conformity with the Torah and God. Sexual moralss as demonstrated and described in the Torah include Adultery. Homosexuality. Contraception and Pre-marital sex. Each of these dramas a polar function in supplying a model for the behavior that Jews must follow to guarantee that the tradition may go on in stableness and morality.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Purpose of a SWOT Analysis free essay sample
Every business to include the largest ones that control their areas of industryhas a limited supply of manpower, production capacity and capital. Evaluating the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats helps it determine how to allocate these resources in a manner that will result in the highest possible potential for revenue growth and profitability. The management team examines where the company can compete most effectively. The company more times than not discovers competitive strengths that have not been fully utilized in the past in addition to critical areas that needs to be improved in order for the business to more effectively compete. A realistic assessment also prevents strategic blunders like entering a market with products that are clearly inferior to what well-entrenched competitors are offering. Continuous improvement in all areas of a company’s operations is an important aspect of staying ahead of competitors. Weaknesses and opportunities canand mustbe turned into future strengths. We will write a custom essay sample on Purpose of a SWOT Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page PURPOSE OF A SWOT ANALYSIS 3 Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis is a necessary, straightforward standard that assists in direction and serves as a foundation for the development of business’s marketing strategy. It brings about this process through assessment of the organization’s strengths (what it can do) and weaknesses (what it cannot do) in addition to opportunities (potential favorable conditions for the company) and threats (potential unfavorable conditions for it). SWOT analysis is also an important step in the planning process but sometimes its value is often minimized in spite of how simple it is in creating it. The role of SWOT analysis is to take the information from the environmental analysis and separate it into internal issues (strengths and weaknesses) and external issues (opportunities and threats). Once this is completed, SWOT analysis determines if the information indicates something that will assist a business in meeting its objectives (a strength or opportunity), or if it identifies an obstacle that must be overcome or minimized to achieve desired results (weakness or threat). The purpose of a SWOT analysis is to get managers into the mindset and thinking about everything that could possibly be an impact to the success and failure of a new project. Failing to acknowledge an essential strength, weakness, opportunity or threat could and usually does lead to terrible management decisions. Take for example, a software company that might hold a patent for a new computer processor failed to recognize a threat from its competitors who were also developing comparable products, it might overestimate conceivable sales of its new processor and assume debt to finance the growth of its project only to notice down the line that the company’s promising product will not make enough money to make a profit or even pay off the assumed debt. A SWOT analysis could have helped this company’s management avoid expensive mistakes early on and alerted them to which products were more likely to succeed. PURPOSE OF A SWOT ANALYSIS 4 With SWOT’s origins dating back to the 1960s with Albert Humphrey, it is as useful now as it was back then. Businesses utilize the process in two different ways-as an easy icebreaker assisting individuals come together to â€Å"kick off†strategy development or as a more serious strategy tool. A great SWOT analysis case study is Starbuck’s Coffee. By 2010, the company was losing money and had a major drop in its stock price. Its stock price had dropped to around $10 in 2009 from its high of $35 a few years earlier. The economic crisis throughout 2008 and 2009 really hit Starbucks’ stock price hard (SBUX Basic Chart | Starbucks Corporation Stock – Yahoo! Finance, 2011). Even though Starbucks’ stock price took a huge hit, its net revenues did not. Starbucks’ profits went from $7. 8 billion in 2006, to $10. 4 billion in 2008, down to $9. 8 billion in 2009, and back up to $10. 7 billion in 2011 (Starbucks Corporation, 2010). The amazing thing here is that the company endured an economic crisis and still come out stronger than when its stock price was at its highest. Lauren Roby (2011) performed a well researched SWOT analysis of Starbucks covering this time frame and identified the following strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths: #1: Market leader in the coffee industry including almost 17,000 stores as of the end of the 2010 (Starbucks Corporation, 2010). #2. Starbucks is recognized by customers worldwide due in part to its high quality products and consumer friendly environment. #3. Starbucks is on good footing financially. Its stock price might have fallen in the late 2000’s, but its profits barely took a hit (Starbucks Corporation, 2010). Weaknesses: PURPOSE OF A SWOT ANALYSIS 5 #1: One of Starbucks’ biggest weaknesses is what its customers have to pay for the product. McDonald’s uses Starbucks’ high price directly against the company in their attempts to lure customers away from the company and into the arches. #2: 75% of the company’s profits come from its coffee products and other specialty drinks (Starbucks Corporation, 2010). This means that when global coffee bean prices fluctuate, the company will take a direct hit every time the price of coffee rises. Opportunities: #1. International Markets. With Brazil being one if not the world’s largest coffee consumer in the world, it offers a huge market for Starbucks to enthusiastically enter and develop (Murphy, 2011). #2. Starbucks has joined forces with Tata coffee in India, which is the fifth largest exporter of coffee, to begin selling their coffee worldwide (Bose, 2011). This gives Starbucks more access to coffee. Threats: #1. Competition. One of Starbuck’s biggest competitors, McDonald’s, can open their McCafe brand beverages in current franchise stores globally to include Europe. This gives McDonald’s an upper hand on Starbucks who has to invest over $300,000 to open a brand new store in Europe while McDonald’s investment would run around $100,000 (Liu, 2009). If McDonald’s continues down this path, it could greatly reduce the geographic scope advantage that Starbucks currently has over McDonald’s. These days, It is not enough to just recognize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business. In exercising a SWOT analysis it is essential to reduce or avert both PURPOSE OF A SWOT ANALYSIS 6 weaknesses and threats. Weaknesses should be viewed as something to be turned into strengths as threats should be turned into opportunities. Strengths and opportunities should be allied to optimize the business’s potential. Utilizing SWOT in this manner can help a company gain the leverage most so desperately need these days. (Ferrell, Hartline, Lucas, Luck, 1998).
Saturday, November 23, 2019
War at EL-Alamein
War at EL-Alamein The Battle of El Alamein, started either between October 23rd or November 5th in 1942. This battle was one of the largest battles involving the western allies in the whole of the war with Germany. El Alamein was part of the chain of battles that saw the British Common wealth forces advancing across the coastal plain and desert hinterland of North Africa from 1940 to 1943. The prize for the Axis (German and Italian forces under the command of the German general, Erwin Rommel) was Egypt and the Suez Canal. The destruction of the Axis forces in the Theatre was the focus of Allied operations. El Alamein was, in effect the closest the Axis came to achieving their goal. Once that battle was over, the Axis forces were in continual retreat until finally destroyed, in Tunisia on 11 May 1943, by the westward advancing 8th Army and the Allied Forces coming east from the Torch Landings.Second Battle of El Alamein, Deployment of Forces ...While perhaps too much has been made of the battle of El A lamein - including such clearly jingoistic assessments that it was the turning point in the war - the battle was very important for a number of reasons. It was the battle that reignited Bernard Montgomery's career, with him eventually rising to the highest rank in the British Army and to command Allied land forces in the D-Day landings. It was an early rehearsal for the type of joint operations that were to become standard allied operating procedures in north west Europe following the D-Day invasion. Furthermore, it was the first large-scale battle fought by a British Army in the desert in which all elements in the Army fought to the same plan and same timetable, as a co-ordinated force. Ironically, in many ways, the battle was more reminiscent of the large...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Steel office building Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Steel office building - Essay Example As a result, world’s tallest buildings have extensively applied steel to prop up their colossal mass which had been an engineering test. Today, steel is regarded as useful in gargantuan structures in the future like the Tokyo megacity. Steel also has a high strength to weight ratio (Madsen 2005). Compared to other building materials, steel has an ideal strength to weight ratio and its light weight makes it effortlessly moved and directed which translates to reliable constructability. In addition, Reinforced concrete has a shorter floor-to-floor height by about 2 feet per floor compared to steel (Freed 2011). Steel as a building material resists rust and atmospheric corrosion making it reasonably less vulnerable (Freed 2011). When buildings are made using corrosive metals, they weaken gradually and collapse catastrophically. For this reason, steel, a non-corrosive metal, offers permanent structure (Madsen 2005). The construction of permanent structures using steel is due to being non-reactive to oxygen or other components in the atmosphere. In addition, steel does not drench in water even when bare and this means that steel does not rot (Freed 2011). While some building materials like wood have trouble cutting into precise shapes and sizes during manufacturing Madsen (2005) reveals that steel can easily be manufactured into the right shapes and sizes under the guidance of structure specifications. Madsen (2005) points out that reinforced concrete also has numerous design possibilities given that concrete takes form and provides unique aesthetics. As a result, no extra work is needed to shape steel building materials at the construction site . When used in construction, steel is recyclable and reusable which makes it sustainable especially in constructions where building wastes landfill and waste management are problematic. Through the reduction of building waste, steel building materials
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Cold War Years Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cold War Years - Essay Example The strength of the country is based on its alliance with the United States, which has to be sustained in order to continue strengthening its position in the region (Forsberg 3). As a capitalist country that pursues a free market, it is essential to note that its alliance with the United States has helped it stem any potential aggression towards it from the Soviet Union. Japan has the advantage of having a ready market for its products in the United States and this has enabled it to ensure its continued economic growth while at the same time helping it stabilize it after the Second World War. As a result of its alliance with the United States, Japan has once again come to attain a preeminent role in the world and this is no mean feat considering the dire conditions in the country after the war. Japan has numerous threats both domestic and external that have a potential of undermining its position. Among these is the increasing aggressiveness of the Soviet Union in the Asian region. The Soviet Union shares a common border with Japan and this has a potential of conflict taking place as a result of a possible violation of its borders. Furthermore, Japan might end up being a target of the communist regimes that are springing up across the region as seen in Vietnam and North Korea, at the instigation of the Soviet Union. The history of Japan and neighboring states such as Korea and China prior to the Second World War has left these countries with a sense of injustice and hatred that might result in their choosing to attack Japan as a means of exacting revenge. It has therefore become essential for Japan to take swift action in order to safeguard its interests against those who would seek to undermine it. Currently, Japan does not have any conflicts with any other country in the region and the government should strive to ensure that the situation remains the same. Among the most
Sunday, November 17, 2019
United States; Love us or Hate us Essay Example for Free
United States; Love us or Hate us Essay Not only is the United States one of the most culturally diverse places in the world. It is also one of the most economically viable. It continuously touts its principles of freedom and democracy as an example for all the world’s nations. It is one of the most charitable countries in the world providing private funding to millions of aid organizations in third world countries. Not only that but technological research in the United States has brought advancements to every field from medicine to space travel (Garcia, 2007). So why it is so many countries hate the United States? This topic will attempt to answer this question. The September 11th, 2001 attacks acted as an eye opening experience for the American public. The perception of American superiority in the world was challenged that day create a shock which reverberated around the world. The international reactions that followed the attacks showed the American public that anti-American sentiments did not simply come from inconsequential groups of people. There were several countries in the third world that hated the United States. One of the major criticisms leveled against the United States is their stance on foreign policy issues. The first and foremost of these is their involvement in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Arab world believes that American support both financial and military to Israel is not only hypocritical it is also instrumental in the continued oppression of the Palestinian people. While Israel affords a status of a friend to the United States, their neighbors are constantly being bombarded by Israeli military might and being acknowledged as terrorists. The United States is also accused of pursuing this foreign policy time and time again not in the interests of world stability but rather for their own self interests. During the Bush administration Saddam Hussein was continuously demonized as an agent of Al Qaeda and acting against the interests of the United States. However what the government conveniently decided to forget is that the American government was responsible for putting Saddam Hussein in power in the first place. This is also true for in the case of Afghanistan and the Taliban during the height of their enmity with Russia. And now they blame the very governments they put in charge for terrorist attacks on their soil (Chomsky, 2001). A poll conducted in 2002 found that the population in 35 of 42 countries had a generally favorable view of the United States. The poll also showed that while citizens in many nations still find America favorable, they do not perceive it as favorably as they did 2 years ago (Roberts, 2002). Certain studies have shown that hatred of the United States is actually taught in educational institutions (Livshiz, 2001). However this does not excuse the fact the bias the United States has shown for years in dealing with international situations. While several countries such as China and Russia have several nuclear warheads, the United States imposes sanctions on countries like Iran for pursuing nuclear technology for energy purposes. While the United States invades Iraq for the sole purpose of spreading democracy, they also turn a blind eye to the genocide that is currently occurring in Darfur. It is inevitable that Anti-American sentiments will continue while the United States remains one of the most powerful and influential countries in the world. Until the United States accepts that it has to use this power responsibly, the world will continue to see its actions as a reason to hate them. References Chomsky, N. (2001, October 12). On Why Various Countries Hate the US. (R. Siegel, Interviewer) Garcia, V. F. (2007, May). Why does the world hate the USA? : A politically correct approach. Retrieved May 16, 2009, from Hispanic American Centre for Economic Research: http://www. hacer. org/pdf/Garcia00. pdf Livshiz, D. (2001, October 17). Viewpoint: Hatred of U. S. stems from hate in schools. Retrieved May 13, 2009, from The Michigan Daily : http://www. michigandaily. com/content/viewpoint-hatred-us-stems-hate-schools Roberts, J. (2002, December 4). They Love U. S. /They Hate U. S. Retrieved May 13, 2009, from CBS NEWS: http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2002/12/04/world/main531762. shtml
Friday, November 15, 2019
Racism and Social Prejudice Reflection Paper
Racism and Social Prejudice Reflection Paper Racism Racism refers to social prejudice against someone based on their skin color. It is a belief that members of a particular race possess certain qualities, characteristics and abilities in order to distinguish them as either superior or inferior to other races. I was born in Southern Kuwaiti. I was raised up in the slums in the outskirts of the city. I did not attend school. I spent much of my life on the looking up to the passers-by for food and other necessities. It was during this period as I strolled up and down the streets when I heard someone refer to me as a â€Å"bidoon†. I barely understood what this meant. Each day I would not comprehend the reason my parents could not own and possess the land. I also noticed that majority of my neighbors had the same cultural practices like us, they dressed like me. Moreover, the majority of the children in the neighborhood did not attend school like me. We spent most of our days and time in the streets borrowing food and money from the strangers. The term â€Å"bidoon†became more and more familiar to my ears each day. At 16, I had grown sick and tired of other kids laughing and giggling at me in the streets. While we remained stranded and misplaced in the streets, they seemed to be in a better position, always smiling and more comfortable than me. The curiosity to ask my parents why I did not attend school grew each day. Besides, I always wondered why I did not have the privilege to dress up smartly like the rest of the kids and grown ups on the streets. Furthermore, I realized each day that there was a big disparity between me and them. I realized that there existed none of the Arabian people in my neighborhood. Majority of us were all not of Arabian origin. Besides, I did not know why addressed me differently. Each day, something different was always coming up. Also, I realized that we were residing on the less privileged side of the city. Food was a problem, I had no access to clean water and sanitation. At the age of 20, life here had become more and more compelling. My parents were growing older each day and providing for my siblings and I was becoming more cumbersome. I felt compelled to move to the streets in search of a job opportunity. However, my parents would not allow me to. With persistence, he later explained to me that since we were not Arabs, life here was becoming more and more unfavourable. I realized that my parents had still not obtained their identification documents. It had become difficult for them to acquire Kuwait citizenship. This is because, we were not Arabians. I realized that only people of the Arabian origin were more privileged to be legal Kuwait citizens. Besides, it came to my attention that only those who acquired citizenship had more legal rights. They could access education, better health care, and better living conditions unlike me. I now realized why I had spent my entire childhood roaming around the streets. This had all been because we were not legally recognized as Kuwaiti citizens. Besides, majority of the people who enjoyed better civil rights were the Arabians. Living with this form of ethnical discrimination each day now fully dawned onto me. Again, I found that the traditional word I had heard,†bidoon†referred to me, the non-Arabian. It was used to mean I was stateless. That is why I lived in the outskirts of the city. In the slums where housing, sanitation and even food were a problem. My human rights were violated. Despite my parents’ restrictions, at the age of 22, I persistently went out to the streets. My key interest was on following up why all this prejudice on ethnicity and race was being carried on. It later came to my attention that, according to the Kuwaiti constitution, the nationality act, put in place various classes of citizens. I realised that there was a class of those referred to as â€Å"ancient Kuwaitis†(Walcott345-370) and others as naturalized citizens. â€Å"Ancient Kuwaitis†were definitely the Arabs, or those of Arabic origin. These were the ones who had full political rights. The naturalized Kuwaitis were I and the rest of us who were not of Arabian origin despite having grown up in Kuwaiti for the longest period. Living with this traumatising prejudice each day was difficult. It got worse when I discovered it was constitutionally stated. Each day of being a â€Å"bidoon†was a reality. It was distinctly clear that the human rights of the Bidoons like I were being violated and it was constitutionally acceptable. Moreover, I could frequently hear people identifying themselves as either â€Å"Article-1-citizens,†Article-3-citizens†(Walcott,450-500) and many others. I later became curious on why it was not legal for me to participate in the democratic process.I was left out. This is because I could only enjoy the privilege of voting after thirty years. This is because I was not an original Kuwaiti citizen since I was an alien in the land. Besides, neither was I descendant of an original Kuwaiti by blood (Welbon,345-400). I was simply an alien. I had to live with the pain of my rights being violated for the longest period possible. Besides, I realized that it was also constitut ionally acceptable that the Nationality Act gave preferential consideration to people of Arab origin to â€Å"bidoons.Bidoons acquired citizenship through naturalization. I realized that despite the fact that this is legal as per the Kuwaiti constitution, it is a violation of the Kuwait’s treaty duties. I later on sought to discover the origin of statelessness in the country. I discovered that this resulted from the fact that many had failed to acquire citizenship at independence hence could not be identified as Kuwait citizens after independence(Welbon,345-400). I however realised that the situation worsened over time because, rules guiding citizenship had become more vigilant overtime. I clearly understood why I had not attended school. I was a child to the bidoons (Welbon,345-400). I also realised that my parents could not have secured employed anywhere because of the strict rules that had been enforced to govern the â€Å"bidoons†.moreover, throughout I had had no access to medical care because I was the child of a†bidoon†.The worse got to worst in the 1990s, when Iraq invaded Kuwait. The â€Å"bidoons†had to forcefully join the army. If not so, imprisonment or death sentence. I lived under the threat and fear of imprisonment. I had to join the Iraq military(Welbon,345-400) to avoid facing any of the above threats, However this was viewed as a betrayal by Kuwait government. Hence upon liberation in 1991, the other â€Å"bidoons†and I were persecuted. Besides, the rest of my colleagues who had somehow managed to secure jobs were dismissed and denied pay. I had to live with the anger and agony of this prejudice each day ever since. What seems more sympathetic is the fact that each day, the state of prejudice against the non-Arabs worsened. I could not have access to necessary documents such as birth, death or marriage certificates (Wen and Tarn, 100-134). I still remain without any identification documents to this day. Travels across the border have become difficult. I am faced with the option of leaving the country if only never to come back. As the 21st century dawned, there was hope for legal action putting into concern our grievances; however, there is no political will. Instead, I have to live with the fear of eviction. This involves signing affidavits that I am a foreigner. This grants me a residence permit of five years. I have had to bribe the authorities for simple favours such as traveling across the borders. Entire life seems to be limited in a cocoon of things that revolve around insecurity. The fear of eviction from the state you have been at for many years and lack of access to essential facilities such as medical care was more than enough for me to bear (Wen and Tarn,100-134). The state of insecurity and persecution was incredible; this is all I have had to live with. Racism and ethnicity have been key in deterring fundamental progress in my life. Bibliography Pechenizkiy, Mykola. â€Å"Racism in Arabian Countries.†(2006): 1–26. Print. Ravi, Jayashree, Zhifeng Yu, and Weisong Shi. â€Å"A Survey Racism and Ethinicity in Kuwait .†(2009): 943–960. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. Spruyt, Charline. â€Å"Changing Concepts of Racism in Arabian countries .†(2011): 1–129. Print. Welbon, By Guy. â€Å"IN.†31–38. Print. Wen, H Joseph, and Jyh-horng Michael Tarn. â€Å"racismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¯,1998,USA,print
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Financial Management Case Study-Payout: Gainesboro Essay
Corporate Goals Management expected the firm to grow at an average annual compound rate of 15% and reach $2.0 billion in sales and $160 million in net income through 2011. Recent strategy of Gainesboro The company devoted a greater share of its research-and-development budget to CAD/CAM as to reestablish its leadership in the field. The company also underwent two massive restructurings, including selling two unprofitable lines of business, selling two plants, eliminating five leased facilities, and reducing personnel in 2002. Then, in 2004, the company implemented a second round of restructuring by altering its manufacturing strategy, refocusing its sales and marketing approach, and adopting administrative procedures for a further reduction in staff and facilities. The Artificial Workforce was an array of advanced control hardware, software, and applications that could distribute information throughout a plant. Thus a product could be designed, manufactured, and packaged solely by computer no matter how intricate it was. Although the company had successfully patented several of the processes used by the Artificial Workforce, there were two factors that could affect sales which shou ld be concerned. First, two strong competitors were developing comparable products and would probably introduce them within the next 12 months. Second, sales of molds, presses, and CAD/CAM equipment and software were highly cyclical, and predictions about the strength of the U.S. economy were not encouraging. II. The inferential process Cause the company goal is to change its revenue structure, which make CAD/CAM and peripheral cutting edge products generate 3/4 of the sales, and the traditional presses and mold would account for the remainder. Thus, we think that the company will definitely have to leave some money for the R&D design. On the other hand, expanding aggressively in the international arena and getting new product through M&A also need to prepare a lot of money. Base on the idea we got from the Microsoft readings, company had better keep some percentage of the cash for the operating expense in case there would have emergency need. The analysis of investors’ attribution From the Exhibit 4, we can see that the attributions of the investors are changing. As for the institutional investors, the growth-oriented investor drop from 13% to 6%, while the value-oriented investors raise from 8% to 13%. This gives us a cue that the institutional investors are gradually change from growth-oriented into value-oriented. Which means that now the institutional investors think that the Gainesboro Corporation is not a highly growth company. Instead, it’s a stable growth company .So the institutional investors will expect to have high dividends. As for the individual investors, the long-term investors drop from 37% to 26%, while the short-term investors increase from 5% to 13%. This shows that individual investors have a trend to sell the stock in a short time and regardless the dividends. The suspicion of forecasting We hold doubt on the stated speculation of a 15% compound rate of growth due to manufacturing mishaps and missing components which delayed production growth, as well as start-up costs continued to penalize earnings. How much dividends did other companies pay? In general, investors could accept 20.8% payout ratio, and there is a trend that the ratio has been decreasing for decades (66.5% in 1978; 20.8% in 1999). So we think Gainesboro doesn’t need to pay 40% dividends. We can see that in CAD/CAM industry, PE ratio is so high because they are expected to be high-potential, so they need lots of capitals to reinvest, such as acquisition, R&D. As a result zero dividends-payout is acceptable and makes sense. So if Gainesboro wants to prove they are also high potential, they can make the same decision in order to keep money for their growth but they has to communicate with investors well to make them understand what they are going to do. III. Conclusion The percentage of firms paying cash dividends had dropped to 20.8% since 1999. In that case, perhaps the market would react favorably, if Gainesboro adopted a zero dividend-payout policy. In the meantime, we strongly recommend the firm buyback partial stocks so as to increase EPS and stock price. Send a signal to the market that managers are confident on company’s new development and expansion. Regarding to numerous growing strategies of the firm, we prefer canceling dividend payout and save more capital to support all the new projects. Besides, we support to launch image advertising and name change program step by step, which is not necessary in 2005. The firm can periodically reveal new expansion policy and R&D progress, for building up a solid image that the firm is under a transformation with highly innovative speed. The branding campaign should be done before 2011 when growth projects finished. In 2005, the firm should keep maintaining revenue growth rate and optimize productions for sustainable growth.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Qualities Of A Good Writer Essay
Whilewriterscomefromallwalksoflife,theysharecertainqualitiesthathelp themproducesatisfyingwork. Ifyouhavesomeofthesecharacteristics,youcould tryacareerincreativewriting. Alternatively,youcouldlookforcreativewriters withthesequalitiestoassistwithyourorganization’spublications. Creativewriters mightpublishpoetry,shortstoriesandnovels,buttheyalsoworkformanykindsof clients to earn their living. Creativewriterscraftnewworlds,producingdescriptionsofplacesandpeoplethat sendreadersontripsintheirminds. Theydothiswithnothingbuttheirbrainsand someformofwritingimplement–beitanold-schoolnotebookoramoremodern laptop. Whilenotwowritersplytheircraftintheexactsameway,some characteristics are common for many who are successful. Efficiency Creativewritersrarelyworkinoffices. Theymostcommonlyworkalone,makingit easyforthemtoslipofftaskandwhileawayadaythatshouldbefilledwith writing. Forsuccess,creativewritersmustbeefficientandfocused,sayswriter, editorandghostwriterMichaelJ. Dowling. Theymustbeabletoforcethemselves todowork,despitethedistractionsthatmayfilltheirworkspaces,whichareoften at home. Those lacking this quality will likely find their writing dreams fruitless. Research Abilities Thoughcreativewritersincludefictitiousdetailsintheyarnstheyspin,theymust stillengageinresearchtomaketheirpiecesbelievable. Ifwritinghistoricalfiction, for instance, writers must research the time periods in which they set their stories to accuratelyportrayallofthedetails. Similarly,writersmustresearchthephysical placesinwhichtheysettheirtales,acquiringtheknowledgenecessarytopaintan authentic picture of that place in readers’ minds. Imagination Todreamupthestoriesthatmakecompellingcreativefiction,creativewritersmust havehighlydevelopedimaginations,accordingtoHelenaBlakemore,professorat theUniversityofEastLondon. Writerscanengageinexercisestobolstertheir imaginativeskills,butpossessingapre-existingabilitytoimagineandinventisa benefit to those beginning in this field. Confidence Producingacreativeproductisscary. AsJoeDunthorne,authorofâ€Å"Submarine,†statedinanarticlefortheBritishnewspapertheGuardian,nosafepathexistsfor writing. Tobesuccessful,writersmustbebraveandwillingtotakerisks. Ifthey lackthewillingnesstoputasidetheirworriesandforgeahead,theirwritingwill likely not be distinctive enough to be noteworthy. Ability to Focus Goodwritersunderstandtheparticularrequirementsofawritingproject. Itdoesn’t matterwhetherthey’reusingacreativeapproachforamarketingpublicationor draftinganewchapterforanovel. Theyhaveanabilitytofocusonthewritingtask andcreateanoutlineordirectionforwhatthey’llwrite. Focusedwritingiseasier forthereadertofollow. Unfocusedwritingfrustratesreadersandmayturnthemoff completely so they won’t continue reading. Different Approaches Towritecreativeworks,writersneedareliableapproach. Somewritersbeginwith undisciplinedwritinganduseself-editingtotightentheirwritinginthenextstage. Otherwriterswillconsidermanydraftsofaparagraphintheirheadormakenotes onscrappaperandthenwritedownahighlyfocusedparagraph,whichusually requireslesseditingdowntheline. Somewritersareversatile,usingdifferent approachestogettingideasonpaperbasedontheirmoodorthekindofwriting project they’re doing. Discipline Self-disciplineisessentialtowriterswhowanttosupportthemselvesthrough creativewriting. Withoutit,you’llfinditdifficulttomaximizetheuseofyour writingtime. Ifyouhaveregularclientsoradeadlinetosubmitamanuscriptto youreditor,youmustdevoteadequatetimetowritingeachdayorweektoreach yourgoal. Disciplinemeansthatyoublockouttimeforwritingandproducea specificquantityoftextinthattimeblock. Ifyoudon’tachievethegoalfora writing session, you block another session in which to hit the mark. Because writing deadlinesaretimedandspecific,youcan’taffordtowastetimeinthecreative writing mode. Voice and Authenticity Allkindsofcreativewritingbecomemoreeffectivewhenreaderscanhearthe presenceoftheauthor’svoice. Insometypesofliterature,charactersalsohave differentvoicesthatcompeteforthereader’sattention. Goodwritersfindtheir voice for a particular work or character and use it consistently for the entertainment ofthereader. Ifyouhaven’tfoundyourwriter’svoice,usefeedbackfromreadersto guideyou. Ifyouwriteauthentically,yourvoicereachesthereader. Bycopying anotherauthor’svoice,yourvoiceisboundtofalter;itwon’tcomeacross consistently or genuinely to the reader.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Assessing Manpower Planning Requirements For Marriott Hotels Tourism Essay Example
Assessing Manpower Planning Requirements For Marriott Hotels Tourism Essay Example Assessing Manpower Planning Requirements For Marriott Hotels Tourism Essay Assessing Manpower Planning Requirements For Marriott Hotels Tourism Essay In cordial reception industry human resources direction is really of import, to look after the organisation. Human Resources direction is to enroll the employees, and work out their jobs in organisation. Human Resources direction demand for staff members with assortment of cognition, accomplishments and experience to bring forth the merchandises and services to the consumers. HR has to see the jobs of staff in the organisation, and besides arrange the adjustments and their installations of the staff. This industry of frequently has been described as a people concern . Human Resources direction to run organisation he has to be familiar with all facets like political position, economic status, competitions and societal positions. Here we have a instance analyze how human resources direction plants in cordial reception industry. Manpower planning, this term has to be explained really carefully and confidentially to human resources. To enroll the people in the administration with the specific activities and specific places to do net income for the administration. Maximum to assist staff to acquire the basic net income to administration. Manpower is taking the right sort of a people in the right administration depends on their experience in the relevant field for a defined occupation. Human Resources direction and planning is the chief beginning of organisation to acquire the maximal net income to the company by enrolling the staff. Once the company recruit the staff it is the responsibility of human resources to explicate the regulations and aims of the company. So that staff can cognize about the administration every bit good, if the staff is non good trained than human resources have to be trained the staff. In Marriott s civilization human resources patterns including work force planning, employee keeping, choice and recruit, develop and developing these common things are included in Marriott s civilization. 2. Stairss in Manpower Planning: Giving good chances to childs naming them in higher places and to give them a new chance in the organisation. Promoting the staff by advancing them in the good places, depending on their end product and experience in the relevant field. It is good to organisation and makes net income by internal publicities to the staff. While recruit the staff it has to be clearly reference by work force or human resources to depict the staff about the occupation description. Manpower has to enroll the staff with adequate beginnings, because it is over staff there is a job in organisation on the salary positions. So manpower has to enroll merely adequate beginnings of staff. 3. Advantages of Manpower Planning: Harmonizing to Hayes and Ninemeier, ( 2008 ) ; Manpower will give guarantee the employee future publicities as an inducements in the organisation. It educates the people in the organisation, by pass oning with different nationalities people, it is an advantage from manpower to staff. Manpower gives smooth working to the organisation by enrolling the staff, as working even enlargement of the administration. Harmonizing to this facilitate work force gives smooth working in the organisation. Hayes and Ninemeier, ( 2008 ) , ( Introduction to Human Resources Management and Manpower planning to HR, John Wiley and Sons Publications Ltd. Publication day of the month 13th Feb 2008 ) . 4. Need for Manpower Planning in Marriott Hotels: The chief purpose of Marriott hotels are to fulfill the invitee with proper installations and first-class services. To accomplish these things from guest staff has look after their accomplishments and efficiency this bend would assist for the company or administration to accomplish their defined marks or ends. Since Marriott hotels are celebrated international hotels through out the universe broad and its really busy all times with invitees. So manpower is of import to avoid of deficit of staff to execute the occupation. 5. Labour Market Scheme: Labour market scheme means, deficiency of qualified in assorted degree with accomplishments and efficiency is know as labour scheme . In cordial reception industry they need more qualified and efficiency in different degrees. This means supply and demand of the labor to work in thee industry, this is most happen in cordial reception industry. To avoid this state of affairs they required of staff to make a peculiar occupation in the cordial reception industry. Human resources planning is concerned with doing certain that the administrations has the right figure of employee of the right quality. The chief jobs for the human resources be aftering are accomplishments deficits, competition for employees and labour turnover. Harmonizing to this in cordial reception industry labour bend over is more. Because there are new facets to develop the cordial reception industry and to do more hard in the labor market. ( ) B. External Factors that influence and quality supply for the Administration: External factors the influence of a scope of administrations are Political, Economical, Sociological and Technological and this is besides know as ( PEST ) . About these external factors, before that some factors are influence for the administration that is know as SWOT ( strength, failing, chances and menaces ) . In these some are internal and micro environmental, strength and failing are internal factors. Opportunities and menaces are micro environmental, and PEST comes under the facet of External factors of the administration. The followers are some of the external factors: Political Factors: This factor is largely include with authorities organic structures and legal formalities in both formal and informal activities which is under the regulations operate. This political is immense sphere which is holding the background of authorities, it depends on the concern and disbursement power of consumers on with other concern. For illustration political factor means rational belongings protection, legal frame work, trade ordinances and duties. Economic factors: Economic factors largely effected in buying the clients potency of power cost of capital and costs. Economic factors which grows the economical growing in the market every bit good in administration besides. But it over the involvements rates and besides exchange rates in the economic manner of growing. Economic factor inflated the rates of growing in the economic market scheme Social Factors: Social factor which includes the facets of the external factors in macro environment which is demographic and civilization. First societal factors goes on population growing of rate which should be control by societal factors. But in administration it should look after the staff of wellness consciousness and administration is tally the staff with calling attitudes. Social factors job with the age distribution and accent on safety. Social factors which is of import to command the administration in external methods. Technological Factors: Technology factors, now a yearss engineering is really fast grown up, today s universe everything is generated with engineering. There is lot rate of technological alteration. In administration engineering is really of import largely MNC companies and besides in cordial reception industry. Technology inducements are more utile to administration, automatic equipments are introduce to run the administration this is an outsourcing factor which is related to external factor in administration. C. Four Manpower Demand Factors Chosen Administration: 1. Ages: Marriott hotels been a international group of hotel normally target the work force between the age of 18 to 32 old ages about. Marriott recruits the immature staff to give a speedy service to the clients, now a yearss in hotel industry work force and human resources are enrolling the immature staff to look good and cheerful for the client and growing make net income in concern. Young people are fall ining the Marriott hotel an offered to acquire an confidence and speedy publicities. 2. Skills and Training: In Marriott hotels all the staff are go through a series of developing session classs, these staff are besides given developing on the occupation. So these preparation helps them to larn about occupation description and besides to betterment in the accomplishments of the staff. In Marriott hotels these on occupation preparation will be given because to hold speedy service to invitees. In London Marriott hotels are the best hotels for preparation for the employees and their accomplishments. The thought both preparation for the classs and on occupation preparation Marriott hotels are best administration. D. Labour Employee turnover: Labour turnover I defined as the figure of ratio of the figure of employees that leave the administration with surrender or dismissal. During this period figure of paysheet employees on same period. To cipher labour turnover and to make comparing in the administration is to be calculated like this: labor turnover = the figure of departers in the set period/ the mean figure employed in that period x 100. Normally this method was used in UK administrations to mensurate the labor turnover is called rough wastage method so that labor turnover study organizational comparing study could do. Labour turnover will be differentiate between different group of employees and measuring by section or subdivision or harmonizing to such factors length of service or age of business. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // Last Publication Date: 28 Jan 1998 ) 1. Fast Food Sector and Labour Turn Over: Fast nutrient concern chiefly confronting job of labour bend over, this is because unequal pay degrees taking to employees traveling to rivals. Senior citizen increased per centum mark market jobs. Because they staff is non holding proper preparation, and largely occupations are recruit for portion clip occupations. Harmonizing to this more insouciant workers and portion clip employees have non seen growing of calling. Employee benefits could be increased by birthday off s, maternity/ paternity leaves to be increased. These following schemes have to be taken by sector to cut down these factors. In order to this staff have to be suggest the HR to decidedly to assist employees sentiments and suggestion. Because this will assist to increase their and better their public presentation and accept it, and besides squad understand their function clearly and effects the productiveness of concern. To better the productiveness of concern there should be greatest feedback and should be implement on them. They will be treated with regard and presuming them with wagess with low staff turnover and motivated willing squad. Marriott hotels have taken such a few stairss, this respects which are processs and supplying early publicities to immature recruits. If you see about the history of Marriott hotels in fast nutrient sector is first-class. In the twelvemonth 1939 Marriott hotels won the U.S. exchequer edifice against the excellence service in nutrient direction. With this growing in productiveness in the twelvemonth 1940 Marriott hotels opened five new eating houses and in 1955 Marriott hotels enter in nutrient service market at the kids s infirmary in Washington. Marriott hotels continues and started cordial reception industry to function the people with good service. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // England, Robert Stowe, Are Two Marriott s Better Than One? , A Financial World, A November 10, 1992, pp. 28-29 ) . E. Supply and Demand of Labour: In any administrations labour are really of import because to run the administration decently required of labor. Demand of labour the rule of supply fundamentally depends on the corporate program. When the events are at that place in hotels like Christmas, Olympics games and Happy New Year, during these events labour on demand, evidently there is limited labour supply in labour market. The factor including working forms, better wage and rewards economic province and of all time changing authorities regulations and ordinances. The supply and demand of labor is much like supply and demand for any other service. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) F. Improvements and Implementation: We will now discourse about assorted betterments which we need to concentrate on. Talent Pool: It is of import that we recognise our staff ability and promote them to take on higher duty. This will give them a growing chance and besides occupation satisfaction. We will take the staff who are executing good on the recommendation and suggestion from the directors or supervisors. We will than see their profile and past accomplishments to see that they are fit for to take on this new function. Salary increase and benefits: Salary is the most of import factor. We can see that major labor turnover is due to salary bundle. We need to re-structure our assessments and increment process. Appraisals need to be held every six months so that we review our staff public presentation and give them feedback so that they can better and stand out. Increment should be done atleast one time in a twelvemonth taking consideration of their past assessments. This is will give tonss of encouragement in the employee public presentation. Agency / Consultancy: We should engage some new bureaus to make short listing of campaigners while enrolling. This will assist us to cut down our cost and we can concentrate on concluding interviews to take right campaigner. Harmonizing to this work burden will be reduced and perspective working. This is the best manner of the enrolling the employees in administration. Flexibility: As most of the employees working in Marriott are pupils, we need to take attention on their handiness. We need to be flexible with the timings they want to work. This will give them good motive and the turnover can be reduced in our company. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Decision: Harmonizing to this study as I came to cognize about Marriott Hotels, how we understand the different importance of assorted tendencies and issues on the administration. Which reflects the room division, house maintaining and nutrient service and fast nutrient eating houses. Equally long as nucleus competences are recognized and neer forgettable, so this concern continues. If the organisation has to run and acquire good concern than all hotels as to follow these implements and they should use these in organisation. In this administration all get good concern and benefits besides like portion holders, etc the corporation is neer excessively far and the success of the company. ( Marriott Hotels ) . HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Undertaking: 2 Legislation Implied on Human Resources: The statute law act preparing and passage of Torahs, United Kingdom is one of the original signer of the European Conventions of Human Rights 1950 ( ECHR ) than parliament passed the act in 1998 of the conventions rights in domestic jurisprudence. For illustration at a usually looked and movable an employee to less desirable occupation in industry for non merely look the affairs of equal rights, equal wage, but besides look in the affairs of maternity/paternity and right to disenable. If any administrations found illegal practises of work force making this sort of activity will be taken under this act. hypertext transfer protocol: // Footings and Conditionss of Recruitment and Employment Act 2005: Discrimination happens when the employee treats one favourably than comparison to others. It besides treats like female employee is being paid less and male being paid more, comparing to female, but the occupation description is same for both. Besides minority cultural being refused to give the preparation with white people. There are specific Torahs against some type of favoritism it has been called improper favoritism. This is means if your employee dainty less with the others employee like been paid less, comparing genders or soldierly position than you can able take an action against this improper favoritism act. Comparing race, coloring material, sex, cultural background, nationality, faith, soldierly position, and disablement these are some of the Torahs comes under favoritism. This favoritism act was precisely in 1995 but authorities amended some the Torahs to Act 2005. These act implies on disablement, the physical challenge employees are disadvantages of this act because sensible accommodation for the handicapped people. hypertext transfer protocol: // 2.0: Statutory Provisions- Health and Safety Act 1974: The Healthy and Safety act 1974 is the primary statute law covering working related wellness and safety in Marriott Hotels. The chief duties for this act is organisation when staff at work topographic point this is the duties of executive wellness and safety director. 2.1: Hazard Appraisals: Your employee has to be responsible for your wellness and safety at work. In Marriott Hotels director has to name one competent individual to look after you while at you work. Under this act employer has to supply personal protective equipment ( PPE ) to the employees free of charge. This is normally when the house is smaller one or industry is big they have to trained with wellness and safety act. There should non be any hazard appraisal in company to staff, they have to be look work topographic point should be safe and clear. Prevent the hazards to wellness, guarantee that works and machinery should be work and should be placed on right topographic point at right work. Ensure that administration should supply foremost assistance installations and to put up the exigency programs. In each and every section there should be program of fire issue, so that in instance any fire, staff can evacuate the topographic point instantly these are programs in Marriott Hotels are to followed in haz ard appraisal. hypertext transfer protocol: // 3.0: Codes Of Practices Act 1995- Disciplinary Procedures: Harmonizing to Boella M.J. : In Marriott Hotels, it is really of import some of the regulations which we are set should followed by us. These defines the professionalism criterions which member must keep as a status of rank. those who are adheres these regulations is obligatory, they will be failure to make such disciplinary action and these act will be taken against the member in conformity with Bye-Laws 56-71. 3.1: Personally: Human resources squad is responsible for this, because should modulate their professionalism personal businesss in all regard of criterions to continue their unity and statutory duties. Human resources should look after the employees whether they are login accurate clip and log out on clip, if employee is non experiencing good on work should inform to Human Resources section. When in chase in personal aspirations and involvements should taken on others account. 3.2: Rules Of Behavior: Now allow us concentrate on grudge process, it is a codification of pattern which lies under the employment relation act 1999. This means the employee has rights to raise any sort of jobs at work such as wage working status, non acquiring his/her statutory employment rights. That means these regulations implies on every staff, should be equal while comparing with others. Boella M.J. ( Appendix-5 ; Page no 315-316 ; 7th Edition ) . 4.0: Administration Act- National Minimum Wage Act: National lower limit pay is really of import for recruits in the company for bing employees. It is really of import offer wages up to ?5.80 for 22 old ages old and above it is ?4.28 per hr. The 2nd volume to be appear and address other issues such as the young person rate the age at which comes into force presently 22 old ages and the adjustment off set. Development rate should be increased from ?3.20 per hr to ?3.50 per hr as per the national lower limit pay act. This pay act was taken in 1998. 4.1: Executions: This national lower limit pay act entitles in UK for all the workers in UK to have this minimal national lower limit pay. The national lower limit rewards entitles for all employees in UK, the worker has right to do minimal pay in a tribunal or civil tribunal. It is really of import to understand employees national minimal pay act is non implied suitably by them. This could be condemnable offense would decline or willfully neglect to pay the minimal pay. hypertext transfer protocol: // //
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Mathematics essays
Mathematics essays The word "mathematics" comes from the Greek word, mthema which means "science, knowledge, or learning." Mathematics is a broad-ranging field of study in which the properties and interactions of idealized objects are examined. Whereas mathematics began merely as a calculational tool for computation and tabulation of quantities, it has blossomed into an extremely rich and diverse set of tools, terminologies, and approaches which range from the purely abstract to the utilitarian. In other words, it is a form of communication, a kind of strange language in which complete sentences must have something called an equals sign or some other equally strange symbol. The term "mathematics" is often shortened to "math" in informal American speech and, consistent with the British penchant for adding superfluous letters, "maths" in British English. The word Algebra comes from the Arabic al-jabr, which means putting together different parts, or a reunion of parts. In Algebra the main economic activity is the study of number systems. It is used to find solutions of one or several algebraic equations, involving the polynomial functions of one or several variables. The study of structure starts with numbers, first the familiar natural numbers and integers and their arithmetical operations, which are recorded in elementary algebra. The deeper properties of whole numbers are studied in number theory. The investigation of methods to solve equations leads to the field of abstract algebra, which, among other things, studies rings and fields, structures that generalize the properties possessed by the familiar numbers. The physically important concept of vectors, generalized to vector spaces and studied in linear algebra, belongs to the two branches of structure and space. Analysis, utilizes the concepts and methods of the calculus, the backbone of wh ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Case Study Early Childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Case Study Early Childhood - Essay Example Abby subscribes to similar symptoms. The challenges she faces are of psychological and cognitive nature, which naturally gets conveyed through physical restraining of expressions (McHolm, Cunningham & Vanier, 2005). She has developed anxiety-related issues and social phobias as well, like she becomes anxious whenever a question is asked and seems reluctant to reply, though she wants to answer. This means that she has proceeded to the next level of Selective Mutism. Her expressions and attitude change suddenly, like she freezes, her face gets stiff; jaw tightens, and when she speaks her voice is inaudible (Cole, 2006). She has not only restricted her use of speech, but is socially inhibited in other ways too. She never mixes up with her classmates, and only talks to one girlfriend. She has a fear of negative evaluation by others, and is afraid of social ridicule or embarrassment. It is due to the inborn social phobia, which stops her, from using public bathrooms anywhere, or to inf orm her teacher when she needs a break (Cole, 2006). Her humorous nature and boss like aggressive attitude at home, and shy or unconfident mannerism at school shows her confused cognitive environment. Current Strength: Selective Mutism is a kind of phobia just like people have fear of heights or water, Abby is having fear of speech outside home, or at social environment (McHolm, Cunningham & Vanier, 2005). At home, she is good at playing board games and cards, which mean that she is an intelligent child, and has the tendency to overcome her fears. She seems inclined towards taking control of her expressions, but is reluctant due to the fear of embarrassment. The hint of flexibility which she has shown as a response to her current teacher’s tactics establishes that she wants to change and become social.  The fact that Abby’s Selective Mutism is not a reaction to any mental or physical trauma from the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Shamrock Convenient Store on Lake Wee Assignment
Shamrock Convenient Store on Lake Wee - Assignment Example The existing business already has a good number of customers and the presence on site alone has an impact to the business. Having to deal with customer orders, provide more services through the bait, and tackle shop would simplify the shopping experience and increase the margin of operation of the business through which the development is easier. Buying the existing business also cuts on competition leaving monopoly to advantage the business owners (Lussier & Corman, 2014). Buying the existing business also saves the buyers time and resources that would be channeled into the starting up of a new business. The stress of finding suppliers and ensuring that all goods are supplied on time and meet the standards are all responsibilities that the buyer saves on once they buy the already existing business. The fact that the convenience store already exists saves the buyer the costs and challenges of getting the business approved by the state environmental agency. For such a business operating it as a sole proprietor would provide better advantage compared to the other forms of business ownership but the limitation of the capital required to run this business makes it close to impossible to run it that way. Due to this, the ownership of the business will run as a limited partnership with two partners that will contribute $125000 and $75000 each. The sharing of profits will rely on the proportions of capital contribution as stated above and the liability shared that each partner owns also spreads as per their capital contribution (Schneeman, 2007). As the general partner, one carries most of the responsibilities and risk of the business. They also perform roles in the business directly reaching to an employment level where they serve as employees to the business. Based on the nature of the agreement that the partners draw, the working arrangement would attract a salary to the partner sacrificing time to work while the investing partner only deals
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Reduced Budget Plan U2IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reduced Budget Plan U2IP - Research Paper Example Lean production philosophy has also been covered in the research paper. Comparison has been done between accounting principles in lean production with that of typical production. The project basically throws light on the cost perspectives in an organization. Managerial Accounting Vs Cost Accounting Managerial accounting encompasses cost accounting and covers a broader scope than cost accounting. Highlights on the differences between managerial accounting and cost accounting are enumerated below: Managerial accounting includes cost accounting as well as financial accounting whereas cost accounting includes cost information only for managerial use. Managerial accounting is carried out for decision-making whereas cost accounting is used for the purpose of ascertaining cost and cost control. Managerial accounting deals with qualitative as well as quantitative aspects whereas it deals with only quantitative aspects. Cost accounting involves working out cost per unit whereas managerial acc ounting includes further comparative analysis of figures and statements. Managerial accounting has a more future-oriented approach whereas cost accounting is historical in approach and makes projections based on historical data. Managerial accounting cannot be installed without a proper cost accounting system whereas cost accounting does not require management accounting for its installation. Lean Production Philosophy It is manufacturing technique to boost profitability and efficiency. It aimed at reducing the time lag between customer order and delivery by elimination of wastages in the production system. The companies in order to have a successful lean production system in place should practice if not all most of the technical requirements: Kaizen: Kai means continuous and Zen means improvement. It relates to continuous improvement in cost, design, quality and delivery. Kanban: It needs to be in place. Step change: To eliminate waste there is a need to make radical improvements o f an activity. Supplier base reduction: Attempts to reduce engagement with large number of suppliers. Cellular manufacturing: In order to reduce process, waiting and transport time it is essential to group closely all the facilities in place to produce a product. Total productive maintenance (TPM): It is aimed at improving consistency, capacity and reliability of machines. Five S and general visual management: Aimed at reducing inefficiency and clutter of any office or production system. Value and the seven wastes: The notion of value shouldn’t be ignored ever. Supplier development: Focus is on developing links with suppliers and working closely with them. Single minute exchange of dies (SMED): It is necessary to eliminate delays in change-over times on machines in order to improve work flows and reduce lead time. Single piece flow needs to be in operation: One complete product should flow through stages of operation at a time (Bhasin, 2004, pp. 57-58). Accounting Principles in Lean Production and Typical Production Lean production follows the same Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as in typical production. Lean accounting enables value based pricing i.e. by value streams focussing on customer value whereas in typical accounting is cost based pricing. Both enable inventory valuation but lean accounting values inventory better and easier. Lean accounting enables value stream financial improvement and control to pursue perfection whereas
Monday, October 28, 2019
Introduction to Management Essay Example for Free
Introduction to Management Essay Panera bread Ronald Shaich, CEO and chair man of Panera bread made a phenomenal growth in revenue of the company from $350.8 million to $ 977.1 million in just 3 years from year 2000 to 2003. However the growth has continued slowing down from that year on so a strategy is being strategized to help Panera Bread survive. The objective is to make Panera a nationally dominating brand by following a corporate strategy of growth by the combination of company and franchise efforts. With a clear objective it would help the company and its staff to know their goal and what they are achieving for. The concept is to deliver against the key consumer trends; to present a fast casual dining experience but also providing varieties of new and healthier menus to cater for the market segments. Improvements are done not only the product but also improving the overall operating systems, design and real estates. For the company’s image participating in the local community charity for corporate social responsibility. See more: introduction paragraph example The policies are all franchisees are to follow the same standards for product quality, menu, site selection, and bakery cafà © construction as the company’s. The company believed that the employee was a critical part of successful product and a unique company so by entrusting the employees to the fresh dough and support center operations with skilled associates and invested in training programs to ensure the quality and its operations. Recommended strategy Panera is to adopt Growth strategy through horizontal integration and using franchising as its key component to Panera’s growth strategy. The reason for continuing the horizontal integration is because does not have the capabilities to employ full backward/ forward integration. Thus vertical integration is not suitable in this case. The horizontal integration matches with the Panera’s concept bakery-cafes and it is the way for Panera to be able to grow more rapidly. Competitive strategy used is Differentiation, employing the Differentiation strategy; Panera will be able to charge higher prices to cover the increasing fixed costs. However with higher quality products than of fast food chains’, tailored menus, upscale dà ©cor and Panera’s commitment to customer it is very possible to charge higher price. Improvements should be made in the Human Resource department in compensation benefits system. Salaried staffs get product discount, bonuses, incentive programs, training, and employee stock ownership plans however salaried worker should be rewarded too through recognition award system or giving out vouchers to the non salaried workers. Management team The management team would be lead by all the executives and presidents in the company who has and extensive experience in managing and executing the Panera business. Mainly to manage all the important sectors like the Concept, Development, Joint Venture, Franchise, Supply Chain, Operating, Financial and the Administrative. II. COMPANY BACKGROUND Panera bread has been around from 1976. Ronald Shaich, CEO and chairman of Panera bread was the person who created the company together with the master baker called Shaich who combined ingredients. The duo made the phenomenal growth of the company with the guidance of Shaich, the revenue of Panera bread rose from franchise of 419 shops, the average annualized unit volumes (AUVs) increased from 9.1% to 12% a well but in the consecutive year the increase slow down from 0.2% to 0.5%. Before it became a very successful company, there was Au Bon Pain which was purchased by Louis Kane in 1978. The bakery faced a $3 million in debt while struggling with 13 stores but 10 was shut down. Ronald Shaich came into the picture when Kane was about to declare bankrupt. Shaich who owned a bakery: Cookie Jar merged together with Au Bon Pain in 1981 these was to help the sell in the morning. The two expanded the business and decreased the debt between 1981 and 1984. In 1985 Au Bon Pain became a place for urban folk who were tired of fast food. By 1991 Kane and Shaich took the company public and had 200 stores and $183 million in sales. The duo continued expanding by buying over St. Louis Bread Company from Ken Rosenthal, which had 19-store bakery cafà © in St. Louis area. While Au Bon Pain was focusing on making St. Louis bread a national brand the expansion of the urban outlet had operational problems and had a debt of $65 million. Lacking of capital they sold Au Bon Pain and concentrated on Panera, which the name that was change to in May 16, 1999, being debt free the cash allowed expansion of the bakery cafe stores. III. CURRENT SITUATION III.A. CURRENT PERFORMANCE Panera has been experiencing rapid growth under the leadership of Ronald Shaich. Under his guidance, Panera ‘s total system wide revenue rose from $350.8 million to $ 977.1 million in just 3 years from year 2000 to 2003 respectively. This rapid growth is caused by the new unit expansion of 419 bakery-cafes from 1999 to 2003. However as the year passed by, the company’s system wide sales average annualized unit volumes began to decline. The growth rate has slows down for Panera. To continue growing, Panera will need to develop new strategies, initiatives and new unit growth. There are 2 classes of Common Stock ownership in the company: (1). Class A Stock with 28,345,754 shares outstanding and 1 vote per share. (2) Class B Stock with 1,761,521 shares outstanding and 3 votes per share. The company’s revenues were derived from company-owned bakery-cafà © sales, fresh dough sales to franchisees, and franchise royalties fees. The total company revenues rose 28.1% to $355.9million in 2003 compared to $ 277.8 million in 2002. The increase in revenue was due to the opening of 131 new bakery-cafes in 2003. From 2002 to 2003 the bakery-cafà © sales has increased by 25.1% from $212.6 million to $265.9 million. This is due to a full year’s operation of 23 company-owned bakery-cafes created in 2002, the opening of 29 company-owned bakery-cafes in 2003, and the 1.7% increase in comparable bakery-cafà © sales for 2003. III.B. STRATEGIC POSTURE †¢ Mission statement 1. To extend its franchise relationship beyond its current franchises. 2. To doing the best bread In America 3. Panera’s concept was designed around meeting the needs and desires of consumers, specially the need for efficient, time saving service and the desire for a high quality dining experience. †¢ Objectives 1. To make Panera a nationally dominant brand. †¢ Strategy 1. The concept is to deliver against the key consumer trends, to present a fast casual dining experience. 2. Following a corporate strategy of growth by the combination of company and franchise efforts. 3. Providing varieties of new and healthier menus to cater for the market segments. 4. Testing prototypes for product development. 5. Improving the overall operating systems, design and real estate. 6. Participating in the local community charity.
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