Saturday, August 31, 2019
Analysis of the poem Essay
The poem Originally by Carol Ann Duffy talks about the issue of culture identity. The poem talks about change, memories, and anxiety which occurs when moving. This is conveyed through the experiences of a young girl in the poem who is reluctant to leave what she knows behind. This is made apparent through the theme of memory and the continual change of setting. The title Originally sets the tone for the poem as there change needs to occur for there to be an ‘original’. This choice of diction allows for an expectation for what the journey will be about, while the ambiguity of the poem is written in such a way that personal experiences can be projected upon the protagonist. The aspect of the poem through tone however creates a bias towards negative emotions and experiences due to the despondent tone throughout the first two stanzas. This atmosphere of loss is aided through the use of negative emotive diction such as ‘bawling’ and ‘resigned’. By showing that the protagonist’s brothers are crying, Duffy illustrates how hard this is for them as crying is usually only brought on by major or sad events and loss, ‘resigned’ is used to show how she has accepted her fate, but it doesn’t mean she likes it. This association of emotions with the diction allows for empathy to occur towards the protagonist and her unsure feelings about her emigration. The theme of cultural identity is used in the poem in order to instil a sense of not belonging. This feeling of unease and unhappiness is introduced through the use of ‘bawling’ as this change from the place where they are comfortable and belong to the new one is both painful and confusing for them. The use of italics however, in the repetition of ‘Home’ as well as the capitalisation of it, emphasises it’s importance to them and their desire to return to it. The use of a blind toy by Duffy can be used as a metaphor towards the protagonists new life, where, although the toy is blind, it still has eyes. The foreshadowing could be that when the protagonist moves she will be blinded by everything which is new so that she doesn’t become overwhelmed by it. She will continue to be blind to the beauty of her new home so long as she is yearning for her old one. However, once she is ready her ‘sight’ will return and she will start to forget her cultural identity. At the time, the girl doesn’t want this however, so she is clinging onto a toy to maintain her memories of home. Additionally, a toy is associated with childhood, so the clinging onto it may represent how she doesn’t want to grow up and leave her comforts behind. By saying in the second stanza that ‘all childhood is emigration’, Duffy allows for immediate relation to the protagonists situation. This is due to the journey of growing up to adulthood which is a worldwide experience, as well as referring to physical emigration of moving from one place to another. Improtantly however, the emigration of childhood is all made without the acceptance of the person moving, they cannot stop growing older, and parents make the ultimate decisions. This unease and the inability to understand the need to move is reinforced by the location of her new home where ‘no one you know stays. ‘ This introduces the tone of isolation which is reinforced by having the wrong accent, and ‘shouting words you don’t understand’ which immediately marks a person as being from a different area, even though the move could have been within the same country of city, the accent and slang changes. The introduction of ‘big boys’ shows that she is intimidated by people from the area who are older and bigger as she doesn’t know how they will react, this is reinforced by the alliteration present through the repetition of the hard ‘d’, continuing the feeling of intimidation which the protagonist encounters. A continuation of the alliteration in sibilance, ‘seeing your brother swallow a slug, feel only a skelf of shame,’ provides an insight that the protagonist is slightly proud of her brothers for adapting so well to the environment, which is then applied to herself in a continuation of sibilance in combination with a simile in that she ‘remembers (her) tongue shedding it’s skin like a snake, my voice in the classroom sounding just like the rest. ‘ This shows that she is also now adapting to her environment, reinforced by the fact that a shed skin is natural for a snake, and this adaptation is normal, although slightly unwanted. The last stanza’s change in tone shows how the protagonist has changed with age. This allows for a time skip to take place into a time when she is more mature and able to reflect upon the journey easily, although with some regret. This is expressed through rhetorical questions beginning with the use of ‘Do I only think,’ in line 20, which builds up an atmosphere of longing and wistfulness. There is also a tone of uncertainty in there, as she doesn’t know if she had remained in the place if the feelings of belonging would have remained, which is why she only questions and doesn’t outright believe that staying would have been the best option for her. The rhyming of the words ‘first space’ and ‘right place’ reinforces the doubt she feels about her cultural identity. The continued doubt of the protagonist’s cultural identity which occurs in lines 23 and 24, illustrates how she will continue to try and find the answers throughout her life as she will never be truly certain of who she is, creating a sense of not belonging. Although emigration is a hard thing to experience, Duffy illustrates that trying to maintain a cultural identity through such a process may cause problems later. The continued rejection of the new culture illustrates how much of an outsider it makes the protagonist feel later in life, which could have been avoided if it had been readily embraced. The place which she originates from will always have a draw, however, the acceptance of a new culture viewed as a new part of a personal culture, would be much easier to accept than a replacement to the old one.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Adults with Learning Disabilities Essay
The discourse of ‘learning disabilities’ is now being used to challenge a wide range of acts and practices, including violence and intimidation, non-consenting sexual acts, the bullying of less resilient people by more able service users, unacceptably deprived physical or social environments and financial exploitation or fraud. Some argue that it should include all abuses of human rights. Clearly, these issues are not new as the following essay illustrates, and historically some of these practices have been hidden within service cultures while others have been quite open but variously rationalized as ‘behavior modification’, ‘relationships’, ‘control and restraint’, or ‘not giving in to attention seeking’. Abuse was regarded as a central, and inevitable, feature of institutionalized provision in influential models such as that of Goffman (1961) and Wolfensberger (1975 and 1980) within an analysis whose focus was on organizations and ideology. The new discourse is much more personalized and within it the focus is on the experience of the victim. This has some advantages for individuals and highlights some dilemmas for service organizations. It makes clear that people with learning disabilities are harmed, as any individual would be, by personal or sexual violence or exploitation. Harm is deemed equivalent whoever has caused it, for example whether it has been perpetrated by another service user, a member of staff or a stranger. This way of framing harmful acts highlights conflicts of interest between service users: the discourse of ‘challenging behavior’ for example, designed to neutralize the stigma of difficult behavior, inadvertently deflects from and discounts the experience of those on the receiving end of difficult behavior. Naming these acts as abusive confronts service agencies with the need for specialized, safe (expensive) placements for those who present a risk to others. Men with learning disabilities who have difficult sexual behaviors, for example, are often placed alongside very vulnerable people, their needs for asylum taking precedence over the safety of more vulnerable people (Thompson and Brown 1998). But while this acknowledgement is a step forward for individuals ,the new discourse risks personalizing forms of mistreatment that arise out of societal and structural inequalities. At an individual level, when issues of power are overlooked or neutralized, abusive and exploitative interactions can be explained away as relationships of choice. At a service level, new fault-lines between agencies and between purchasers, providers and regulators set up contingencies that make abuse more likely and less visible. At a societal level, there is growing inequality between the pay and working conditions of managerial, professional and so-called ‘unqualified’ staff within and across the statutory, private (for-profit) and voluntary (not-for-profit) sectors. Gender and race exacerbate the unequal position of direct care staff and the disproportionate responsibility that falls on them. This paper divides into two parts. First, I shall review the current usage of the term ‘learning disabilities’, looking at how it is being defined and categorized. Second, I will outline what is emerging as good practice in this field. WHAT DOES A LEARNING DISABILITY LOOK LIKE? Let me explain this with an exaomple: Sara’s lifelong difficulty with reading and writing had nothing to do with not being â€Å"smart. †Most individuals who have a learning disability are of average to above average intelligence and therefore have the intellectual potential to succeed at school and in careers. But they often do not reach this potential. While effort and motivation are important for success, it is clearly unfair to say of someone with a learning disability that he or she â€Å"just needs to try harder. †No matter how hard Sara worked, her problems did not go away. We know that a learning disability is caused by specific dysfunction within the central nervous system. The central nervous system, made up of the brain and the spinal cord, controls everything we do: our ability to process and think about language and to express ourselves verbally, as well as our ability to process nonverbal information, including art or music. Sara’s symptoms included reversing or rotating numbers (6 for 9), letters (b for d;p for q), and words (was for saw; on for no) when writing; omitting letters and sounds; and making sound and word substitutions when reading (tril for trial;then for there). Such problems make it difficult to decode words, and these decoding errors are most evident when reading aloud. Though never diagnosed, Sara’s symptoms became evident in first grade, when formal reading instruction began. As we learn to read we must of course master the alphabet, which is like a code, and learn the relationship between letters and sounds. Reading is a process of decoding the clusters of letters, converting them into words, and then attaching meaning to the words. In many cases, problems with phonological processing the ability to receive, transform, remember, and retrieve the sounds of oral language interfere with the acquisition of reading skills. Phonological processing involves the ability to separate a word into its component parts or blend sounds to construct a word. Problems with these skills make it very hard for the beginning reader to achieve fluency. Comprehension of written material depends on accurate and fluent decoding, a good vocabulary, and comprehension of the grammatical structure of sentences. When these skills are not developed that is, when they are slow and labored  the reader must devote more energy and effort to identifying and comprehending each individual word, rather than constructing meaning from an entire paragraph or from general context. For many years, researchers believed that the reader automatically moved from reading the words on a page to comprehending, without participating in the process of constructing meaning. But recent research points to the fact that the reader plays an active role: using background knowledge about the subject, calling on appropriate strategies for both decoding and comprehension, and applying the right amount of attention and concentration. Reading strategies are now considered essential components of the reading process. These might include paraphrasing while reading or summarizing afterward to help with comprehension. Competent readers are able to evaluate the reading task and select strategies that are a â€Å"good fit†or match to the task. In Sara’s case, she read slowly and had to reread material several times, so she found it difficult to comprehend content or recall important facts when questioned about them later. Unlike good readers, she did not rely on strategies that could help her. She also struggled with writing. Many times she was ashamed to submit patient reports because she knew they were filled with spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors and were not organized or structured well. Her reports never reflected her knowledge or keen insight into patient care. Writing problems can be seen at any age, although they become more evident as academic or work demands increase. While Sara knew what she wanted to say, she had trouble getting started, focusing on the essential facts, and editing effectively. She tended to use the same words over and over. This was so different from her spoken language, which was rich and varied. Not surprisingly, it took her a long time and a good deal of effort to complete her reports. Her mathematical skills, though, were more than adequate. But there are people with learning disabilities who have problems understanding mathematical concepts or difficulty solving verbal or written mathematical problems. These problems may stem from more than one source, including inadequate spatial or directional sense and difficulty understanding abstract symbols or the language of mathematics. To use a basic example, someone who does not have a good understanding of concepts such as â€Å"plus†and â€Å"minus†is going to find it hard to identify the process needed to solve a mathematical problem. Learning strategies will be of great help to this person. Sara was also troubled by her erratic performance at work. Some days, she would be fine. But when she was fatigued or stressed, she found her attention was poor and she made more than the usual number of errors. At these times, she did not feel in control and usually needed to take a break and call on the support of friends to help her get back on track. While Sara felt her social life to be strength, some individuals who have learning disabilities have difficulty in social situations because they cannot perceive others’ needs and make or keep friends. Relationships with family and friends and associates on the job may suffer. As a way of compensating, an individual may avoid social situations altogether and thus become isolated. Others may struggle with low self-esteem and a lack of assertiveness, which can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies of failure. Moreover, repeated negative experiences in school and at home can discourage an individual from even trying. Many individuals who have learning disabilities have difficulty planning ahead and then evaluating their performance in academic courses or work-related tasks. Planning involves the ability to determine the outlines of a task and the skills it will require. Planning helps us generate strategies or know when to ask for outside help. We are not always conscious of initiating this type of planning because so many tasks are performed automatically, such as remembering a frequently called phone number by using a mnemonic, or writing notes in a book or on a memo. But when tasks are new or complex, active planning is needed. Other learning problems may stem from an inability to manage one’s time effectively to get something done on schedule. For example, many college students do not leave sufficient time to research and write a term paper, and end up frantically completing it the night before it is due. Or a manager may delay writing a budget or marketing report, finding it hard to begin. In order to use strategies at school, at home, or on the job, we need to be aware of ourselves as learners. Researchers have suggested that each of us has our own built-in executive function that directs and controls our actions. If this â€Å"executive†is efficient and aware of individual skills and the strategies needed to accomplish a task, the appropriate plan of action can be put into effect. If the plan is unsuccessful, then the executive reevaluates and initiates a new course of action. Individuals who have learning disabilities have a less efficient executive, the theory goes, and are therefore less able to generate and use effective strategies in their personal and professional lives. In addition to learning disabilities, a large number of adults suffer from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD affects an individual’s ability to focus and concentrate on school or work tasks, and to make good use of strategies. The struggle to achieve is so much harder with the added burden of ADHD. Although external factors do not cause a learning disability, we know that they do play a significant role in learning. It is well documented that the environment we live and work in influences and helps to shape our learning patterns, behavior, and sense of self. Research has consistently shown that the type and quality of support provided both at school and within the home are strong determinants of success in school, at work, or in one’s personal life. For example, a supportive family, early identification of learning problems, and appropriate intervention may make all the difference in helping an individual compensate for the disability. Learning disabilities are found throughout the world and in all socioeconomic groups  they are not bound by culture or language. Approximately the same numbers of males as females have learning disabilities, and the problem tends to run in families. Many prominent figures in politics, science, and the arts are reported to have had a learning disability, among them Nelson Rockefeller, Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Auguste Rodin. Einstein, for example, was described as having difficulty learning a foreign language and mathematics  of all things! He also struggled with other academic subjects and with writing. All adults face the challenges and rewards of employment, home and family, leisure pursuits, community involvement, emotional and physical health, and personal responsibility and relationships. Adults who have learning disabilities must manage these life demands with an added set of problems. Society expects adults to be self-supporting, to function within a community, and to exhibit appropriate social behavior. Typically, to be self-supporting one must be employed. Employment for most adults spans a long period of time. It may begin with the exit from high school and continue for fifty or more years. While research on the employment of adults who have learning disabilities is sparse, and the findings that are available reflect the heterogeneity of the population, the information reported is unfortunately discouraging. It suggests that individuals with learning disabilities, as a group, show higher rates of unemployment, have jobs of lower status, receive lower pay, and change jobs more frequently than those without learning disabilities. Of course, there are many individuals at all levels of the workforce who do attain professional success. Further, there are well-documented accounts of persons with learning disabilities throughout history who have made significant contributions to society, among the most notable being Einstein, Edison, Churchill, and Rockefeller. It is important to keep in mind that adults who have learning disabilities who have above average intelligence, come from middle to higher economic backgrounds, and/or have completed postsecondary education, have higher rates of employment, higher job status, and greater job satisfaction than this research indicates. Those who graduate from college are much more likely to hold professional or managerial positions, for example, than those who have only a high school diploma. What makes success on the job so difficult for some people with learning disabilities? For one thing, persistent problems with reading, writing, and arithmetic can interfere with their work. Many report that they continue to struggle with decoding skills, sight vocabulary, and reading rate. Banking tasks and money management often bring out their troubles with arithmetic. Spelling is frequently reported to be the biggest problem of all. The level of basic skills that is required in the current job market is expanding to include more abstract abilities. Employers want their workers not only to be proficient in basic skills but also to be able to use these skills effectively and efficiently to solve on-the-job problems. Employers want the people they hire to be able to read for information, to analyze and synthesize the material, and apply the material read to on-the-job situations. They further expect employees to analyze problems, formulate solutions, and communicate that process, in writing, to others. Workplace mathematics, like reading and writing, also requires identification of the problem, analysis, and then the ability to find a solution. Employers further expect good interpersonal skills. The ability to use technology and information systems is becoming more essential as well. To do all of these things efficiently and effectively, workers must have mastered basic skills and be able to apply thinking skills. They also need personal qualities such as individual responsibility, self-esteem, and self management. The nature of a learning disability may affect the development of some of these competencies. For example, because of years of struggle and failure, self-esteem may be low and self-monitoring skills may not be functioning effectively. Employers often do not understand what a learning disability is, thus making it even more difficult for the adults with learning disabilities whom they supervise. Because employers cannot â€Å"see†the disability and may have limited knowledge about learning disabilities, they may find it difficult to understand that the problems are real. Therefore, they may fail to provide the necessary accommodations and supportive environment. They may often fail to recognize that, with assistance, workers who have learning disabilities may be tremendous assets to the company. A learning disability is a lifelong condition. Some adults, by the time they have completed their formal education, have learned to compensate for their difficulties. For many others, difficulties continue and to varying degrees impact on careers, social relationships, and activities of daily living. There are adults who were diagnosed as children and received services under the guidelines of PL 94-142. But more and more adults, who never knew why school was so hard, are now addressing the problem by initiating an assessment and seeking services to help them cope with their disabilities. Adults who have learning disabilities are a heterogeneous group. Some struggle with reading and writing, some with mathematical tasks, some with the basic challenges of daily life. There are adults who have learning disabilities who have trouble finding and keeping a job; others are professionally successful yet cannot seem to develop a satisfying social life. And there are those who seem to have few problems as they successfully negotiate the range of life’s demands. Adults who have learning disabilities are not merely children with learning disabilities grown up. The impact of having a learning disability differs at each stage of development. And adulthood itself has many stages, each with its unique challenges. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction at one stage does not guarantee the same degree of adjustment at another. At one point, the adult might deal with self-identity, at another with employment and economic independence, and still another with personal responsibility and relationships. As a group, adults who have learning disabilities represent a broad spectrum of the population. We see individuals of different ages, from different socioeconomic, ethnic, and cultural groups. We see different clusters of social and learning problems that affect education, social, personal, and occupational adjustments. The field now recognizes the unique needs of the adult who has learning disabilities, and as such has responded by providing legal protection, programs, services, and an ever-developing information base. Where do we stand today? References: Erikson, E. H. 1968. Identity: Youth and crisis. New York: Norton. Hallahan, D. P. , Lloyd, J. W. , Kauffman, J. M. , Weiss, M. P. , & Martinez, E. A. (2005). Learning disabilities: Foundations, characteristics, and effective teaching (3rd ed. ). Toronto: Pearson Education, Inc. Johnson, D. J. , & Blalock, J. W. (1987). Adults with learning disabilities: Clinical studies. Orlando: Grune & Stratton. Jordan, D. R. (1996). Teaching adults with learning disabilities. The professional practices in adult education and human resource development series. Malabar, Fla: Krieger Pub. Shapiro, J. , & Rich, R. (1999). Facing learning disabilities in the adult years. New York: Oxford University Press. Wong, B. Y. L. (1998). Learning about learning disabilities. San Diego: Academic Press.
Special Occasion Speech
Before beginning, I'd like to offer my sincerest gratitude to ChMlotte and Justin for allowing me 10 be pan oflhls special occasion. Aho, I wouJd like to say thank you 10 Charlotte' 1 parenU for . 11 that you've done to make this ! he special day tha! il is. And, of course. my gntefuln~ to Justin' s parentS for all oryour suppon and all that you've done to make this, by all accounts, the perfect day. I love 1 wedding – especially when it happens to such great people. From the moment [ saw you two together, Charlotte, I knew this would happen. Charlotte has been. great rriend in. w many ways. We've come to know one another so wen, that we have an undemanding that goes beyond wOf'ds. We don't judge. and we don't have 10 explain. So. when Clwiotte found her soul-mate, she didn't really have 10 say much to make it clear to me that Justin was the one and only for her. The love in her beart and the joy in ber spirit were obvious from the beginning. I've seen that same Jove and happiness in JUSlin. Charlotte and Justin, I am elCtremely happy for both of you. You truly complement one another. You rod u friends and it evolved into a love that so many people r1U'eIy find today. Love after a1~ doesn't make the world go around †¦ Love is what makes the ride wonhwhile. And it's a wonderful thing when two people who were made for each othefmanage to frnd each other and ! all io love. So, I'd like to make a toast. And I'd like to make it with this thought in mind: If there is such a thing as a good marriage, then it cqmes from unconditional and enduring love that grows from commitment and friendship. So this is to you, Justin and Charlotte, your love Bnd friendship have always been special and your future as busband and wife promises to be bright. Here's to a wonderful, enchanted life together rich with love and happiness . Special Occasion Speech Before beginning, I'd like to offer my sincerest gratitude to ChMlotte and Justin for allowing me 10 be pan oflhls special occasion. Aho, I wouJd like to say thank you 10 Charlotte' 1 parenU for . 11 that you've done to make this ! he special day tha! il is. And, of course. my gntefuln~ to Justin' s parentS for all oryour suppon and all that you've done to make this, by all accounts, the perfect day. I love 1 wedding – especially when it happens to such great people. From the moment [ saw you two together, Charlotte, I knew this would happen. Charlotte has been. great rriend in. w many ways. We've come to know one another so wen, that we have an undemanding that goes beyond wOf'ds. We don't judge. and we don't have 10 explain. So. when Clwiotte found her soul-mate, she didn't really have 10 say much to make it clear to me that Justin was the one and only for her. The love in her beart and the joy in ber spirit were obvious from the beginning. I've seen that same Jove and happiness in JUSlin. Charlotte and Justin, I am elCtremely happy for both of you. You truly complement one another. You rod u friends and it evolved into a love that so many people r1U'eIy find today. Love after a1~ doesn't make the world go around †¦ Love is what makes the ride wonhwhile. And it's a wonderful thing when two people who were made for each othefmanage to frnd each other and ! all io love. So, I'd like to make a toast. And I'd like to make it with this thought in mind: If there is such a thing as a good marriage, then it cqmes from unconditional and enduring love that grows from commitment and friendship. So this is to you, Justin and Charlotte, your love Bnd friendship have always been special and your future as busband and wife promises to be bright. Here's to a wonderful, enchanted life together rich with love and happiness .
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Straight Path, by John Esposito Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Straight Path, by John Esposito - Essay Example Subsequent chapters deal with various themes, from the political and religious structure of Muslim communities in history, to the theological interpretations and disagreements between the religions's leading jurists, to the nineteenth and twentieth century reformists and neo-reformists and, finally, contemporary issues and trends within the religion. Through a critical analysis of Islam: The Straight Path, this review shall seek to determine whether or not Esposito satisfied his expressed aim in writing this book and if, indeed, he has provided the non-academic, introductory reader with a non-biased and solid understanding of Islam. The first three chapters focus on the earlier historical aspects of Islam, from the rise of the religion to the evolution of divisions within the Muslim community. The first chapter is particularly informative and understandable. Not only does it provide a historical account of the Quranic revelations and the life of Mohammed within that context but it explains the interrelationship between Mohammed and the Quran. ... Interestingly, and in an attempt to make the teachings of the Quran more understandable and accessible to his Western, non-academic audience, Esposito draws upon contrasts between Islam and Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The second and third chapters present an overview of the political, social and sectarian history of Islam. The rise of the Islamic empires, the development of the caliphate system of governance and the spread of the religion beyond Arabia are all discussed within the context of an accessible historical capsule. Primarily dealing with Islam following the death of Mohammed, these chapters also explain the emergence of divisions within Islamic theology, eventually leading to the evolution of various sects, from the Shia to the Mutazila to the Kharijites. In addition, the development of the various schools of theological and legal interpretation is discussed and differences between them are clarified. The second and third chapters, even though they are a continuation of the first, contrast with it in a very important way. In brief, while the first chapter gave readers a sense of Islam as a unifying force and presented it as a religion whose interpretation, as exemplified by Mohammed's lifestyle and words, was relatively clear cut, the second and third chapters indirectly dispute this assumption. The rise of sects and the different schools of theological interpretation lead the reader to believe that the unifying force was the Prophet of Islam, himself and upon his death, unification died as well. This belief is further confirmed by Esposito's statement that the Murjia "position provided a justification for Umayyad legitimacy and rule" (Esposito, 1991, 70). The implication here is that while earlier theological interpretations, as in
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Digital natives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Digital natives - Essay Example It is quite alarming that modern people seem to forget that digital relationship is virtual and that it is quite different than the real relationship that exists outside the virtual world. The communication on the Internet can only remain at the stage of word exchange and there is no feeling and emotion attached to this type of communication. However, in face-to-face communication, one can hear every word that is articulated by the other person involved in the conversation. Perhaps, some people would argue that we could have video chat on the Internet to see the facial expression and hear the tone of the person. However, video still makes people feel far away from others. The reason why two people have video chat is that there is an unreachable distance between them and they hope to feel the intimacy of face-to-face communication via video chatting. Therefore, we can say that video is an imitation of face-to-face communication, an â€Å"unreal†in plain terms. Recently, I foun d out a kind of phenomenon that happens frequently with me as well as my friends. I usually add some people who go to the same school as me and make friends with them on the social networks, like Facebook and Wechat. I can chat with â€Å"net friend†, who is known for social network, very well, so I think this person has become my friend already. However, when I meet him or her on campus, the only thing that I feel is being strange and awkward instead of having great conversation as with normal friends.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
National industrial policy in America Research Paper
National industrial policy in America - Research Paper Example U.S. government subsidies can also be found in such areas as defense, energy, transportation, and home construction.†(Reich, 1991). The National Industrial Policy in US have been one of the hot and happening topics in the recent time and is subjected to mixed reactions from different corner. This paper will discuss about the cons of the Industrial policies in America and is set to provide sources supporting it. Let us take the instance of Soviet Union. Industrial policies have been used elsewhere in the world and have proved unsuccessful. The fall of the former Soviet Republic stands proof to this. An industry definitely require motivation to build up which can be achieved only when there is a competition. Also, a competitive market can be measured well unlike other market. According to (Grahame 1989), â€Å"The competitiveness of an economy can be a rather elusive concept since there are a number of ways in which it can be defined and measured†. National industrial pol icy (NIP) has been defined in different ways by many scholars. For instance Johnson outlines that "Industrial policy means the initiation and coordination of governmental activities to leverage upward the productivity and competitiveness of the whole economy and of particular industries in it." (1984, p. 8) while others referring to it as the â€Å"†¦.relationship between business and government on a microeconomic level†(Wachter and Wachter 1981).
Monday, August 26, 2019
Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 10
Economics - Essay Example For this giant, coffee is not the main product but only a component of it. Starbucks is not just all about coffee but being able to relax and socialize at its warm and comfy ambiance. However as the article emphasizes, the performance of the specialty coffee shop in the market is adversely affected by the economic slowdown in the United States. As consumers try to squeeze their disposable income to cover all their expenditures, they also turn to industry players which offer coffee for a fraction of a cost of what Starbucks charge. Thus, McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts are eating up into the company’s shares with their cheaper alternatives. In response to this, Starbucks is test marketing $1 bottomless coffee in order to curb competition. Analysts have commented that Starbucks will lose big time with this strategy because it lowers revenue. Yet this paper argue that economically speaking, this new strategy will not erode profitability in consideration of the company’s market . The specialty coffee sector can be referred to as a monopolistic competitive market. This type of competitive environment is a middle ground between two maxims namely perfect competition and monopoly and shares characteristics of both. In monopolistic competition, the market has many buyers and sellers just like in a perfectly competitive one (Samuelson & Nordhaus 116). In the specialty coffee sector, buyers are diverse ranging from ordinary students to corporate executives while sellers like Starbucks and Gloria Jeans compete for market share. As opposed to monopolistic and perfectly competitive markets, sellers differentiate their products to appeal to customers. As discussed above, Starbucks use marketing techniques like advertising and brand name in order to set itself apart from other competitors like McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts. This is very important to all companies wanting to
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Why Is Teen Pregnancy So High Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Why Is Teen Pregnancy So High - Essay Example Many young girls grow up unaware of the dangers that may await them in the outside world. In order to be fully prepared for what may come in their teenage years, young girls need to be taught the dangers and consequences of teenage pregnancy. If this knowledge is obtained before an opportunity arises, then there is less of a chance of pregnancy occurring. Some people would say that talking about subjects such as sex only increases its frequency, yet most international studies show that teen pregnancy rates decrease in conjunction with proper teaching. Even if a girl is unable to avoid a situation, she may be able to make herself safer due to her knowledge about the issue. Another reason why teenage pregnancy rates can be so high is because of poor parenting. Education starts in the home, and as such, parents should take responsibility for their kids. Many children live in single-parent homes, which can be tough, yet there is no excuse for not properly forewarning someone of the effects of teenage pregnancy. As parents are the closest people to a young child, they are more likely to be listening to because of the influence they hold over their children. A parent who is a good role model will affect the way their kids think over certain issues, one of which is teenage pregnancy. Finally, perhaps the most significant cause of teenage pregnancy is peer pressure. Young people are always so concerned with what their friends or peers are saying about them. This is a stage in someone’s life where parents do not have the same hold over them. Friends influence the decisions and feelings of most teenagers because no one wants to look out of place. Even if someone’s peers are not encouraging someone to make a bad choice, it may be that the person feels like their friends do.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
ENG 1 (should parents be responsible for their children's actions) Research Paper
ENG 1 (should parents be responsible for their children's actions) - Research Paper Example It is the age at which a person is required to take full responsibility of his/her actions (Uniacke 57). Before attaining the maturity age, the behavior of a person is mainly attributed to the parenting style. It is more often assumed that the parent has a great influence on the actions of children since children often do what they have seen others do, and the parent is supposed to be in charge of helping the child to understand good and bad actions. In some instances, the child may act in a unique way that he has never seen anyone else do. Parents are in charge of ensuring that the children learn how to relate with other people. They are expected to teach the children to be respectful to other people as well as their property. This creates a general perception that guides the child in regard to acceptable behavior until he/she attains maturity age. This paper is a critique of whether parents should be responsible for their children’s actions. The behavior of children is largely determined from their moral intelligence. This is the intelligence acquired as the children grow up while observing the behavior of others in the society (Coles 37). Parents are the closest members of the society to the children especially during early childhood when the child develops cognitive capabilities. They need to ensure that the children learn good behavior before they begin interacting with others in school as well as in other social settings. Moral behavior is learned throughout life, but the early stages of development are critical. Parents are required to act as the role models of their children. Kurcinka observes that children tend to learn from the actions of adults (56). If the children witness the parents engaging in unethical behavior such as lying to other people, it is unlikely that they will be convinced that lying is bad. This also applies to other actions such as violent behavior and the use of
Friday, August 23, 2019
Foreign Direct Investment---Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Foreign Direct Investment---Economics - Essay Example What exactly are foreign direct investments, and why have they increased so steadily What factors make foreign direct investments such a popular global occurrence A foreign direct investment, as the name states, involves corporations who invest long term overseas. There are four types of FDI's for business corporations to choose from. The most commonly preferred for more corporations are mergers and acquisitions. They involve a transfer of assets from the originating corporation to the one which is foreign based. (Wikipedia, 2006). Greenfield investments are investments or expansions for a new corporation. There are two forms of vertical foreign direct investments which involve backward vertical FDI and forward vertical FDI. Backward vertical FDI involves an out of the country business which provides resources/assets to a domestic business. Forward vertical FDI involves a business abroad that sells the amount produced of a business's domestic production(s). A.T. Kearney Inc. is a global management consulting firm that is an active member of the Global Business Policy Council. This council aids and advises head executives on geopolitics, macroeconomics, technological changes, and macroeconomics worldwide (A.T. Kearney, 2006, p.1). A.T. Kearney spent over seven years surveying numerous head executives from over one thousand corporations worldwide for their opinions on future FDI growth and objectives. The companies and their executives that were surveyed comprise seventy percent of the cumulative FDI. In December 2005, A.T. Kearny published their findings in their FDI Confidence Index. The survey was comprised of sixty-eight countries that contribute ninety percent of the global FDI (A.T. Kearney, 2006, p. 2). They selected the top twenty-five countries according to their FDI confidence. These countries were ranked by a score given from zero to three. Scores closer to three was given to those countries with the highest amount of FDI conf idence. For example, China received the highest FDI confidence rating for a score of 2.197. Why would China be interested in foreign direct investments A country such as China is interested in FDI's to improve the economic state of its own country based on the numerous benefits of foreign enterprise investing. There are many advantages and attractions for foreign markets to invest in one of the worlds largest and growing markets. China's population was estimated in 2005 at over 1.3 billion people. It holds a large share of twenty percent of the world's total population estimated at 6.5 billion people. (Prasad, Eswar & Wei, Shang Jin,2005). Many multinational corporations will choose to invest in densely populated countries such as China. Companies will choose China because their own country lacks a sufficient labor supply. The cost of China's labor force is dramatically low in comparison to other surrounding Asian countries. Many foreign direct investors have found this cost effective and have created and brought millions of jobs to China. The US, a country which owes the m ajority of its yearly population growth from immigration, would find China to be a valuable source of manpower as well as an ever increasing and developing economy. On the other hand, the population growth has become so overwhelming high for China that the government has had to
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Is the Onslaught making us Crazy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Is the Onslaught making us Crazy - Assignment Example The most important information provided is that the Internet becomes the foundation for a type of mental insanity by building dependencies, stress reactions to virtual stimuli, and can even create obsessive behaviors. The author uses the example of an individual who rose to fame with upload of a popular viral video and subsequently developed a psychotic condition when, previous to this notoriety, was a healthy and well-adjusted individual. This is because being exposed to disparate social criticism, esteem, an overload of information led to obsessive behaviors and even madness. The author’s strength of argument is found when describing how the Internet can become an addictive object. The desire to be part of the information age, such as social media, creates unhealthy attachment and dependency which actually rewires a healthy brain to adopt unhealthy behaviors. The example of an infant child being neglected while its parents nurtured a virtual baby illustrates this lack of mental adjustment and ability to rationalize decision-making as it pertains to the Internet. The weakness is that this phenomenon seems only to be relevant to those under the age of 50, a group that might, perhaps, have less need for digital information and digital socialization. This demographic being less influenced might illustrate that these negative mental behaviors can be controlled with more careful and wise self-insight.
The advantages and disadvantages Essay Example for Free
The advantages and disadvantages Essay The difference it will make is that it will not have colour and will only be in black writing. It is good for beginners to practice typing. You can not put in pictures or borders. It takes very little memory. It is not a good application for professionals. Microsoft Access Open Office Base It is the same but the steps of doing things are totally different. It is very fast and reliable. It is rare so if you need help then you are less likely to get help. If I used it then I can do my work faster because it is very easy to use. It is similar to Microsoft Access so it is easy to use. It has much less features than Microsoft Access. It is easy and straight forward. It takes up a lot of memory. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Mozilla Firefox It works almost the same but it is faster. Mozilla Firefox is faster than Microsoft Internet Explorer 7. It takes quite a bit of time to download from internet. The difference it will make if I used it is that I will be safer on the web. It is good because it has security which stops viruses and hackers. You have to pay for it because it does not come free. You can get information, play games and email really fast. It is a bit advanced so it may be hard to use for some users. Paint Adobe Photoshop It works almost the same as paint. You are able to change the colour of the picture. The images take up a lot of hard disk memory. The difference it will make is that I will be able to draw more accurate images than paint. It has more options and tools than paint. It does not come with the computer; you will have to buy it. You can also make changes in photos etc. It is a bit hard to use, so experienced people can use it. Microsoft Word Microsoft Access Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 Paint Input An input device is that hardware which allows you to put data into the computer. The main input devices I have used are keyboard, mouse and scanner. Device Speed Errors that can be made Way to correct errors Keyboard The keyboard does not have a set amount of speed it all depends how fast the typist is typing. The speed is calculated in Words Per Minute (WPM). The errors which can be made are that you can type in a word by mistake or do spelling mistakes. If you have typed a word wrong then you have to press back space or if it is a spelling mistake then put the spell check on which underlines the mistake in red. It then gives you a list of words to correct to. Mouse The speed of the mouse actually depends on how fast you move the mouse. You may click on icon which you did not want to press. You have to press back or if t has opened an application then exit it. Scanner The speed of the scanner depends on how powerful the scanner is. The more powerful the faster. Latest models will have more power. You might want to see what goes on in scanner and will lift the lid up. You have to wait till the scanning finishes then you have to repeat it all over again. Keyboard The way I detected my errors is that I checked my work twice. The way I corrected my errors is that I clicked the underlined words and chose a suitable word from the list. Spelling mistakes are underlined in red like this and grammatical mistakes are underlined in green like this. If there was none suitable then I would re-type the correct word. Thereafter I gave it to friend for proof reading. Mouse The way I detected the errors is that when I went on an unwanted page. The way I corrected it is that I simply went back. To prevent such errors; I done my work slowly. If I was on the internet and I made a mistake then I would click the button called BACK which is on the top left corner. Scanner After the image was been scanned, I checked if there were any mistakes in the digital image. If there were any then I restarted the scanning. The way I prevented these errors was that before scanning I made sure that the page was the right way round and having no creases on the paper. Effects of Inaccurate Data Inaccurate data will affect the system by mainly consuming time and causing problems for customers. Data Effect Way it can be prevented Name spelt incorrectly If the name is spelt incorrectly then when the tickets reach the person and the name does not match the name on the passport then the person can not go abroad. The way it can be prevented is that tell the customer to repeat it twice. Also tell the customer to say it in phonetics. And lastly, confirm before putting the phone down. Address not correct, such as postcode If the address or the postcode is not correct then letters may not reach the person and go elsewhere. The way it can be prevented is that tell the customer to repeat it twice. Also confirm before putting the phone down. For the postcode I shall also keep an input mask which is LL0\ 0LL. Recommendations not checked correctly If the recommendation is not checked correctly then customers may not get the offers which they have the right to get. The way it can be prevented is that make sure that the recommendation is there and recheck it at a later stage. Gender not entered correctly If the gender is not entered correctly then a staff could put a customer to shame if it is said wrong over the phone. The way it can be prevented is that tell the customer to repeat it twice. Also confirm before putting the phone down. Also I will make sure that nothing other than male or female is entered into the gender. I will do this by entering a validation rule and validation text. This means that every time something is typed wrong in that field than it will not be valid and then a message will come up say what to do. Date of birth not entered in correct format If the date of birth of birth is not entered in the correct format then part of the database could go wrong and it would also cause problems to the customers if it is in the wrong format on tickets and letters. The way it can be prevented is that keep a strict format that all the staff could stick to. Also recheck if it is entered according to the format. And if talking to the customer over the phone then ask which format it is. For example; DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY or YY/DD/MM. I have also thought of having a set format for the date of birth. To maintain this I shall have an input mask which is 00/00/0000;0;; Subscriptions not entered in correct format If the subscription is not entered in the correct format then the subscription could go on and on for ever if the expiry date is not entered correctly. The way it can be prevented is that recheck if the date is there and it is entered correctly with the correct format. For this also I will have a set format and to maintain this I will an input mask which is 00/00/0000; 0;; I think that the overall best method of checking the accuracy of the data is that it is rechecked and confirmed. Also I would prefer having an input mask where possible in places like date of birth and post code. Validation It is very important that you have correct and accurate data or else this could lead to many major problems. Validation is a very good way to ensure that you have the correct data. Validation is when the computer itself automatically checks the work and makes sure that the data entered is reasonable but it does not check the accuracy. The main aim of validation is that it makes sure that the data entered is reasonable, allowable and sensible. For example; if you typed in the date of birth of a secondary school student then it is likely to be between 1988 and 1995. If 1955 was entered then it would definitely be wrong and the computer will not accept. This is making sure that the data is reasonable. If Sams date of birth is 1992 and 1989 was typed then it will be still accepted but the data is not true. This is not checking the accuracy of the data. The following are a few methods of validation: 1. Presence check This checks that data has been entered into a field. An example of this method is; * In most databases a key field can not be left empty. 2. Check digit The last one or two digits in a code are used to check if all the other digits are correct. An example of this method is; Â In shops and super markets, barcode readers use check digits. 3. Type check This checks that of a certain type is entered into a field. An example of this method is; In a clothes shop, dress sizes may range from 8 to 18. For this type of data, a number data type would be suitable. If the data type is set as number then only numbers could be entered and a person will be prevented form typing in letters and words. If size ten or eleven was entered, then it would be rejected and 10 or 11 would need to be entered. 4. Format check This checks if data is in the correct format. An example of this method is; Â A National Insurance number is in the form LL 99 99 99 L. In which L is any letter and9 is any number. 5. Spell check This looks up words in a dictionary. An example of this method is; Â When word processing. 6. Length check This checks that the data entered is not too long or too short. An example of this method is; A password which needs to be six characters long. 7. Range check This checks that a value fall within the specified range. An example of this method is; Number of hours worked must be no more than 50 hours and more than 0 hours. 8. Look up table This looks up acceptable values in a table. An example of this method is; Â There are only seven possible days in a week. Verification Verification is to check if the data meets the required standards. For example; if a password is created, then you have to verify by typing it a second time to see if they both match. If the passwords did not match each other then the computer does not allow him to go through because the required standard is that the passwords must match each other and must be typed in correctly. The following are a few methods of verification: 1. Re-typing the data Re-typing the data could get rid of a lot of mistakes. This method is only ideal for small amounts of data such as passwords. However, also in small amounts of data there is also a problem which is that the mistake could be repeated in the second piece of data and this does not pick up the mistake. The reason why it is not ideal for large amounts of data is for three main reasons. They are as follows; You would end up with two copies of the data Mistakes which are repeated will not get picked up. Â It would be time consuming to re-type large amounts of data. 2. Checking the data on the screen with the original paper document This method saves having to re-type the data. It can help where in data has been transposed or entered incorrectly. However, it is not easy and can get tough trying to move your eyes back and forth paper copy and monitor. 3. Printing out a copy of the data and then comparing it with the original copy. This is probably the easiest method because you bath copies side by side and you can check for mistakes. However, this method can also become time consuming if large amounts of data have to be checked. Also if you go too quick the mistakes could be left. Output Output device allow you to view information after it has been processed. Device Type The way it works Advantages Disadvantages Best place to use it Printer Laser In laser printers powdered ink is fused on to paper by heat and pressure. They use toners instead of cartridges. They produce a very high quality of output. Laser printers are very expensive to buy. The best place to us it is in a library or any study area because they are very quiet and fast. Laser printers are very quiet and do not disturb. Toners are used instead of cartridges this means that there may be extra costs. Hundreds of pages could be printed within an hour. They are very huge so if there are any breakdowns then repairs could be very costly. Inkjet Inkjet printers work by heating ink as it flows through small nozzles. It then creates a dot on the paper and keeps happening until a picture forms. Ink is stored in cartridges. It is quite fast but not faster than Laser printers. The quality of colour printing is very low. The best place to use it is in your house because it is cheap and it is worth the price. Print outs are very neat compared to other print outs. Print out may come out wet and this may smudge. Nozzles are much cheaper than toners. Inkjet printers are very noisy. Dot-matrix Dot-matrix printers work by using a set of steel pins which strike an inked ribbon onto paper producing a sequence of dots. Dot-matrix printers are cheap to buy. They are very noisy and disturbing. The best place to use it would be something like a factory because they make a lot of noise and in a factory printers are used very less. It is very cheap to operate. They are very slow and take ages. They are not very hard to use. You can not make colour copies. Monitor TFT Thousands of tiny dots called pixels are displayed which then create an image. TFT monitors are very slim and take up less space. TFT monitors are very slim and can easily get knocked over. The best place to use a TFT monitor would be in an office or an ICT room because It would be less stuffy and more nice and comfortable to use. They create very less heat in the room. They can produce dull and low quality images if the monitor is not good. TFT monitors are not made of glass so the screen will not break. The screen can be damaged if it is poked many times. CRT Thousands of tiny dots called pixels are displayed which then create an image. CRT monitors are big and hard to get knocked over. They create a lot of heat and it can get very stuffy in the room. The best place to use a CRT monitor would be in a nursery where there are lots of small children and the chances of getting damaged are very high as the children will be running about. CRT monitors They are very cheap. They take up too much space and they are less stylish. They are hard to be stolen because they are massive. CRT monitors can make a lot of noise. After looking at all the different types of input devices, my work has been affected greatly. I have also tried my best to use the best out of all the output devices in my task. Conclusion Most of the components and other things I used for my tasks were very suitable. For example, a CRT monitor can not be used in an office and a TFT would be the best.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Factors affecting change
Factors affecting change Explain briefly what kind of change has taken place in both the organization, and discuss the reasons of this change, identify whether it is a result of internal environmental factors or external environmental factors in both organizations you selected. Comparison of Chosen organizations I have chosen two organizations names, Tandoori Restaurant and Tata Motors, so Tandoori Restaurant is a small and private owned business as compare with other business because Tata Motors is an international and large brand so it is well known everywhere but both businesses are based in India. Overview of Tandoori Restaurant I have been with Tandoori Restaurant since two years as a waiter or serving staff. I analyze the changes in management when a senior casher Mr. Sangit Singh got position of manager so he brought several changes in management and system. Specifically he brought internal changes in the efficiency and performance of employees. Major Changes Business Hours; he change the business hours and maintain the new roster for employees, they spend more potential hours on work especially breakfast means early morning and dinner times to late night. Customer services focus; he put the certain ways and rules to employees for customer orientation like that deal politely and take order carefully etc. He trained the waiters how they take correct order and they should know the recipes of all dishes because some time customer asked about the ingredients before recording order. He has given the new bright vision to all employees about culture differences and diversities because some time customers belong to different cultures and religions. He builds up proper communication between chef and waiters about the food, ingredients and customer orders and if customer changed his order so waiter conveniently replace the order. Chef performance; leader improves the chef performance because he believes that chef should be active, professional and expert in all areas of cooking. In busy hours chef should be quick and cook several recepies at a time. He strictly check the quantity of cooked food and he stop the wastage of cooked food, in this way daily they cooked estimated numbers of people food and they saved their raw food items. Internal Reasons for Change Tandoori Restaurant is a small and private business so in the end of fiscal year they found the bit loss and their business is not growing so than they brought Mr.Singht Singh as a restaurant manager. He modifies the management system and he took initiative for the business growth. He brought some internal and external changes like that; Customer focus; he improve the quality of customer services and he gave the trial and training of dealing the several culture customers. they were in full competition so they need to provide best customer services and more working hours with the variety of food and may be time to time they need to do promotion offers as well. They have to improve the culture gap between employees of restaurant. Chef performance; he improves the kitchen management and chef performance during busy working hours. Meanwhile he reduces the wastage of cooked food and save the raw food and money. Overview of Tata Motors Tata Motors was highly successfully, well diversified and globally ambitious automobile giant represents one of Indias most remarkable corporate successful. Tata Motors has a 5 billion loss when suddenly his trucks demand collapsed so thats why by the end of fiscal year of March 2001they had a biggest lost in the history of company. Major Changes Less Cyclical Product; they focus on less cyclical products like that light commercial vehicles, buses, spare parts and passenger cars and they put their resources and effort on these products. Domestic Market Share; Today Tata Motors transformed in to worlds fifth-largest manufacturer of medium and heavy trucks .Now it has got 61 percent domestic market share in this sector. It is in number-two position for sales of passenger vehicles in the Indian market. Overseas Market; It has also built a significant global presence and establish the sales efforts in overseas markets because they want to improve and maintain their sales level. Tata is one of the large Company doing e-sourcing in India and it is one of the world wide leading automobile industry. Joint Venture; Tata Motors has formed a joint venture with Marcopolo, the Brazilian bus manufacturer, these are the international brands. Tata Motors will flourish their business with them. Tata Motors has embarked on a wide-ranging global partnership with the Italian group-an arrangement that both sides expect to flourish. External Reasons for change: Less Demand; Tata Motors faced a problem of less demand for its core product, so their main product was trucks and they face the loss sale in the present market so they invested on other products like that spare parts, passengers cars etc. Competition threat; they have a threat from overseas automobile companies because market is full with the competition of model, price and quality. There was a threat from overseas competitors Government Encouragement; There was an opportunity from encouraging social and economic trends like new mobility of young Indians, the governments large road-building program, and generally floating GDP growth. Internal Reasons for Change Loss in Profit; They had a loss of 5 billion rupees in annual fiscal year of March 2001. They had fewer sales so thats why that loss was a significant for business. Expansion of Business; they have desired to expand business in entire their own country and other countries as well. Desire of expand business. Question 2 Use your research and analytical ability and explain what was the role of the leaders in both organizations throughout the change. Also explain how various leaders applied their ideas and concepts in the process of change management. Answer; Role of Tandoori Restaurant He is a best leader because he brought the new way to do things right and flourish the business. He has several leadership qualities like that Brain Storming; he was the leader who has good brain storming skills because he cheered a meeting and discussions with employees before giving them change plan. Motivate; he motivated the employees to do hard work and learn new market skills for the improvement of existing business and he announce the bonus cash at the end of fiscal year for the most hardworking, regular and efficient employee. Team work; he gave the spirit of team work in the environment of restaurant and he realized to employees that business will go with team work, emphasis on the co-operation of chef, waiters and manager with each other and all the employees should work for the business growth. Customer Focus; he concentrate on customer services and dealing, basically this is the core area of business where they taught employees who they can focus on customers. Role of Tata Motor Leader; At the time of transformation, they had a problem of 40 % reduction in the commercial-vehicle market in India. They had loss of 5 billion rupee in March 2001 and it was happened first time in the companys history. But Ravi Kant along with his team understood the situation and tried to know what had gone wrong and to create a best path for the future, so that they never face such situation in future again. Cost Reduction; after big loss in business they planned to reduce the cost of product because they were facing the reduction in sales so all the Costs had to be reduced in a bigger way, and that was challenge for him as a companys point of view. Company Position; he maintain the standard of product and he retained the companys position in business market of India. He planned for expansion companys operations internationally. They being a unit Improved quality of a product. Employees Focus; he arranged the meetings and discussions for employees to know customer problems, demands and suggestions. Staff Training; He facilitated proper training programme for different staff and workers. Unity and Encouragement; he set and specify the certain ways to create unity among all staff and workers. He encourages the workers about their performance and coming challenges. Broad Vision; he has a broad business vision about national and international market. He knows the demand and opportunities of different products as well he knows the more potential international market. Optimistic; he was fully confident and optimistic about future of his business and he convert the both skills to employees. Question 3 Compare and evaluate the application of leadership in change management in both the organizations and discuss the similarities and differences in implementation of leadership ideas in both organizations. Answer; Comparisons; Tandori Restaurant has incremental change in management and Tata motors has transformational changes in their set up. Tata Motors is a big international known brand and Tandoori Restaurant is a local Indian based business and it is a small business. Similarities; Both organizations are customer focused and profit oriented because their main focus to gain more customers and earn significant profit. As well they have focus to maintain the good repute of their companies in local market. Both has a staff training programmes and counseling and staff problem solvers because their leaders believe if staff and employees are happy so they must show the best results in their performance. In this regard they listen their employees and consider their constructive suggestions. Both companies focused on team work and create cooperative and constructive environment for the employees and they vanish the communication gap and cultural difference between staff and employees of companies. Outcome of Changes in Tandoori Restaurant He was an intelligent and broad vision leader because Manager Singet Singh knew that their internal demand, which is quite high, will help as an important instrument for reactivating the economy of restaurant. Manager of restaurant knows the challenge and competition of restaurant in local market so thats why he brought professional business changes. Being a Manager Singet Singh took initiative in these incremental changes in restaurant management. However his recommendations are acceptable by the owner and employees of restaurant. The leader of Restaurant played a key role in the management of company and he realized that the decision-making process was a reflection of how he used to manage the company. Leader was fully committed with his given tasks and confident about his steps that what he is doing, is the right way to go. Leader has to be committed for what he is going to do. If he is trust on himself then people will follow him. Tandoori Restaurant manager encouraged and appreciate the hard working and consistent staff, in this regard he announce the cash bounce in the end of fiscal year. Restaurant manager acknowledge the value and objective of the company and he has taken steps in the interest of company. Outcome of Tata Motors Tata Motors leader is intellectual and broad exposure about business market so he took the initiative to manage and regain the financial stability of Tata Motors. At the time of diversification, TATA Motors had a problem of 40 % shrunk in the commercial-vehicle market in India. There was a loss of 5 billion rupee in 2001 and it was happened first time in the companys history. So leader was still optimistic and struggling to retain the position and revenue of the company. But still they understood the situation, tried to know what had gone wrong and to create a path for the future. So they never face such situation in future. TATA Motors had unity among their staff member thats why Ravi Kant says that if they would have had tried to go only through the top, they might not have succeeded as well, and the transformation might have taken much longer. TATA Motors facilitated breakfast meetings to boost staff, asking them for their frank views. Understanding they were suffocated and they wanted change. So they started picking out some them to face challenges and grow in company. Leader has to be patient, persistent, and brave at the same time. Meanwhile leader Ravi Kant considered the intrinsic values of employees as well and he took some tough people decisions. With those who are very closed to you because the company comes first; and leader is here to do what is best for the company. Leaders should be patience and confident as we see Ravi Kant being a chairman, he has enough patience and confidence throughout entire management. He was the leader who has persistent attitude towards company growth and maintenance. Differences in both Companies Tandoori Restaurant is a small and private owned business and leader is bit autocratic with employees. Restaurant has the incremental internal changes because leader reorganizes the system of restaurant. Tata Motors is a big business but leader of this company is democratic because he invites the employees to discuss the issues and suggestion of customers. Tata Motors is a transformational internal and external change in his setup and management.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
An Examination Of The Effect Of Benazir Bhutto Politics Essay
An Examination Of The Effect Of Benazir Bhutto Politics Essay Enlightenment of Southeast Asia. Southeast Asian countries have recently sparked conflict with Western nations due to their traditional law codes and unethical treatment towards citizens. In the west, countries value freedom and unalienable rights, while in Southeast Asian countries, such as Pakistan, the leaders generally rule according to their strict religious law codes. Ever since Pakistan separated from India in 1947, its people have suffered under tyrannical and extremist leaders. As devout Muslims, the majority of Pakistani people are forced to follow Islamic traditional laws, such as purdah, which take away from their unalienable rights. Women and children are especially negatively affected by these traditional law codes, and until recently no Pakistani leader had tried to reform the Pakistani government. Benazir Bhutto was the daughter of renowned politician, and she sought to reform Pakistans government in order to improve the lives of her citizens. She was elected twice as Prime Minister of Pakistan, and she served for a total of four years as Pakistans leader (Wynbrandt, James). Although failing to achieve most of her goals as Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto sought to bring western ideas to southwest Asia by restoring human rights and guiding the Pakistani government towards democracy. Although Bhuttos intentions as Prime Minister were ethical and fair, she was unable to effectively implement her target plans due to her short time in office. Bhutto had chosen a near impossible task by trying to reform Pakistan because many rivaling politicians and citizens were afraid of change. In order to avoid change and remove Bhutto from office, Bhuttos rival politicians accused her of many fallacious crimes. Bhutto spent her whole life working hard and trying to follow in the footsteps of her father, and in 1988 Bhutto had finally won the elections for Prime Minister. As the first woman Prime Minister of Pakistan, she spoke out her plans to steer the country towards western ideals. Twenty months later, Bhuttos rival politician named President Ghulam Ishaq Khan, who was now backed by the Pakistani military, did not want these types of changes for Pakistan. In result, Khan accused Bhutto of abuse of power, nepotism, and economic mismanagement, and Bhutto was kicked from office (Wynbrandt, James). In her first term as Prime Minister she had promised her people many changes, but due to her short time in office she could not follow through with the promises. Bhutto was viewed as a bad Muslim by her fellow politicians and she was banned from politics for the next two years. Despite this, she won the elections of 1993 and she once again tried to implement her ambitious ideas. During her second term in office, she again voiced out many of her western driven ideals. These included striving for democracy and improving human rights; but two major problems faced Bhutto in her second term. First, Bhuttos brother had turned on her and a few months later he had been assassinated. Bhutto claimed that her political enemies had arranged for the shooting so they could blame her, but those who were opposed to Bhutto claimed she and her husband were behind the killing. Second, Bhutto and her husband were accused of embezzling millions of dollars from the Pakistani governmen t. Although Bhutto was not proven guilty for either of these charges, she was booted from office once again for corruption (Wynbrandt, James). She had failed for the second time to effectively implant her promises for the Pakistani citizens. After Bhuttos two failed attempts at bringing democracy to Pakistan, she left the country and resided in England. The people of Pakistan again were forced to live under an extremist leader. Not only had Bhutto failed to complete her short term goals, but today in Pakistan there is conflict which dates back to her terms in office. Her political party, the Pakistans People Party, still exists in Pakistan and it is a strong supporter of democracy. Taliban is a terrorist organization in Pakistan that extreme dislikes democracy, so great conflict has arisen between these two extremely contradicting ideologies. Pakistan is still considered a politically unstable nation mainly due to the Taliban conflict, which can be partly blamed on Bhutto for introd ucing democracy (Groff, Claire Price). Bhutto failed two times to implement her goals as Prime Minister and she introduced a conflict which still goes on today, but her intentions are what made her a heroine. Benazir Bhutto sought to restore and protect human rights for the Pakistani people, which would serve as a huge step in modernizing Pakistan. During her time as Prime Minister, Bhutto stressed the point that she wanted to eliminate human rights violations against Pakistani citizens and improve their quality of life. Before she was Prime Minister, women in Pakistan possessed miniscule rights. They were not allowed to go to school, they had to cover they faces with clothes, and they were generally not allowed to be seen in public. This forced women in Pakistan to live very boring and meaningless lives. As a member of the Pakistans People Party, Bhutto revised her policies in order to give more rights to women. Her policy on women rights stated, The PPP Parliamentarians pledges to promote universal female literacy and protection of the child to honor our women and our future generations ( Bhutto pledged to give women the rights to literacy and protection. As a woman, Bhutto had experienced the awful crimes done against women and their restrictions in the Pakistani society. She sought to eradicate the traditional Pakistani laws which prevented women from possessing unalienable rights. This would serve as a huge step for Pakistan considering modern countries of the world today value women and men equally. Another major problem that was present prior to Bhuttos reign was the discrimination of minorities. Since Pakistan is full of devout Muslims, followers of other religions were outlawed. Bhuttos policy for human rights stated, The PPP Parliamentarians pledges to protect the minorities. It pledges to protect the weak from the strong. It pledges to undo laws that are discriminatory against minorities. It calls upon the people of Pakistan to give it a constitutional majority to build a society where the weak and underprivileged are freed from archaic state laws (The Independent, London). Bhutto sought to do everything necessary in order to give all c itizens of Pakistan equal rights and eliminate ethnic discrimination in her country. Even though racism is hard to eliminate completely in any nation, by recognizing it and speaking out against it Bhutto was improving the human rights of her nation. Another action taken by Bhutto to improve human rights of her nation was lifting the restrictions against the press. Prior to her reign, Pakistani citizens did not have the freedom of press, which made it hard for them to trust the media. Under the extremist leaders, the government manipulated the news and they only allowed certain books and newspapers to be published (Kuhlman, Erica Ann). Lifting the ban on freedom of press significantly modernized Pakistan because now people could freely voice their opinions and truly believe the media. Also, the material which people read was no longer manipulated by the government so people learned the truth about their own country and the whole world. By developing the human rights of the Pakistani people, Bhutto was introducing her people to western ideals and improving there lives. In an attempt to modernize the government of Pakistan, Bhutto tried to guide her country towards democracy. During the end of her second term in office, Bhutto was interviewed about her plans on the future of her political career. She responded, There are other issues like lifting the military imposed ban on a twice elected prime minister contesting election for a third time for Prime Minister, appointment of Governors, members of the Judiciary and Election Commission. The Charter of Democracy spells out the changes needed ( She not only wanted to become the Prime Minister for a third semester, but she also strove to change the political system in order to make it similar to a democracy. By appointing governors, Bhutto would promote local governments to rule under the umbrella of the national government. The U.S. has a similar government in which state-run governments run the states while the national government rules over the whole nation. Bhutto would also bet ter the Judiciary branch of Pakistans government by appointing more Judiciary members. She also would promote democracy by appointing more people to the election commission. With a stable election commission, the elections for president would not be manipulated and the winner of the election would truly be chosen by the people. Another point that Bhutto stressed in her policies was improving the law code in Pakistan ( Throughout the many years of oppressive rule, thousands of men and women were jailed without the chance to a fair trial. In order to prevent this from occurring in the future, Bhutto set up a new court system in which all men and women accused of breaking the law would be able to have a fair trial. She also freed hundreds of people that had been jailed without trial to exhibit her devotion to freedom and democracy. Bhutto knew that implanting democracy in a nation that possessed anti-democratic people would be tough task. One of her rivals, the Talib an, was a Muslim extremist group that possessed ideals opposite of democracy. She states in her peace policy, An earlier military dictator used Afghanistan s critical importance to the world community to perpetuate his own dictatorship. Now another military dictator [the Taliban] is attempting to use Afghanistan to perpetuate itself at the cost of the fundamental and human rights, including economic rights, of the people of the Federation. The Taliban supported extremist rulers, oppressive rule, and Muslim law code. In order to fully implement her democratic goals, Bhutto condemned the Taliban and all of its followers from Pakistan ( By doing this, she would ensure political stability and convince more people to become supporters of democracy. Sadly, Bhutto never completed her goals due to her assassination in 2008, but her attempts to democratize Pakistans governments exhibited her passion to enhance Pakistan as a country. Benazir Bhutto sought to transform Pakistan from a traditional Islamic country into a westernized nation. She wanted to improve the human rights of her nation and democratize her countrys government, but due to her little time in office she was unable to effectively implement either of these goals. Although Bhutto never truly achieved all of her goals, her attempts served as an initial step for Pakistan towards the ideal direction. Her party, the Pakistans People Party, is still a forerunner in Pakistani politics. Her party has carried on her ideas and hopefully in the future, with the help of Western powers, Pakistan will become a democratic nation that supports human rights. Benazir Bhutto will always be remembered as a heroine that attempted to bring human rights and democracy to Pakistan so she could improve the lives of her citizens. Works Cited Page A Conversation With Benazir Bhutto. Council on Foreign Relations. 15 Aug. 2007. Web. 11 Apr. 2010. . BBC NEWS | South Asia | Obituary: Benazir Bhutto. BBC NEWS | News Front Page. BBC News, 27 Dec. 2007. Web. 11 Apr. 2010. Benazir Bhutto Biography Academy of Achievement. Academy of Achievement. Academy of Achievement, 4 Jan. 2008. Web. 11 Apr. 2010. The Official Website of PPP Chairperson Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. Pakistan Peoples Party. 2007. Web. 15 Mar. 2010. Bhutto, Benazir (1953 ). A Dictionary of Contemporary History 1945 to the present. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1999. Credo Reference. Web. Boston Public Library Electronic Library. 15 March 2010. Bhuttos Mixed Legacy For Womens Rights CBS News. Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment World News CBS News. CBS, 3 Jan. 2008. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. Burns, John. Benazir Bhutto, 54, Who Weathered Pakistans Political Storm for 3 Decades, Dies. New York Times 28 December 2007. Groff, Claire Price. Bhutto, Benazir. Twentieth-Century Women Political Leaders, Global Profiles. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 1998. (Updated 2008) Modern World History Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. HHS Media Center, Hingham MA. March 15, 2010. Kuhlman, Erica Ann. Benazir Bhutto, political career of. A to Z of Women in World History, A to Z of Women. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2002. (Updated 2008.) Modern World History Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. HHS Media Center, Hingham MA. March 15, 2010.  The Independent, London. Asif Ali Zardari: My Benazirs Hopes for Democracy Can Live On If Musharraf Stands down. Pakistan Peoples Party. 6 Jan. 2008. Web. 11 Apr. 2010. . The Sad, Stormy Life Of Benazir Bhutto CBS News. Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment World News CBS News. 27 Dec. 2007. Web. 15 Mar. 2010. Wynbrandt, James. Return of civilian rule in Pakistan. A Brief History of Pakistan, Brief History. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2009. Modern World History Online, Facts On File, Inc. Web. HHS Media Center, Hingham MA. March 15, 2010.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Mind Control :: essays research papers
It is possible to control your mental and physical well being by controlling your thoughts and emotions. This is true for the following reasons. First, people can change the environment they are in and the people they are surrounded by in order to change their mood. Second, we are aware of what makes us sad and what makes us happy, so that enables us to control our emotions.      Many people are aware of their emotions, whether that is happy or sad. We have become accustomed to these emotions and understand what we need to do in order to change the way we are feeling. When people experience many different situations, whether they are uncomfortable or excited, they become familiar to being able to adapt or leave the situation and completely change their attitude when entering another. When we feel sad, we have different ways of cheering ourselves up. Some just relax while others will play a sport to run or play off the stress they hold. We all have our individual ways to changes our attitudes and perspectives towards different situations. We all have become familiar with our personalities so we are able to control our emotions and thoughts, which makes up our mental well being.      We are well aware of what makes us sad and what makes us happy, so that enables us to control our emotions. Everyone has grown accustomed and familiar with Ortiz 2 their emotions. We have been able to do studies to determine what can change our moods. Most people have great control over their emotions, and so doing certain things assists us by helping change our mood. People have come to the conclusion that â€Å"there are many number if things you can do to brighten your spirits and pull yourself out of a mood rut†. They suggest many different things such as watching a funny movie, which can put you in a high spirits and make you cheerful. Another suggestion is to play happier role because the roles you play tend to become a reality. â€Å"Since lights affect your moods, especially the absence of light in the winter, you should surround yourself with plenty of bright light†. And there are more, listening to music and talking to your friends are great ways to brighten a mood.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Issue of Age Discrimination in America Essay -- Age Discrimination
The Issue of Age Discrimination in America The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) protects against age discrimination under Title VII. Specifically, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), which was passed in 1967 by congress, covers discrimination against employees who are 40 or more years old. This topic should be a big concern for employers, since the number of elderly workers is increasing as the baby boomer population matures. It is estimated that as many as twenty-percent of the claims filed with the EEOC are for age discrimination. Also, age discrimination settlements can be considerably higher than typical discrimination cases. Upon research, the average award amount between 1955 and 1988 was $219,000. ( For this reason alone, employers should take care of how they handle their aging workers. As mentioned above, the EEOC is responsible for enforcing the age discrimination regulations, including the ADEA of 1967. This regulation is in effect supposed to â€Å"promote employment of older persons based on their ability rather than age; to prohibit arbitrary age discrimination in employment; and to help employers and workers find ways of meeting problems arising from the impact of age on employment.†( The ADEA presides over the boundaries for age discrimination in all aspects of employment. It not only protects against discrimination for employees, but job applicants as well. Even job advertisements must not include age d...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Exemplary Leadership
Abstract In order to be a successful leader, one must have specific virtues to qualify them as effective. This analysis examines how a leader utilizes organizational power, the magnitude to which the leader is constrained by contingency factors, how the leader deals with ethical issues, and the leader’s decision-making style and influence tactics in addition to other characteristics.The leader detailed in this analysis is proven to be effective based on certain qualities and the methods he employ to successfully reach the organization’s goal, and motivate the employees to efficiently meet their subdivision and complete organizational goals. Upon completion of this analysis, it is recommended that a study is done to assess if factors such as age, sex, heritage, etc. contribute to the type of leader one becomes. Introduction Leaders are an essential part of every organization. The quality of leaders determines the success of the organization.There are exemplary leaders, a nd there are leaders that can learn a thing or two. What is a leader? Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson (2011) define leadership as the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement (p. 451). This analysis will chronicle an exemplary leader that many other leaders can learn from. The analysis will assess the leaders use of sources of organizational power, how the leader is constrained by contingency factors, how the leader makes decisions, his influence tactics, and how ethical issues are dealt with.Context My boss at the job that I currently hold is a prototypical leader and the example chosen for this analysis. While studying Management at Howard University, one subject that was constantly visited is what makes a proficient leader. I always wondered where all of my bosses learned their horrible leadership skills from until I crossed paths with my present boss. His kindheartedness, importable nature, and accommodating temperament raises the bar for leaders everywhere.The way he interacts with his staff makes them happy to work dexterously to meet organizations goals above what is expected. These are the behaviors that Colquitt et al states an effective leader achieves. Discussion and Analysis The Use of Organizational Power Power is the aptitude to guide the performance of other individuals and limit unwanted influence in return (Colquitt et al. , 2011). The authors stated that even if one posses the power to influence, it does not guarantee they can effectively influence.Power is made up of five facets – legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, and referent. My supervisor has the power to request that I perform tasks within the scope of his authority – legitimate, the power to extend specific resources I need and rewards I want – reward, the power to control consequences for adverse behaviors – coercive, the expertise that I depend on to get my job done and to grow within the organization  œ expert, and finally he is an individual that I’d like to be associated with in the organization – referent.He has all five facets of power as described by Colquitt et al. My supervisor exercises his rights to power in order to help the organization reach its overall goals and not to be seen as a coercive leader. He exercises legitimate power for reasonable requests such as asking me to come in earlier than my scheduled time to attend an important meeting that could only be scheduled at that time. Notice that he makes reasonable requests, meaning that he gives the option to decline if I cannot make reasonable accommodations.He exercises reward power by periodically making mention of how he intends to go about upcoming performance appraisals. This is actually a strategic method as he utilizes his reward power to remind me of what he can do, which in turn heightens the effectiveness of legitimate power as I am more prone to be submissive to his requests in order to rece ive greater rewards. My supervisor has been in the marketing field – the basis of our department – for over fifteen years, which makes him somewhat of an expert, giving him expert power.My supervisor is not a fan of coercive power, as he does not feel the need to intimidate because he effectively gets his employees to do what they need to do. He encourages his employees to obtain the results he desires. Overall, my supervisor has a great deal of power. He strategically applies his powers in order to achieve what is most important – the organizational goal. As mentioned earlier, he uses his reward and legitimate power concurrently, which is beneficial for him and his staff.His expert power has strength in that I try to use it to my advantage to acquire new talents to help me grow in this organization and any future organizations. He is well respected because of his choice to not use coercive power. Contingency Factors There are four contingencies of power, which Colquitt et al tells us are substitutability, centrality, discretion, and visibility. My supervisor is insignificantly constrained by substitutability, which is the extent to which people have alternatives in accessing resources. My organization strongly attempts to adhere to budgets previously set for the year. o stick to budgets and discretion is the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own (p. 455). Centrality represents how important a person’s job is and how many people depend on that person to complete their task, and visibility is how aware people are of a leader’s powers and position. . He does not have sole control of rewards and resources. As a non-profit, my organization relies heavily on budgets and each higher manager must adhere to their budgets that must be agreed upon by the chief financial officer and president.So even with his reward power, there are limitations. His centrality contingency is not a restraint. He has a ver y important role in the organization as we rely on him significantly to bring money into the organization. I personally depend on him for the completion of many of my assignments, as he must approve many of my tasks before it is executed fully. The discretion contingency may serve as a restraint for my supervisor; while he is Vice President of Marketing, the CFO or president must approve many of his big decisions.They can then revise or rebut his decision if they feel it is necessary. The visibility contingency is not necessarily a constraint or helper to my boss. The resources he can provide are not necessarily organizational record but his title makes it known that he is above most employees and under just the CFO and president; this makes it so he still has relatively high influence. Influence Tactics Colquitt et al (2011) defines influence as the use of an actual behavior that causes behavioral or attitudinal changes in others (p. 56) or as Ceasar and Grant (2004) define as Infl uence tactics are specific types of proactive behavior used to exercise influence. The influence tactics that my boss uses are exchange, consultation, collaboration, and ingratiation. One of my supervisor’s favorite influence tactics is the exchange tactic, which is when an individual extends a reward or resource to the target with the intent for them to perform a request (p). This tactic is most common when my supervisor has projects with outsourced associates.If we are compensating someone for their expertise and we need them to start working prior to receiving payment, he will construct and send an email stating â€Å"your payment is on its way, in the meantime please†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Usually, when I am asked to complete an assignment, I am also asked how we should implement it and at that point he approves or change it somewhat. This is the consultation tactic, which is when the target – me – is allowed to participate in deciding how to carry out or implement a request (p. 457). He uses the collaboration tactic, which involves making the request easier to complete.He generally provides me with the necessary resources I need to complete the task as well making it simpler so that it is done efficiently and effectively on the first try. Ingratiation is his favorite tactic to use. Ingratiation is the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the influencer (p. 457). He never fails to tell me how awesome I am, or on occasions he would tell me that he does not need to review my work because he trusts me, or explain that he gave me a task because he knew I was smart enough to handle it.Influence tactics are the medium through which managers convert power into behaviors; when managers need others to perform tasks or participate in activities, influence tactics serve as a means of facilitating individual cooperation (Ceasar & Grant, 2004). The tactics that he uses are effective and he uses them appropri ately as well. He also uses personal appeals because in his line of work, he deals with a lot of outside clients.It is beneficial for him to build relationships with people in other industries so that they are readily available to help us when we need them. All in all, the tactics my boss uses results in internalization, which involves getting the target to agree with and become committed to a request (p. 459). Ethical Issues My boss works extremely well under intense conditions and with conflicts. Just recently, we joined with a major corporation for a campaign and sought help from a board certified doctor so that the information we offered would be further validated.Prior to execution of the assignment by the doctor, he let us know that he was not satisfied with the pay and proceeded to tell the major corporation false accounts of what we told him were part of the agreement. My boss could have outright denied his claims in the same rude manner that the doctor was exemplifying. Ins tead, he apologized to the doctor for the misunderstanding and attributed his false account to miscommunication. He then asked the doctor what his normal fee was for the task he performed, and he accommodated him accordingly.He then concluded he would never use the doctor again. In this example of an ethical issue, the fault is not of my organization or my boss but that of the doctor. However, my boss handled the situation in an ethical manner when he could have very well become as unethical as the doctor. I personally respected him for his handling of the situation, as I know my initial instinct would have been to react a lot differently. Decision-Making Styles Colquitt et al talks about four decision-making styles: delegative, facilitative, consultative, and autocratic.With delegative style, a leader gives an individual employee or a group of employees the responsibility for making the decision within some set of specified boundary conditions and with facilitative style, the leade r presents the problem to a group of employees and seeks consensus on a solution, making sure his or her own opinion receives no more weight than others (p. 488). With a consultative style, the leader present the problem to an individual employees or a group, asking for their opinions and suggestions before making a decision him- or her- self and with autocratic style, the leader makes the decision alone (p. 57). My boss uses three of the four decision-making styles as he sees appropriate. For example, he would use the delegative style in a situation where he gives the staff a project. He will provide the specified conditions and then allow us to determine the way we carry out the assignment. He would use the consultative style in a situation where he may want different viewpoints about a decision he has to make to see if he explored all relevant avenues before ultimately making the decision based on his own views.He uses the autocratic style when the decision does not directly affe ct the team and he needs no further input. Transformational Vs. Transactional Leadership According to Colquitt et al (2011), transformational leadership involves inspiring followers to commit to a shared vision that provides meaning to their work while also serving as a role model who helps followers develop their own potential and view problems from new perspectives (p. 496). Transactional leadership occurs when the leader rewards or disciplines the follower depending on the adequacy of the follower’s performance (p. 98). Grant (2012) defines transformational leadership as a central purpose to articulate a vision that focuses employees’ attention on their contributions to others. He states that this form of leadership motivate employees to perform more effectively. My boss is a transformational leader. Not only is he great at inspiring his staff to commit to a shared vision, he makes sure that their work is worth their while. He continually asks if our work is suffici ent and challenging enough because he does not want us to become bored.In addition, he gives us tasks that may go beyond our duties just to develop us into more valuable professionals. He gives us leeway to execute our tasks in a manner that is most comfortable to us while giving his input when we ask or when he sees it is necessary. He does not micro-manage and puts more focus on making us better employees so we can help him with our current skills while learning new skills to be more of a help in the future. Neutralizers Vs. Substitutes Neutralizers, as Colquitt et al (2011) explains, reduce the importance of the leader but have no beneficial impact on performance (p. 05). Substitutes reduce the importance of the leader while providing a direct benefit to employee performance. My supervisor’s effectiveness is rarely affected by substitutes. Because our organization is small, outside staff is less likely able to help us because each department has its specialty. Staff could gain experience that will lessen the extent to which they need the manager’s help but could never alleviate it completely because he is the provider of the tasks. Neutralizers are also minimal. There is task stability, formalization, and spatial distance, but inflexibility is not a factor.For the most part there are tasks that are unchanging and daily and there are written instructions for many of the tasks. Also, all leaders have offices and therefore there is spatial distance. Impact My supervisor has a major impact on performance and commitment in a positive way. His personality and leadership techniques make it so he is a pleasant person to work for. He governs over his employees just enough to make sure the work is done while giving enough space for them to be creative and comfortable. His behaviors definitely influence commitment because it is rare to find a boss of this caliber.Conclusions and Reflections I have always viewed my boss as a great boss. I never had the op portunity to think of why he was such a great boss. This assignment allowed me to do just that. And from my research, I found that my boss has virtually everything that makes a boss a great one from his personality to leadership skills. I have always had the attitude that I want to work for myself because most bosses were not very nice people. While I still desire to work for myself, I would not mind working with a boss like mine and now know that all bosses are not horrible people.I desire to be the exact type of boss that my boss is because his methods are effective. After taking the initiation and consideration assessment, I found that my score for initiating was considered low and the score for consideration was considered high. That coincides with the way I think I would lead. I would care about more about input from group members and their comfort than being more autocratic as a high initiative score would indicate. I would be interested in further researching if certain chara cteristics attribute to the sort of boss a person becomes such as gender, race, age, etc.References Colquitt, J. , Lepine, J. , Wesson. M. (2011). Organizational Behavior: Improving Performance and commitment in the workplace. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Gardner, W. L. , & Ceasar, D. (2004). Transition to Self-Directed Work Teams: Implications of transition time and self-monitoring for managers' use of influence tactics. Journal Of Organizational Behavior, 25(1), 47-65. Grant, A. M. (2012). Leading with Meaning: Beneficiary contact, prosocial impact, and the performance effects of transformational leadership. Academy Of Management Journal, 55(2), 458-476.
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