Thursday, August 27, 2020
Accounting Information System Free Essays
Here is a proposition for execution of the arrangement for school installment to keep the understudy in school. The understudies will be repaid on a month to month premise. They will be paid 20% consistently on effective participation to the classes and a fine of 5% for inability to go to classes for some random day (Unless approved by the school head, for whom it will not be for indiscipline case(s)). We will compose a custom exposition test on Bookkeeping Information System or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now The following 40% of the cash will be paid toward the finish of each scholastic year. This is to encourage the students’ upkeep while out of school as they go on with their exploration work throughout the late spring occasions. The rest of the sum will be in total paid upon effective finish of the course during the graduation function. This will be a major lift to the understudies as the aggregate sum will give the understudy a superior beginning to either begin their own occupations or use it to search for business. The installment will be approved by the head upon affirmation from the class instructor of the participation of the understudies. This is better done out in the open so each one of the individuals who don't go to class be embarrassed about their demonstrations. The installment will anyway be affected by the school Bursar. The regularly scheduled installments will be finished with money while the yearly and terminal installments will be affected with a money order as it were. Q3.) I unequivocally oppose this idea. The expense of worker recruiting and preparing can never be likened to the normal term of administration. This is on the grounds that, the preparation that the representative experiences will later be deducted from the compensation and subsequently there is no sense in it being that it must be amortized. A few organizations utilize that line of however to annoy their workers and to quiet them whenever they bring their complaints. Preparing is acceptable both for the person just as the association yet amortization is going way over the edge (Romney Steinbart, 2008). Step by step instructions to refer to Accounting Information System, Papers Bookkeeping Information System Free Essays Bookkeeping Information System (AIS Anâ accounting data system (AIS) is an arrangement of assortment, stockpiling and preparing of money related andâ accounting  data that is utilized byâ decision producers. bookkeeping data framework (AIS) comprises of: †People †Procedures †Data †Software †Information innovation foundation What significant capacities does the AIS act in an association? 1. It gathers and stores information about exercises and exchanges. We will compose a custom exposition test on Bookkeeping Information System or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now 2. It forms information into data that is valuable for deciding. 3. It gives satisfactory controls to safe-monitor the organization’s resources. Employments of (AIS) * Producing External Reports * Supporting Routine Activities * Decision Support * Planning and Control * Implementing Internal Control Producing External Reports Businesses use (AIS) to create extraordinary reports that follow a necessary structure built up by associations, for example, (FASB). These reports incorporate budget summaries, expense forms, and so forth Supporting Routine Activities Managers need an (AIS) for dealing with routine working exercises during the firm’s working cycle. PC frameworks exceed expectations at taking care of redundant exchange by many bookkeeping programming bolster these normal capacities. Choice Support Information is required for nonroutine choice help at all degrees of an association. Some data are basic for arranging, choosing, advertising capacities. Arranging and Control A data framework is required for arranging and control exercises too. Chronicled information can be separated from the database and used to figure development and incomes. Organizers can utilize information mining to uncover long haul patterns and connections. Executing Internal Control Internal control incorporates the arrangements, techniques, and data framework used to shield a company’s resources from misfortune and to keep up precise money related information. It is conceivable to incorporate controls with an electronic bookkeeping data framework to help arrive at these objectives. Advantages AIS * Speed The principle advantage of data frameworks in bookkeeping is the speed of preparing assignments. Information is entered once and would then be able to be utilized and reused in gathering reports by truly squeezing a catch. In the event that an exchange needs revision, it is effectively done, with reports created subsequently at speeds never conceivable with manual bookkeeping frameworks. * Classification When information is entered in a bookkeeping framework, manual or electronic, a bookkeeper needs to group it in a point by point design. For instance, an exchange could be a business income or an intrigue income. Utilizing data frameworks, this arrangement procedure is effectively practiced with a drop-down menu from which you pick the correct classification. You can likewise rapidly create reports including arrangements. With a manual framework, this procedure takes substantially more time. * Safety Once information is gone into a PC, it is sheltered. The odds of losing information are remote, particularly when you perform ordinary framework reinforcements. In manual frameworks, paper cushions can be lost or harmed all the more without any problem. You can spare information on the Internet, where it won't just be available whenever you need it however will likewise still be secure regardless of whether your PC is lost or harmed. One drawback of Accounting Information System One burden of Accounting Information System is that this framework can't recognize any future misfortune or wrong exchange passage. As we realize that PC is a machine, and it can't do any movement itself. In this way, PC can't offer any guidance or cautioning. Be that as it may, bookkeepers in business are fit to gauge any future misfortune based on their insight and experience. Because of this detriment it is significant and shrewd for little and average size organizations to have a few bookkeepers in their business on lasting premise to keep away from future misfortunes. Step by step instructions to refer to Accounting Information System, Essay models
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cutting Down Trees
Chopping down such a large number of trees will bring about nature being gone very soon. We won't have the option to endure on the grounds that we live on the oxygen that trees and plants inhale out. Since we need O2 and radiate CO2, and on the grounds that trees and plants inhale CO2 and emit O2, on the off chance that one gathering isn't there, at that point the other will bite the dust. It is a terrible thing in the event that we hold chopping down trees in a boundless manner. Notwithstanding the effect on the parity of gases (O2-CO2), trees and plants give territory to gigantic quantities of animals. It is conceivable to execute off numerous entire types of creature by wrecking their living spaces. Misfortunes like that (huge scope natural surroundings demolition) are not effectively turned around, and will drive huge quantities of animals into termination. Removing the homes of animals, permitting them to totally vanish, and afterward reestablishing the living space won't bring them back. Trees ought not be chopped down in light of the fact that a large portion of the paper utilized isn't RECYCLED so in this way it is an exercise in futility from God to make and plant the tree! Well it has air and oxygen and if u are chopping the trees down u re harming the enivorment and creatures that live close to trees or on trees like bunnies and all incredible the it makes flooding the world and close to the woodland so all the creatures can bite the dust. Likewise school is squandering mud paper by intuition they have enogh yet they dont. A few people likewise do littering and individuals who do that I might want to advise them that when u are more established and u litter and the police stores u then u can get captured. Schools are all coverd in litter and it significant that u dont in light of the fact that u can in any case get in a difficult situation in any event, when u are more youthful. By the absence of litter that I have found in this road and I am very dissapointed please dont litter it is significant that u dont. Headteachers at school are making a splendid showing by getting the litter. Regardless of whether it isn't ur litter please simply get it. In the event that u see somebody throwing refuse on the floor say to them dont do that it isn't gd for the enviorment. One of the most noteworthy effects of chopping down trees is that they are a wellspring of haven to numerous creature species and they become destitute along these lines and it gets hard for them to endure. Thus the whole natural way of life is influenced. Chopping down trees implies that we have lesser number of tree species left and this declines the biodiversity. Plants discharge oxygen into the earth and lesser number of trees implies that we will have lesser oxygen content in the environment. Tree leaves additionally emit water particles to the condition that become a piece of the water cycle and descend as downpour. Less trees implies lesser downpours. Trees invigorate the air we breath so by slashing them down we will have a more unfortunate air type No asylum for creatures. No oxygen for people.
Chinese Civil Service Examination
The Imperial Examination System in Ancient China Abstract: Imperial assessment in old China was creating dependent on the nine-position framework. From Sui and Tang lines to Guangxu year, Qing tradition, it took over 1300 years to develop. The Imperial Examination is authoritatively called Keju Examination in China, which was a significant piece of training arrangement of medieval society in antiquated China. Meanwhile, it was a sort of official choosing framework also. It assumed a noteworthy job in developing, choosing, and utilizing talents.Modern assessment framework additionally takes model by the magnificent assessments in antiquated China. So we ought to append significance to looking into and contemplating it because of its illumination to the advancement of training framework. Have you at any point asked why there is an assessment this sort of stuff which makes understudies â€Å"suffer†a great deal and how it comes to fruition? What is its root? What's more, how cou ld it create? As a matter of fact, China has a long history in assessment framework. In this way, I will discuss the majestic assessment framework in China which has an extensive effect on other Asian nations. The foundation of the nine-position framework A specific framework can't be made without establishment and time, it must have a starting point, and before the foundation of the framework, there probably been an ancestor beginning gradually†â€â€Ch’ ien Mu? Magnificent assessment didn't emerge abruptly. Before the majestic assessment was made, the nine-position framework was viewed as its antecedent. As indicated by Ci Hai word reference, the clarification of the word â€Å"nine-rank system†: At the finish of the Eastern Han line, Cao was in power, he supported â€Å"Wei Cai Shi Ju†, which implies everybody has a chance to be an official as long as he is extraordinary enough.In the year 220, Cao Pi embraced Ministry of Personnel, Chen Qunâ€℠¢s recommendation that each prefecture could choose a legitimate man to be the â€Å"Zhongzheng†(a sort of authority), and the administration arranged them as nine positions as indicated by their capacity. Cao Pi kept up Cao Cao’s rule that family won't be the essential. As indicated by baike. baidu. com, toward the starting when nine-position framework was built up, the rule for assessing up-and-comers was centered around extraction, profound quality, and capacity. Notwithstanding, with the advancement of nine-position framework, extraction turned into the essential, occasion the sole touchstone.When it came to Western Jin Dynasty, there had been a circumstance that top of the line positions just conceded nobles and second rate class positions just conceded individuals who didn’t have prominent foundation. Until the Northern Dynasty, national minority was accountable for the administration. So the nine-position framework couldn’t effectively function as in the past and got formalistic. At last, it was annulled due to the pass of privileged people by Sui Dynasty. The foundation of Keju System (The Imperial Examination System) Sui Dynasty: In 589, Sui Wendi (the head) set up two subjects of Xiu Cai and Ming Jing.In 606, Sui Yangdi (the following ruler) began to include another subject of Jin Shi. Along these lines, it turned into the sign of the foundation of Keju System. Tang Dynasty: Tang Dynasty conveyed forward the framework from Sui Dynasty rehearsing Keju System which utilized the subject of Jin Shi as the dominative method to choose devotes to upper level. The individuals who would have liked to be the authorities of the organization ought to contend in the Jin Shi tests, which tried their insight about the Five Confucian Classics. They are: Title (English)| Title (Chinese)| Brief Description| Classic of Poetry| An assortment of 305 sonnets isolated into 160 society tunes, 105 festal tunes sung at court services, and 40 songs and commendations sung at penances to divine beings and tribal spirits of the imperial house. | Book of Documents| | An assortment of archives and addresses claimed to have been composed by rulers and authorities of the early Zhou time frame and previously. It is potentially the most seasoned Chinese account, and may date from the sixth century BC. It incorporates instances of early Chinese writing. | Book of Rites| | Describes antiquated customs, social structures and court ceremonies.The adaptation concentrated today is a re-worked form aggregated by researchers in the third century BC as opposed to the first content, which is said to have been altered by Confucius himself. | Classic of Changes| | Also known as I Ching or Book of Changes. The book contains aâ divinationâ system similar to Westernâ geomancyâ or the West African framework. In Western cultures and present day East Asia, it is still generally utilized for this reason. | Spring and Autumn Annals| | Also known as Lin Jingâ ( ), an authentic record of the province of Lu, Confucius' local state, 722â€481 BC, incorporated without anyone else, with mplied judgment of usurpations, murder, interbreeding, and so forth | Graph from Wikipedia.? Before the finish of Tang Dynasty, the old privileged had been replaced by the researcher upper class. Tune Dynasty: during the Song Dynasty, there were a few reconstructions and the Keju System turned out to be increasingly adult and consummate. It had arrived at its highest point. The administration extended affirmation standard and built up Provincial Examination, Metropolitan Examination, and Final Imperial Examination. Those tests would be hold triennially. Melody Dynasty changed the circumstance that dealer were segregated in Sui and Tang Dynasties.Thanks to this strategy, numerous individuals who were conceived hopelessly could have a reasonable access to more significant level of organization. Ming and Qing Dynasty: The Imperial Examinat ion System arrived at its last structure under Ming Dynasty, and was embraced practically flawless by the succeeding Qing tradition. Metropolitan Examination was holding like clockwork in Jing Cheng (Beijing), and authorities were pivoted at regular intervals so as to keep them from working up a force base. The confirmation basis was isolated into three levels. The top level included three quantities: Zhuang Yuan, Bang Yan, and Tan Hua.The different levels would select a few examinees. The topic of the assessments was about the Four Books and Five Confucian Classics. The structure for an assessment paper turned into the adapted â€Å"eight-legged essay†(Ba Gu Wen), which had eight primary headings, utilized 700 characters or less, and managed points as indicated by a specific set way. As per www. Newworldencyclopedia. organization. ? By 1370, the assessments kept going somewhere in the range of 24 and 72 hours, and were directed in extra, separated diagnostic rooms; now and then, nonetheless, it was held in cubicles.The little rooms highlighted two sheets which could be set together to frame a bed, or put on various levels to fill in as a work area and seat. So as to acquire objectivity in assessment, up-and-comers were distinguished by number as opposed to name, and assessment answers were recopied by a third individual before being assessed to keep the applicant's penmanship from being perceived. The assessments were frequently scrutinized in light of the fact that the capacity to excel on the assessment didn't really mirror the capacity to administer well, and on the grounds that they offered priority to style over substance and innovation of thought.The test framework was annulled in 1905. The rulers understood that all together for the nation to get by in the twentieth century, they needed to desert the Confucian-works of art based training framework, and receive a Western-type, science-and-innovation based framework. What number of kinds of degre es could individuals get? What were the sorts of those degrees? The kind of degrees can mirror the culmination of Chinese Imperial Examination System. Sorts of Degree Level 1: District Level First you needed to breeze through the area level test. There was no degree at this level.The individuals who breezed through the region level test would have the title of Tong Sheng( ). At that point you have the capability to take the prefectural level test. Level 2a: Prefectural Level People who finish the prefectural level test accomplished Sheng Yuan( ) degree. The test was held multiple times at regular intervals at the capital of the neighborhood prefecture. The most remarkable Sheng Yuan could legitimately be given the Gong Sheng( ) degree. Level 2b With time going on, the legislature got degenerate and permitted individuals to purchase a Jian Sheng( ) degree.Wealthy individuals who were too sluggish to even think about studying or who bombed the prefectural level test purchased these de grees to improve their economic wellbeing. These Jian Sheng had a similar capability to take next level assessment. Level 3: Provincial Level People who breezed through the commonplace level test were granted the Ju Ren( ) degree. The test was held at the commonplace capital at regular intervals. Not many of the populace had this degree. These individuals where thought about upper nobility. Level 4: Metropolitan Level People who finished the metropolitan level test were granted the Gong Sheng( )degree.Soon in the wake of breezing through the metropolitan assessment, the up-and-comer would take the Palace Examination and be presented the Jin Shi( ) degree. The test was given at Beijing once like clockwork. What sort of impact does it have? Is it valuable or adverse for the social turn of events? The Imperial Examination System was progressively similar to a twofold edged blade, since it carries the consistency to the nation yet hesitance to develop and change. The beneficial and disa dvantageous impact Positive effect * Keju System encourages customary Confucian culture promoted and caused the general public to produce an energetic, basic, scholastic condition. From Song administration, regardless of how submissively the examinees were, they had the equivalent chance to enter a high situation in government as different privileged people had. So this framework extended the extent of choosing gifts, yet in addition had a significant influence in keeping up the solidness of society. During Ming and Qing administration, about portion of Jin Shi was conceived in poor families. * The exacting framework gave unbiased opportunities to average people with the goal that administration had a decent reputa
Friday, August 21, 2020
Technology`s Influence On Children Essays - Obesity, Bariatrics
Innovation's Influence On Children The offspring of today are getting increasingly stout, for the way that they are acquiring sluggishness. They are investing more energy before the TV at that point they are getting their day by day work out. Their developing bodies need exercise to lose child fat before it gets the opportunity to be a significant issue. The development of innovation has framed a significant effect on the stoutness of the present youngsters. This innovation has subbed typical youth play practices with PC games that take less physical exertion. In light of innovation in the present society the issue with youngster heftiness has gotten hugely heightened. To start with, what is kid heftiness? The term youngster corpulence implies a kid is an individual among birth and pubescence what's more, stout is very fat: corpulent(The American Heritage Dictionary 265,856). This ailment is caused because of an absence of activity and over-eating by a youngster. Youngster stoutness can cause numerous clinical issues for a kid that endures from such an ailment. Obesty is a broad sickness that is developing amazingly more awful as innovation increments. Moreover, clearly the absence of practice has a significant part to do with kid heftiness; researchers fault the TV for a substitute to open air sports. Children are investing more energy observe TV than they are doing physical exercises. The discoveries unequivocally bolster the thought that the most significant way of life factor in youth stoutness is TV watching(Monmaney). The TV brings the youngster's creative mind to life, giving them diversion to manage without the running and practicing of open air sports. The more TV a youngster watches the more corpulent the youngster will get. Next, the issue is getting so wild that the government will need to begin getting included. Satcher and Shirley Watkins, the undersecretary of agribusiness for food, nourishment and shopper administrations said that, 'TV expands stoutness, smothers imagination and abbreviates abilities to focus among youngsters' (Bauder). This is their purpose behind joining the battle for a television Free America. It is evaluated that an corpulent youngster watches a normal of four hours and nine minutes of TV each day. That is four hours that a kid could be holding with their family or making a move in some physical action. In this manner, issue with kid corpulence begins as youthful as earliest stages. On the off chance that the kid's folks don't pressure practice the kid will locate an elective method to involve their time. For instance, playing a game cartridge instead of shooting loops or flying a kite. The game cartridge furnishes inexpensive diversion with next to no wellness included. Ross Andersen prescribes that guardians discover options in contrast to sitting in front of the TV for their kids (Joseph). A parent should do anything conceivable to get their kids from the TV. Ether by making day by day arrangements with coordinated interims restricting the measure of TV the youngster can watch or marking them up for YMCA sport exercises. Regardless of whether the parent has a bustling work routine, make time to advantage the kid. Despite the fact that, there are various measures of physician recommended drugs for youngster stoutness, the side influences are unreasonably hazardous for the more youthful kid. The least demanding approach to tackle this notable malady is by halting the issue previously it begins. 'On the off chance that you can mediate with overweight kids before they are completely developed, you can frequently assist them with developing into their weight and forestall them from turning out to be overweight grown-ups. Some overweight kids don't have to lose weight as much as they have to put on weight at a more slow rate.' (Discroll) Proceeding onward, a few youngsters don't have to get in shape, however need assistance developing into the weight they as of now have. They can utilize help to slow the rate at which they put on weight, making it simpler for them to develop into it. In addition, the wellbeing hazard looked by kids with the ailment of youngster stoutness is tremendous. More than 70 percent of all cases continue into adulthood(Mellin). Weight during grown-up a long time is related with expanded paces of maladies, for example, hyperinsulinemia, coronary illness, angina, atherosclerosis, different malignant growths, orthopedic issues, and gout alongside numerous other present moment and psychosocial outcomes of heftiness in kids. Therefore, with the innovation in the present society the issue with youngster heftiness has to a great extent heightened. The administration of stoutness and overweight in kids is a significant issue. Before corpulence can be treated in youngsters, it is useful to have a marker to distinguish youngsters who might probably get overweight or corpulent in adulthood. The guardians furthermore, kids can get a bounce on what they have to do to beat this infection. The battle won't be simple however with the support of
Using US History DBQ Essay Samples
Using US History DBQ Essay SamplesTeaching US History DBQ Essay samples is a crucial aspect of any classroom and it can be difficult to ensure that everyone is well-prepared. One way to help students improve their essay skills is to use some of the topics that you know they will need assistance with.One of the most used US History DBQ Essay samples is on American History. Using this topic ensures that students understand the basics. It also provides some examples of student responses. The sample also includes some sample sentences, along with the standard formatting for this topic.One of the more challenging portions of an exam day is the essay portion. Students often have very little time to prepare, so they need to make sure that they have gotten all of the information and facts correct. The first thing to do is make sure that the student has an essay prompt and a list of essay samples. Make sure to also consider some helpful tips that can help them make the best essay possible.Som e students choose to write the essay on their own or in response to a query writers are given. However, many students prefer to use a guide to help them find the answers they need when writing the essay.Many students feel that this essay test is easier than one of its predecessors and it has been used in many colleges. Although there are a number of different answers students can choose from, some of the most common are:Some students find the writing process much easier than others and if they are looking for a way to improve their essay they should try to figure out how to improve their essay before they even start writing. Writing is a process that begins with preparation. However, writing a good essay is a skill that must be learned.Many students like to write opinion pieces about various subjects. Some use their first drafts as a stepping stone for research papers. The essay allows them to express their views on an issue without giving away their exact opinions.Writing an essay on a historical event requires a different approach from writing an essay about a novel or other form of fiction. Some students may not believe that essay writing is very difficult, but many of them may find this to be an intimidating experience.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Personal Health Record Applications Research Assignment - 550 Words
Personal Health Record Applications Research Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: Personal Health Record ApplicationsCassie LioitiUniversity of North GeorgiaAuthor NoteCassie Lioiti, Department of _____________, University of North Georgia.Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Cassie Lioiti, Department of _________ University of North Georgia.Contact: cmlioi1435@ung.view.usg.eduPersonal Health Record ApplicationsThe demographic change is increasingly being felt in the field of nursing and medicine. There are more and more senior citizens, and the number of people in need of care is increasing. In order to counter this development, legislators are encouraging the outpatient care of relatives and the expansion of outpatient community services, which increases the need for mobile care services.Software applications for mobile phones, Personal Computers, and Tablets have entered the healthcare sector amongst consumers, patients, and physicians. There are security risks, because the boundary between the wellness application and t he medical device is not always clear, and many apps are not tested and verified.Management Software for Outpatient Care ServicesSpecifically, for outpatient care services, various providers have developed cloud solutions for billing healthcare services. They enable information (e.g., master data) and services to be collected directly from the patient, to update the data online on all connected devices over the Internet, thus facilitating the preparation of nursing care contracts, performance records, cost estimates as well as billing with the cost carriers. In addition, they provide functions, such as the display of statistics (revenues), preparation of care planning, printout of reports and forms of care with appropriate care standards (wound documentation, fall prophylaxis, etc.), management of working time accounts, documentation, service planning and tour planning. There are various sales models for the software solutions.Apps for NursesHome Apps for nurses save not only signif icant walking distances and time but also provide up-to-date information. The number of apps in the "Healthcare Professionals" category is now unclear. They are very useful apps for nurses who can also be useful to caregivers.The Free Drug app. This app currently provides all standard information such as indications, contraindications, side effects, warnings, agents, producers, price and size of packs of different drugs available. It also offers an ATC / ICD-10 search function and is also available offline. Besides, there is the possibility of the app on the complete data set of Red List access.The Emergency Medications app. The Emergency Medications gives an overview of a wide range of standard products for the emergency and comes with some extras, such as the ability to create your own list of drugs, the use of a computer for calculation of anesthesia introduction, maintenance and so on. Emergency Medicine contains information about medication, treatment of all important preclinic al emergencies, basic measures, and algorithms.The knowledge base Pflege.kompakt, which is developed in collaboration with the University of Bremen and various industry partners on the topics of dementia and pain since January 2013. The aim of the knowledge base, are made on the nursing decisions to improve, and practical nurses understandable, evidence-based and to convey already synthesized knowledge. With the help of a se...
Monday, May 25, 2020
Compare and contrast the presentation of oppressionin I...
Compare and contrast the presentation of oppressionin I Am Not That Woman and Still I Rise. The poems I am studying are I Am Not That Woman by Kishwar Naheed and Still I Rise by Maya Angelou, both in the twentieth century. Both poets have based the poems on their own experiences of suppression in their different cultures and they both continue to end with feelings of hope.The poems show the different reactions and attitudes of two very different women who in similar circumstances. In I Am Not That Woman, the poet has been oppressed in her culture of the Asian society. By this she has been oppressed by the traditional values of the Eastern culture but especially by her father and husband. She is also trying to overcome†¦show more content†¦The poet seems bitter towards her father and husband. She seems strong because she has got through her problems so far and is angry and resentful about the whole situation. She seems adamant to not let it happen to her for much longer. The poet uses figurative language to help create imagery in the readers mind. An example of this is the metaphor is I am the one you hid in your walls of stone, where she means how her husband has literally and mentally locked her away, creating the picture of her trapped. To show that she had been pressurized of the Asian society of being forced to have an arranged marriage metaphors are also used here, crushed with the weight of custom and tradition. The poet even uses a biblical refere nce to help picture some of the imagery in the readers mind. This is where she says she is walking on water which is a reference to Jesus and miracles. When she mentions not knowing, she uses this to emphasize the ignorance given to her by her family and husband. She often repeats herself, such as not knowing. By doing this she is trying to get a point across effectively. By the repetition of not knowing she is trying to make them aware that although she has been locked away and that they are controlling her, she still knows things that they do not. The poet is trying to get the point of view across, that she is not the Eastern woman living in captivity, being told what to
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
How to Avoid Bed Bugs When You Travel
Bed bugs were once a pest of the past, but they’ve made a remarkable comeback in recent years. Just a few hitchhiking bed bugs in your luggage can start a full-scale infestation of these bloodsucking insects in your home. What Do Bed Bugs Look Like? Adult bed bugs are oval in shape and brown or reddish in color. Immature bed bugs tend to be lighter in color. Bed bugs usually live in groups, so where theres one, theres likely to be many. Other signs that bed bugs are present include tiny black spots on linens or furniture (excrement) and piles of light brown skin casings. 4 Common Myths About Bed Bugs The mere thought of bed bugs might be enough to make your skin crawl (literally!), but its important you understand a few things about these pests and their habits. Bed bugs dont transmit diseases and arent generally considered a threat to your health. As with any insect bite, bed bug bites can be itchy, and some peoples skin may be more sensitive than others.Bed bugs are not a product of filth. They will inhabit even the cleanest of homes. Dont assume your house or your hotel room is too clean to host bed bugs. If theres something for them to eat (usually you), bed bugs will be just as happy in a 5-star resort as they will in a cheap motel.Bed bugs are nocturnal. That means theyre only going to show their faces at night when its good and dark. Dont expect to walk into a hotel room in broad daylight and see bed bugs crawling up the walls.Bed bugs are really small. Adult bed bugs are visible to the naked eye but youll need a magnifying glass to spot their eggs. Because theyre so tiny, bed bugs can hide in places youd never think of looking. Fortunately, theres plenty you can do to minimize your chances of bringing bed bugs home from your next vacation or business trip. What to Research Before You Go Before you hit the road on your next vacation or business trip, do your homework. People are quick to share their travel experiences online, especially when it comes to bed bugs in hotel rooms. Websites like Tripadvisor, where customers post their own reviews of hotels and resorts, are invaluable resources to see if your hotel has a bed bug problem. You can also check out, an online database that tracks reported bed bug infestations in hotels and apartments. The bottom line – if people are saying theyve seen bed bugs at a certain hotel or resort, dont stay there on your trip. How to Pack to Avoid Bed Bugs Use sealable sandwich bags. This way even if you do end up in a room with the pests your belongings will be protected. Get yourself a good supply of large baggies (gallon sizes work great), and seal everything you can inside them. Clothing, shoes, toiletries, and even books can be zipped up tight. Make sure you seal the baggies completely, as even a tiny opening can allow a wandering bed bug to get in. When in your hotel room, keep the baggies zipped shut unless you need access to an item inside. Use hard-sided luggage. Cloth-sided luggage offers bed bugs a million hideaways. Hard-sided luggage doesnt have folds or seams where bed bugs can hide, and it closes completely, with no gaps so the pests cant penetrate your bags interior. If you must use soft-sided luggage for your trip, lighter-colored bags are better. Bed bugs will be virtually impossible to spot on black or dark-colored bags. Pack clothing that is easy to launder. Avoid packing clothing that can only be laundered in cold water. Washing in hot water, then drying at high heat, does a good job of killing any bed bugs carried home on clothes, so youll want to choose garments that can be easily debugged when you return. How to Inspect Your Hotel Room for Bed Bugs When you arrive at your hotel or resort, leave your luggage in the car or with the bellhop. Should you walk in and find a room teeming with bed bugs, you dont want your belongings sitting in the midst of the infestation. Dont bring your bags into the room until youve done a proper bed bug inspection. Bed bugs hide during daylight hours, and theyre quite small, so finding them takes a little work. Its a good idea to carry a small flashlight when you travel since bed bugs will likely be hiding in the darkest crevices of the room. A LED key chain makes a great bed bug inspection tool. The sulfur in an unlit match will cause the bugs to flee. Run an unlit match along the seam of the mattress to bring the bugs out of hiding. Where to Look When Inspecting a Hotel Room for Bed Bugs Start with the bed (theyre called bed bugs for a reason, after all). Check the linens thoroughly for any signs of bed bugs, especially around any seams, piping, or ruffles. Dont forget to inspect the dust ruffle, a common hiding place for bed bugs that are often overlooked. Pull back the sheets, and inspect the mattress, again looking carefully at any seams or piping. If theres a box spring, check for bed bugs there as well. If possible, lift each corner of the mattress and box spring and inspect the bed frame, another popular hiding place for bed bugs. Bed bugs can also live in wood. Continue your inspection by examining any furniture or other items near the bed. The majority of bed bugs live within close proximity to the bed. If you are able, inspect behind the headboard, which is often mounted on the wall in hotel rooms. Also, look behind picture frames and mirrors. Pull out any drawers, using your flashlight to look inside the dresser and nightstand. What to Do If You Find Bed Bugs in Your Hotel Room? Go immediately to the front desk and ask for a different room. Tell the management what bed bug evidence you found, and specify that you want a room with no history of bed bug problems. Dont let them give you a room adjacent to the room where you found bed bugs (including the rooms above or below it), as bed bugs can easily travel through ductwork or wall cracks into adjoining rooms. Be sure to repeat your bed bug inspection in the new room, too. While Youre Staying at the Hotel Just because you didnt find any bed bugs, doesnt mean they arent there. Its quite possible your room could still have pests, so take a few extra precautions. Never place your luggage or your clothing on the floor or bed. Store your bags on the luggage rack or on top of a dresser, off the floor. Keep any items, not in use sealed in baggies. How to Unpack From Your Trip and Kill Any Stowaway Bed Bugs After you check out of the hotel, you can take steps to keep any undetected bed bugs from following you home. Before you put your luggage in the car to head home, place it in a large plastic garbage bag and knot it tightly closed. Once you get home, unpack carefully.  All clothing and other machine washable items should be laundered immediately in the hottest water allowable. Clothes should then dried on high heat for at least 30 minutes. This should kill any bed bugs that managed to stow away. Freeze things that cant be washed or heated. Items that cannot be exposed to water or heat can be frozen instead, although this takes longer to destroy the bed bug eggs. Keep these belongings sealed in baggies, and place them in a freezer for a minimum of 5 days. Electronics and other items that cannot survive such temperature extremes should be inspected thoroughly, preferably outdoors or in a garage or other area of the house with limited carpeting or furniture. Inspect your luggage, especially soft-sided pieces. Check the zippers, lining, pockets, and any piping or seams carefully for signs of bed bugs. Ideally, you should steam clean your soft-sided luggage. Wipe down hard-sided luggage and check any fabric inner lining thoroughly.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Slowly Evolving Organizations Face Extinction - 1905 Words
Video #9 Summary: â€Å"Slowly evolving organizations face extinction†Video 9 is titled â€Å"Slowly evolving organizations face extinction†and focuses on why some companies are not advancing, but instead declining. The video starts off with the quote with Bill Gates saying â€Å"Microsoft is always two years away from failure.†He demonstrates how competitive and aggressive the modern and up to date world is today. The world today is composed of companies that are currently failing and cannot keep up with the current innovation competition and companies that are ahead of the game with innovations. The challenge to compete for the best innovation in the approaching future is difficult and intense. It is common of people to think that innovation is†¦show more content†¦Companies that wants demanding customers and to be one of the revolutionary businesses in the nation must be constantly stepping up their game to be the best innovator. Video #10: TEDxJamaica-Randall Pinkett: â€Å"The Entrepreneur’s Mindset†This video is about Randall Pinkett who first introduces himself about how he always had the entrepreneurial spirit when he was a kid selling lemonade and his toys and during his college years selling relic. He won the fourth season of Apprentice and is the chairman and CEO of BCT company. His speech will be focusing about the entrepreneurial mindset and the two reasons why it is important which is that we are in a tough economic time where those who survive are those that can do more with less and the second reason is the change of technology compared to decades ago. He describes the term entrepreneur mindset as â€Å"not something you do but the way that you think†. The five characteristics of it are creativity, resourcefulness, courage, resilience, and passion. He suggests that little children have the characteristics of the entrepreneur mindsets that are similar to the mindset of someon e who believes the sky is the limit and those who goes, dream, and pursue for the impossible goals. To support his point he retells a story of when he was at an elementary school and asked a little girl what she wanted to be and she told him she wants to be a lawyer, doctor, and teacher which showed she had the courage to do
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What is Love Essay - 1558 Words
What is Love? Romantic Love Is love chemical? Love cant be just pheromones, surely body chemistry changes. Although, perhaps that is why people break up after a while. Maybe they were attracted to each other at one point, but then the pheromones they were giving off change and the other person is no longer attracted to them. What is attraction based on? What attracts one person to another? People have said they have fallen in love before meeting in person, thanks to the Internet. Pheromones cant account for that. If someone falls in love, without meeting the other person (in-person), what is left? Voice, a photo or two, etc. Perhaps attraction is oral. But attraction cant be just voice, because plenty of people†¦show more content†¦To me this doesnt feel like it can be the same love as a couple in a healthy relationship. Although Helen Fisher divides love into three categories, lust, attraction, and attachment, these categories dont help in determining what love is or how and why we are attracted to some people and not others. Her categories give us tools for putting romantic love into context, but not in explaining what love, unless you accept that its solely brain responses to a person. That feels like the whole chicken and the egg discussion. What will you react to? What will you be attracted to? What will get brain activity going? Cause and effect. What Dr. Fisher discusses is the effect of love, but not what it is. Lust (or sex drive), is physical, but does it come solely from physical attraction? Attraction is one of her categories, but why are people attracted to each other? And finally attachment, why do we feel attached to some people? What is falling in love, and out of love? How do we measure love? How is loving someone different from being in love with someone? In the marketplace, an items value is determined by what the public is willing to pay for it. There seem to be few tools for measuring love. You cant put a price on love, so its hard to say if one person loves another more or less than the other. Dr. Fishers MRIs might be just the thing couples need when they are fighting and one wants to prove toShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Love? What It Is?1527 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is Love? When asked the question â€Å"What is Love?†what are some of the first things that come to mind? Some people might say it is an emotion that we experience when we interact with the world around us. People can have love for many things such as money and other material possessions, family and friends, even the world around them. These are just a few examples of how we often use love in our lives. However, love is not only confined to our lives, it is also a very important emotion in religionsRead MoreWhat Is Love?1020 Words  | 5 Pages250 Tu/Thu 10/5/10 What is Love? Love is one of the most difficult words to define. I challenge you to try. You can even go the easy way and simply Google the word â€Å"love†. What you will find is not one but hundreds of definitions along with countless books, movies, and songs all having to do with love. The reason why it is so hard to define love is because there are different forms/stages of love and there are so many things that love can consist of. Also, love can have a different definitionRead MoreWhat is love?872 Words  | 3 PagesLove and passion is the burning sensation that drives humans to lead their lives into new horizons: following the heart hoping it will guide the way. Janie, the lead character in the book, Their Eyes Were Watching God, written by Zora Neale Hurston, is suppressed by family, and two different husband too, only to find pain and sorrow by not following her heart until she is freed by a man who loves her deeply with only one thing on his mind, to protect and love her like nobody else before. ThroughRead MoreWhat Is Love?1080 Words  | 4 PagesTwelfth Night is love. The notion of love is important to the plot as many of the characters are driven by love. There are multiple forms of love depicted throughout the play; each character represents a different type of love. Viola displays a patient, sincere, and enduring love for Orsion as well as a deep familial love for her brother. Sebastian and Antonio share a special bond which could be classified as brotherly love. These two bonds can be seen as the most real forms of love depicted in TwelfthRead MoreWhat is Love?559 Words  | 2 Pagesdictionary love is a feeling of strong affection for a person. (Merriam-Webster) In my opinion, love is a conjunction of different feelings altogether, when a person is in love they feel happy, sad, excited, and scared everything at the same time. What I am trying to say is that for me there is not real definition for love because nobody can really explain the mix of feelings that happened when one is in love. According to one of Latterell’s assumptions love conquers all, she says that, â€Å"true love willRead MoreWhat Is Love?1409 Words  | 6 Pageswaiting for his response. â€Å"I’m looking at love realistically this time around, instead of through the eyes of romantic delirium.†Julian scoffed. â€Å"You can’t fool me. Save your breath.†David was finding it harder to keep his cool. â€Å"I don’t even know the girl with whom I’m supposed to be in love. The whole thing was kind of an illusion, at least the romantic part. Cecilia was Daniel’s girl.†â€Å"That didn’t bother you this past summerâ€â€you were head over heels in love.†â€Å"Yeah, with a girl astral projectingRead MoreWhat is Love?589 Words  | 2 PagesWhat is â€Å"Love†? Love can be defined as different things. Love can be the love between brother and sister, sibling love, like Ender and Val. Love can also be the love between a boyfriend and girlfriend or a husband and wife, like Val and her husband, which the book doesn’t really talk much about, or Novinha and Libo. In strange cases, the love you should have for a girlfriend or wife but you feel that way for your sister, like Miro and Ouanda. Love is one of the weirdest feeling ever and is somethingRead MoreWhat Is Love Essay796 Words  | 4 PagesMonday Oct. 19th What is Love? According to Webster’s dictionary the word love is described as a strong, positive emotion of regard and affection. But in society today it seems as if we throw the word love around in such a loose manner it really has lost its meaning. Ranging from â€Å"I love Coach purses†, to actually telling a person â€Å"I love you†is now a common thing. Throughout this essay I’ll be taking a philosophical approach to help give a better understanding of what love is according to theRead MoreWhat Is Freedom For Love? Essay746 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is Freedom to Love? Some would say that freedom to love is, having no limitations or boundaries. To see everyone equally. Many would say that freedom to love is, to give ones life for another. I agree with both statements but I would go further to say that freedom to love is not only an act or a response but it is a lifestyle. Something that defines you. Something that make you, who you are. As proud Americans, this month we celebrate the freedom that we have in this country and theRead MoreWhat is Love? Essay571 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is Love? Love, love, love, we hear it every day, every where , it is used so often that we don’t really give it a thought. The question that needs to be answered is what really is love? Was love created so that hate can be suppressed? Is love something that both man and woman hope for when their world comes crashing down on them? Does love help relief pain and suffering felt by victims of natural disasters? Aphrodite, Venus, Cupid, and Eros were well know as the gods of love and sex by
The Importance Of Atlantis By Charles Portis - 797 Words
One demonstrated conviction that Atlantis is a legend comes when Plato notices. Plato in Timaeus says that Atlantis was bigger than Asia minor and Libya, and was an once-perfect express that ended up noticeably degenerate and battle ready and utilized its extraordinary energy to endeavor to overcome the world. It was wrecked by seismic tremors and sank into the Atlantic Sea. Atlantis is ended up being a puzzle in light of the fact that the possibility of a propelled human progress where learning and logical research were urged engaged Western pragmatists who endeavored to distinguish the lost land with America and the Canary lslands. Atlantis is turned out to be a legend when Atlantis rediscovery occures in Jules Vernes 20,000 Alliances†¦show more content†¦E. Scene was also used throughout the story to make it better. An angling trawler, the Andrea Gail was lost adrift with its six team individuals amid the Ideal Tempest of 1991. The 72-foot business angling vessel was worked in Panama City, Florida in 1978 and possessed by Robert Darker. Holding a team of six, she was in commission for a long time before vanishing on an excursion to Newfoundland. The Andrea Gail and her six-man team had been angling in the North Atlantic Sea out of Gloucester, Massachusetts. On September 20, 1991, the Andrea Gail alongside an armada of around 25 sword angling vessels, set out from Gloucester for the last angling outing of the season destined for the Terrific Banks of Newfoundland off the shoreline of eastern Canada. Stacked with ice, the team wanted to get nearly 40,000 pounds of swordfish - the sooner the better, so they could get back home and offer in the benefits. Be that as it may, the team wasnt getting the same number of fish as they had trusted and by the center of October, they had scarcely enough fish to equal the initial investment. Accordingly, Chief Honest William Billy Tyne traveled east to the Flemish Top where he trusted they would have better good fortune. Sooner or later, the ships ice machine started to glitch and would be not able keep up the catch for any longer. Tyne at that point settled on the choice to set a course for home on about October
Ethical Issues in IT Resolving an Ethical Dilemma
Question: Discuss about theEthical Issues in ITfor Resolving an Ethical Dilemma. Answer: Introduction This case study is about the ethical issues in a website that contains the links of some news channels which displays some news that are not allowed by the government. Now the fact is that, the I.T. manager Sarah was unaware about the fact as it was developed by the web developer of a state government department, Yan. The ethical dilemma of this situation has been analyzed in this paper through the use of Thomas Whites framework for solving ethical dilemma. This is an efficient one for solving the problem related to ethics and the questions is What to do? (White 2005). The analysis has three simple steps as discussed in the section below: Step 1: Consequences Analysis In this case, the consequence is that the website links causes lots of embarrassments to the government of Australia due to the website links. The links were ok until it shows any cases that has suppression order. Both the developer and the IT manager have shown lack of professionalism in this case. As per the ACS code of ethics, the IT professionals should maintain professionalism while working in their workplaces. In this case, Yan required to well aware about the links before adding those to the WebPages ( 2016). On the other hand, Sarah had the responsibly to check each and every links of the site before permitting the live streaming of the site in the internet. Step 2: Analysis of the Actions In order to analyse the actions, the ACS code of ethics has been considered. It helped to understand the actual problems of the It professionals involved in this case issue. The incident has also violated the issues of public interest of the ACS code of ethics. The website links of the global channels are not permitted to be shown in the local sites of Australia but the website links enabled it publicly. The integrity factors associated with the development of the website were not considered by the developer and so by the IT manager. Another violation of the ACS code of ethics is the competence violation. As per the ethical consideration, the professional works of the IT professionals should competently and diligently for the stakeholders. In this case, the developed website was the cause of great embarrassment of the stakeholders. Step 3: Decision Making Sarah and Yan both are responsible for this ethical dilemma. Now they should maintain the honesty at the workplace as per the ACS code ( 2016). Both of them should take the responsibility and should admit their negligence to the stakeholders. The contradictory news links should be urgently removed from the pages of the government website. This necessary improvements need to be done by Yan in urgent basis. Yan need to remove those links and add new links after knowing well about the links. Before permitting the live streaming now Sarah need to check all the components of the revised websites. References: 2016.ACS Code of Ethics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Nov. 2016]. White, T.I., 2005. Resolving an ethical dilemma.Loyola Marymount University.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Vietnam War Politics free essay sample
The Vietnam War There was a connection between the students and the Vietnam War and it affected them as well. Before the Vietnam War began the American population held Congressmen, Universities, and all other official institutions in high regard. In the 1960s the views began to change, there were two simple view points between students. One side felt as though the U. S. didn’t need to get involved in the War at all, they felt as though it was a losing battle which continued to put burdens on both social and economic and the U. S. eeded to back out. However there is always an opposing side and that side saw it fit for the U. S. to be in the War, the students felt that the U. S. got involved for a reason so they need to stay there and finish the job. A lot of protests for the War happened on college campuses. We will write a custom essay sample on The Vietnam War Politics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page During the years of the War the draft to enlist in the War was instituted in 1942, which states that men and women from the baby boom era were able to go and fight in the War. The men soldier’s and the women nurse. This draft reinforced the concern of the U. S. being involved. Draft and exemptions were available to college students, which stated that if young men and women weren’t in college they could enlist. If students were trying to avoid the War just by attending college, were told about the injustice of the situation and protested as a way to communicate to the government. When graduated from college you could then also enlist in the draft to fight. Two million Americans fought in the War and fifty-eight thousand or more died. As the War continued finances in the U. S. grew. Students protesting showed the emotions of Americans and since there was a lack of support from Americans with protesting it made matters worse. The political and social outcomes of the Vietnam War, between the years of 1964 and 1968 there were a lot of changes of government in South Vietnam. With all the changes it made it impossible to accommodate any stability or reforming. There was an election being held in 1967 for a new South Vietnamese government. On the communist side the Vietcong the political arm over them was the National Liberation Front or (NLF) which was established in 1960. Their headquarters was in the jungle near the order of Cambodia. The Vietnam War cost the U. S. thirty billion dollars a year. Paris Peace Talks develop as well during this time. Paris Peace Talks were about finding ways to end the Vietnam War Politically. North Vietnam had shown no evidence of willing to negotiate, so March of 1968 President Johnson ordered more bombing on North Vietnam only on a specific area after that North Vietnam decided to negotiate. During this time the U. S. we’re preparing for their national elections. During the time of the elections the divided feelings about the war had become a political factor; it was affecting the U. S. position throughout the World. When President Johnson decided not to reelect it showed a reflection of the opposition to the War. In the year of 1969 the U. S. had a new president Richard M. Nixon who announced that he was pulling troops out of the War and implementing a new strategy which was called Vietnamization. This new strategy meant for the South Vietnamese troops would have to bear the burden of the War. In 1972 the rest of the U. S. ground combat troops left Vietnam. In the same year, North Vietnam set off an attack which overran South Vietnam, in a response to the attack the bombing of the north was resumed and Haiphong Harbor was mined. The Peace Talks continued and in January of 1973 there was an agreement signed, but neither North or South Vietnam wanted to stay true to the agreement with the military and political terms and because, of that they were unable to bring peace to Vietnam. December of 1974 North Vietnam persecuted a final attack on South Vietnam which to led the surrender of South Vietnam and the country was under communist control. The Vietnam War cost the lives of fifty-eight thousand Americans, some killed, some classified and then others are still missing in action to this day, after the war Vietnam suffered economically. REFERENCES www. oppapers. com/history The new book of knowledge (pgs. 336 – 338)
Monday, April 13, 2020
Good Topics For An Analytical Essay
Good Topics For An Analytical EssayWhen doing an analytical essay, it is important to have good topics to work with. A lot of the time, these are topics that you are familiar with and therefore easier to deal with. However, there are some good topics for an analytical essay that you may not be too familiar with.One of the first things that you can think about is where you are studying at school. If you are a math major then it will be much easier to find topics for an analytical essay that can make use of those skills. If you are going to go to college to earn your master's degree then you should look into topics that can help you in that particular program. Some of the most common topics for an analytical essay include algebra, calculus, linear algebra, statistics, and trigonometry.Some good topics for an analytical essay include economics, psychology, and sociology. These are very popular because people know what they are talking about. If you are considering going to college for s omething other than a master's degree then you may want to consider these topics because they tend to be an easier subject to handle. There are also other topics that you could choose from like business, computer science, and literature.For those who have already earned their degrees in college students may also be interested in topics for an analytical essay. It is important to realize that a lot of them will use this type of essay as their form of review. Once you have gotten through your course, there is a good chance that you will also be going back to college for your next master's degree. When you do so, then it will be useful to learn how to write a good essay about this course in an analytical essay.Topics for an analytical essay may come in many different forms. They may be short written pieces about topics that were very interesting to you. For example, if you love history and you thought you would enjoy reviewing topics about political philosophy, then you may want to try writing a few of these short essays.Some of the best topics for an analytical essay will come when you come across a topic that you are very familiar with. This is great for those who have already done their undergraduate work but wish to get their masters. You could create an essay about a topic that you have written about before in an academic paper or even on a blog.By having a topic that you are familiar with, you will be able to get the ideas down on paper more easily. You will also be able to more easily distinguish between the different types of subjects that will be in your essay. If you want to learn more about this topic then you should search the internet for articles on the topic. There are also a lot of resources on the topic as well.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Impact of terrorism on Italian economy
Introduction Background Information Terrorism has become a global phenomenon. This has been boosted by the hard economic times that have been witnessed in the world. Various studies have been conducted, and they indicate that terrorism has had on a number of developing countries. The same can be said about the US and UK. However, there is little literature on the impact terrorism has had on other developed countries especially in Europe. Italy is a developed country in southern Europe. The country has borne the blunt of terrorism in the last two decades.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Impact of terrorism on Italian economy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thesis statement This paper seeks to find out the impact that terrorism has had on the economy of Italy, a developed country. Terrorism has had on the economy of Italy In the 17th century, Italy had been undergoing a recession and Spain had taken advan tage of its weakness to rule most of Southern Italy. Towards the end of the 17th century, Spain had declined in terms of political and military power. The Italians in Southern Italy had tried to rebel in the 17th century. However, their rebellion had often been quelled. It was not until the beginning of the 18th century, particularly in 1713, when Spanish succession came to an end after they lost the war of Spanish Succession (1700-1713) to Austria which then took the part of Spain in dominating Southern Italy. In 1734, Spain would regain Naples from Austria. There was a lot of progress in the 18th century, and church powers were reduced. The Italian rulers also implemented major reforms in the country. In 1796, Napoleon successfully invaded Italy. The Napoleon conquered the Naples in the year 1798. However, Napoleon proceeded to win at Marengo. On the other hand, Piedmont was taken in as part of France. The Cisalpine Republic, was given a different name, the Italian Republic. When the Napoleon was defeated, the old regime was recaptured. This happened in 1815. Most of the old kingdoms were reinstated in the 19th century. However, Venice and Genoa remained without reinstatement. This era was marked by a high level of restlessness and discontent. Carbonari organized rebellion in Naples. In addition, there was another rebellion that was instigated by the same group in 1821. The rebellions were both unsuccessful as the Austrians were able to quell these rebellions. One Italian nationalist, Giuseppe Mazzini was a key figure who championed for a united Italy. After leading an unsuccessful rebellion in 1831, he had to flee to France and later to Britain but continued to agitate for Italian nationalism. The year 1848 was marked by a number of revolutions in Europe (Duggan, 2006). Palermo was the first, Naples and Venice followed soon and succeeded in restoring its status as a republic.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Pope had been prevailed upon to rescue the Italians. Nevertheless, the Pope did not intend to fight the Austrians. Naples’ King staged a coup. He was supported by the Swiss mercenaries. Later on, the Pope was forced to flee his home after a coup that made Rome a republic albeit short lived since the French soon restored the Pope. Creating unity in Italy started in 1852. This is the time when Camillo Cavour was stated to be captured by the Prime Minister of Piedmont. Camillo joined the French and British people to fight Rusia in 1855. None of the countries wanted the unity of Italy. In 1860, a unified Italy was established. This happened when King Victor Emmanuel established a treaty with Garibaldi. The latter yielded to pressure and gave all his powers to the King. Italy had been on the same side with Germany and Japan. The three countries had all lost terribly to the allies. The reconstruction of Italy started in 1946. This was the year when Italy had a referendum to create a republic. Later, the elections for the assembly were held and soon the first president became Luigi Einaudi in 1948. Italy stood to benefit from the Marshall Aid from the USA (Ferraresi, 1996). The industries were soon flourishing, and the standards of living continued to increase. The growth continued until the late sixties when university students showed unrest. This was followed by labor unrest. This perhaps forms the first incidents of modern day terrorism in Italy. Failed university systems radicalized the students, and this was fuelled by the failure of the then governments to deliver to a section of the citizenry. The centre of these radical movements was the perception that communists had given upon the ideals on which communism was founded. The citizens were losing confidence in the Italian government to preserve these ideals. Some Italian students even saw the cooperation between their communist lea ders and Christian Democratic representatives as a sign of contempt for the working class. Further, there was easing of tensions between the west and the communists in the east. This led to the adoption of hybrid business philosophies that were both borrowed from the capitalists and communists. However, the capitalist policies were highly loathed by the working class as they saw this as the cause of the disparities that were emerging in the Italian societies. The western philosophies allowed companies to adopt the technology that was quickly replacing the workforce. These tensions between workers and their unions coupled with the disgruntled university students soon give birth to a number of leftist and terrorist organizations. The most notorious would emerge the Red Brigade. It is largely acknowledged as the most dominant and ruthless terrorist organizations the country had ever had.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Impact of terrorism on Italian econ omy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Red Brigade was formed in 1970 by a group of university students. It had emerged from the late 1960s’ protests by workers and students where they had joined workers in demonstrating against the right wing political leaders. They initially operated in the major cities within Italy such as Milan and Turin. They would target factories which were viewed as the breeding grounds for social disparities (Willan, 1991). Its leaders advocated for the formation of a revolutionary state by use of armed struggle so as to separate the Italian government and the western elements. As a result of the group’s hatred for the manner in which union leaders were treating workers coupled with the refusal by the government to solve salient social and economic issues, many of the early ideological targets of the group’s leadership involved attacking the establishment which included trade Unionists, politicians, and business owners. In 1971, the group enthusiasm led to a change in the change of internal terrorism procedures from a tactical point of view to a more strategic approach. Members had previously participated in the destruction of vehicles belonging to union officials and factory equipment. The new strategy involved broader attacks on buildings and offices. They later started engaging in human targeting when during the year 1972, the group claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of a foreman. The group was fast becoming the most stubborn terrorist group in Italy. The organization was fast growing, and it soon established an organizational command similar to that of a military force. It had the executive committee, which was the headquarters as it was in charge of ensuring the smooth running of the organization’s activities. The field unit structure composed of sections the urban regions. This was aimed at breaking down the command unit along the regional boun daries. The Italian government was unable to stop the organization, which boosted its growth. Notably, many believed that the Italian government was on its way to collapse. The incident finally puts this organization on the focus of the country. After the abduction of the Prime Minister, the group had sought for 55 days to dialogue with the government to release sixteen of its members. Unfortunately, the government and the Christian Democrats did not yield.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After the death of the then Prime Minister, the government engaged in a war to capture the leaders and silence the organization. The group ceased to exist in the early 80s. In the early 1980s, Italy experienced a recession. This is an aspect that affected other countries in the world too. However, the recession did not last long as it came to an end in 1983 which continued to the end of the Cold War. In 1984, a new terrorist organization emerged. The new group did not use kidnapping though it continued with assassinations and terrorist bombs. The new red brigade movement survived even after the Cold War (Carbone, 2011). However, the group was not very active, but they continued to carry out attacks against government figures. The movement later extended its opposition to the Italian policy on foreign relations. In this case, there was a believe that the government of Italy was being manipulated by the western powers. After the 9/11 terror attacks, the group commended the attackers, an act that would increase the focus the Americans had on the group. BR/Pcc, in 1999, attacked and some people in the group slew an officer who worked in the ministry of labor. The Institute for International Affairs in Rome was bombed by the BR/Pcc in the year 2001. Fortunately, there were no deaths reported in that bomb attack. With the rise and growth of the terror group reminiscent the earlier Red Army Brigade, the Italian government embarked on an exercise to eliminate the group. The new strategies used by the government included extensive use of the media, and an increase in the source payments. This new tact enabled the government to separate the extremists from the general public and for the police authorities to infiltrate the terror group easily. The police could identify members of the terror group, map the networks, and then establish measures to prevent future attacks. This was by arresting all known members and sympathizers of the group. These efforts began to pay as s oon as the government arrested various members of the group. In addition, other individuals who were in the former movement and had been implicated in the assassination of Prime Minister Aldo Moro were arrested too. These groups rose to the top of the terrorists’ food chain in Italy. From sabotaging economic activities and causing political anxiety, these groups continued to be a hindrance to the growth of the Italian economy. The fact that these terror groups targeted factories and offices essentially mean that any success in their activities meant there would be a breakdown in the economic growth of the economy. However, even as the country was able to finish these terror groups, a new form of terror had emerged. With the increase of these activities, the economy has suffered immensely. Firstly, terrorism has an effect on GDP per capita growth. This is especially the case where the rate of terrorism is great. It also means that the capital formation to GDP is affected by a rise in the rate of terror activities. Terrorism affects the performance of an economy. It has been found that terror activities will most likely happen in a democratic country that enjoys high income. Italy is such a country, and this explains the rise in terror activities from international terrorists. Countries with developed institutions will even suffer severe consequences from a terror attack. Political instability is also a huge negative in the economic situation within a country. Terror attacks will likely lead to political instability. Take the example of Italy after the assassination of the then Prime Minister. The incident caused instability in the country’s political arena and economic growth stopped as investors did not know what to expect in the future. It is important to note that modern day Italian economy is very much reliant on tourism, education, and banking. For the tourism industry, terror completely eclipses any tourism activities in a country. Further t o the economic misfortunes that bedevil, Italy, the country joined the European Union in 1999. That decision seems to have been disastrous as that has led to unimaginable levels of unemployment (Bindi, Scuola superiore Della pubblica amministrazione (Italy), Brookings Institution 2011). The country’s northern region remains very industrialized while the south drags on with poverty. Italy has a current population of 61 million people. Conclusion Summarize/Review key points As Italy faces the Euro crisis, most analysts are skeptical about what the future portends for the country. The Euro crisis is one of several other crises that are likely to face Italy if the companies in Italy refuse to act together. As discussed earlier, Italy faces a major problem in that the south and the northern regions continue to operate in very different economic environments. While the north has innovative and robust companies that continue to grow and employ more Italians, the south has smaller g overnment and family companies which operate in a domestic market that is not competitive. Production in this region continues to go down over the years. A balance of the two economies essentially means Italy is undergoing no growth as it moves into the future. As such, Italy’s future is bleak. Concluding thought Compared to Germany, the Italian economy has fallen behind by thirty percent. The industrial production in Italy continues to go down- 25 per cent since the start of the 2008 recession. However, given the change in the political leadership it remains to be seen what the future of Italy is going to be. Therefore, the leaders should improve all the sectors of the country. References Bindi, F. M., Scuola superiore della pubblica amministrazione (Italy), Brookings Institution. (2011). Italy and the European Union. Rome: Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione (SSPA). Carbone, M. (2011). Italy in the post-Cold War order: Adaptation, bipartisanship, visibility. La nham, Md: Lexington Books. Duggan, C. (2006). A concise history of Italy. Cambridge [England: Cambridge University Press. Ferraresi, F. (1996). Threats to democracy: The radical right in Italy after the war. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press. Willan, P. (1991). Puppetmasters: The political use of terrorism in Italy. San Jose: Authors Choice Press. This research paper on Impact of terrorism on Italian economy was written and submitted by user Melina Jefferson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
8 Tips for Effective Revision
8 Tips for Effective Revision 8 Tips for Effective Revision If youve got exams coming up, youll probably be hard at work revising. But how can you ensure that your time spent revising is worthwhile? Weve prepared our top 8 revision tips to help you get in shape for those tests! 1. Start with Good Notes Ok, so this might not help you now, but its definitely something you can do going forwards. Make sure you take clear, legible notes in class so that when you come back to them they make sense! Try highlighting them with a color-coding system as part of your revision. It really helps you to make sense of them. 2. Make a Revision Timetable If youve got several tests to revise for, it might be helpful to make a timetable so that you can make sure you are spending enough time on each subject. Stick it up on your wall and try to follow it. 3. Take a Break When making your timetable, make sure you add in breaks. Ideally, you should have a 5-minute break once every half hour. Get up, stretch, have a cup of coffee, or go for a walk outside. Taking regular breaks will help your brain to function more effectively. 4. Sort Out your Revision Space The first thing you should do before revising is to tidy your revision space. If it is clear and uncluttered, you will find it much easier to work. 5. Dont Memorize, Summarize! Dont just re-read your notes, try making a summary of them in your own words. This will help you to remember them as you will have to process the words rather than simply reading them. Its surprising how much you can read whilst daydreaming! 6. Use Past Papers Your course tutor will probably be able to provide you with some past papers if you ask. There might even be some available on the Internet. Make sure you time yourself and use proper exam conditions. 7. Use Visual Aids If you have a visual brain, you might find it helpful to create charts or infographics. Doodling the main facts out can be a great way of making summaries of your notes. The funnier these are, the more you should remember the information! 8. Eat, Sleep, Run! Dont forget that your body needs fuel, rest, and exercise for your brain to function well. Dont be tempted to cram all night before a test. Plan out your revision for a few weeks before the test and dont do any revision at all the day before. Instead, go for a swim, eat well and go to bed early. Have a banana and plenty of water for breakfast and your brain will be on top form!
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Business Decision Analysis Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Business Decision Analysis Project - Essay Example This analysis report will help decide whether James starting a new business will generate enough income to cater for the income that James will forgo so as to run the new business. Also, the report will give him sound financial advice for his decision-making process. We shall also use US Code 1031- tax free exchange in the report. The rule states that a company can defer capital gain taxes if he sells property to reinvest in another one. Mr James Wiesman faces the major challenge of deciding whether or not he should buy/lease the equipment needed to manufacture the products or buy them from another company. Currently, Mr James owns a construction patent of a process that reduces the cost of production tremendously. The patent is highly lucrative, which has led to Mr James to sign contracts with the U.S. government to supply the products to the navy and army for Barrack constructions. The facts of this problem are that the cost of producing the products himself will attribute for 60% of his total costs (Glen& Howard, 91). In addition, the cost of production of the materials will be a third of buying it from another company. It is evident that the cost of buying the product from another company will be much higher than the former. Based on the mentioned facts, it is advisable that Mr James Wiesman buys/leases the equipment needed for production. Buying or leasing equipment will require Mr James to open his own firm. The initial costs of production include the purchase of land, building costs and the working capital that sum up to over2,120,000 $. Mr James has to decide the sources for his financing to make this decision. He has two options to choose. Firstly, Mr John Money Bag is willing to give him 2,000,000$ for controlling interest of the company as well as semi-active management participation. Secondly, Mr James can sell off some of his assets to raise the funds necessary for production. Mr James is
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Key Account Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Key Account Management - Case Study Example But these are strategies effective only during the initial stage. Once positioning is established, all efforts must then be centered at maintaining a course whereby profitability is promising, incidental to an effective reason to improve. This is where Key Account Management or KAM is most useful. Key Accounts are those that provide high revenue and critical asset, requiring strong leadership and excellent management skills. KAM is the most practical means of survival in this highly competitive market amidst increasing demand in current economic condition, a way to achieve longevity and create future growth, a way of preserving a good customer relationship. This essay emphasizes the Role of Key Account Management, as a tool and process that equips a company in acquiring and retaining large customer revenue fosters symbiotic mutually profitable and sustainable business relations resulting to a "win-win" situation. In a business that engages i... As such, the goals, missions, value, principles as well as the skills and capabilities inherent among sales personnel should be conveyed properly to every member of the organization. This should be initialized by the company head who takes responsibility relaying imperative matters to all levels of sales director who receives compensation dependent upon the generated sales profit. In his article Key Account Management Strategy, Jay Dwivedi said that "Salespeople learn only the hard way that many big companies really give them the business that they deserve based on the effort that they put in. Therefore, it is important to clearly identify what customers are "key" to your business and then serving them using a well thought out plan" (Dwivedi, n.d.). A good key account management entails constant check and update in terms of performance at least on a quarterly basis, taking into account the total revenue; percentage profits; growth rate of sales in existing product line; value of new products/services; order size distribution and average and price comparison with other customers in the same category. In his web article, the author furthered the importance of understanding, that while support from the corporate office is imperative, the actual development of key account management program is the effort originating from the local executives who know the overall whereabouts of the market. Since this program is constantly evolving in a manner similar to the rate of improvement of the product, continuous feedback from the customers is thus crucial to the alignment of the goals.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Crucible Essay Example for Free
The Crucible Essay The title the â€Å"crucible†by Author Miller is a metaphor for the witch trial in Salem that manipulates the impure hearts just as the crucible melts impure metal. The crucible was set in the Puritan society where religion was strict and everything; everyone was either belong to god or the devil. People in the Puritan society used that as a tool to gain power and wealth. Throughout the witch trial, many people with impure hearts were manipulated by the overwhelming power of being connected to god and tried to benefit from it but eventually it led to their own destruction such as Abigail, Thomas Putnam and Paris. On the other hand many people with pure hearts were willing to be hanged than named other people such as Giles Corey and John Proctor. Abigail, Paris and Thomas Putnam hearts were blacken by the power of god but granted by the devil. They accused other of witchcraft in order to benefit from it. Thomas Putnam accused other as witchcraft so he could by off the land while Paris accused other who against him to protect his fame. Unlike Paris and Putnam, Abigail purpose was different. At first she accused other because she was offered a chance to get away with her sin but then she was overwhelm with the new found power ,the power that she never had before, the power that bring her out of the misery life of a Puritan girl who was only a little more than a slave. Abigail’s hatred against Elizabeth filled heart with vengeance which made it vulnerable and easy to be manipulated by the Devil. Giles Corey, an elderly who had many experience in lawsuits. Unfortunately his wife Martha Corey was accused for witchcraft by reading books. Giles Corey tried to safe his wife but he was arrested in a lawsuit against Putnam. The Judge tried to break him in many ways but he refused to name anyone. He was then tortured with a large rock on top of his chest until death but still not a name came out of his mouth except two words â€Å"more weight†. With no stain in the heart, Giles Corey and others who did not name other people to die in their place were like the pure steel that won’t melt under high temperature of the crucible. Difference from Abigail and Giles Corey, John Proctor was neither pure white nor black. He could be considered as a tragic hero, who had been upright for most of his life and the only his only sin was the lust with Abigail. His lust for Abigail Williams led to their affair and created Abigail’s hatred of his wife which sets the entire witch hysteria in motion. John was a dynamic character that changed through the plays. At the beginning he tried to hide his sin to keep his reputation but as things got worse he confessed himself. The judge nearly able to convinced him to name someone else but in the end he did not. He refused to give such false confession because such confession would dishonor his fellow prisoners, who are brave enough to die as testimony to the truth. The witch trial was like a burning flame that feed on the darkness in one heart. The witch trial only happen because people allowed to. If it weren’t for people like Abigail, Paris and Putnam the witch trial would never start and if it weren’t for people like Giles and John the witch trial would never end. Authur Miller used such fine metaphor for the title because the value of a heart can only by judge in such circumstance just as the value of an metal can only be tested by extreme temperature.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Compare and Contrast Tragedy and Comedy :: comparison compare contrast essays
Compare and Contrast Tragedy and Comedy A tragedy is defined as beginning with a problem that affects everyone, i.e. the whole town or all the characters involved, the tragic hero must solve this problem and this results in his banishment or death [run-on sentence]. A comedy is defined as also beginning with a problem, but one of less significant importance. The characters try to solve the problem and the story ends with all the characters uniting in either a marriage of a party. Although these two genres are seen as being complete opposites of each other, through further analysis one can gather that though they are different certain similarities can also be seen. One aspect of these genres that can be compared and contrasted is the narrative or plot. A comparison can be analyzed in that both begin with a problem. In Oedipus Rex, the play begins with a plague devastating the city of Thebes. In A Midsummer Night's Dream there is also a plague that is upon the land. However, a difference between these two beginnings is that in Oedipus Rex the citizen are effected by it to the point that they look towards Oedipus for a solution to their suffering; while in A Midsummer Night's Dream, the effects of the plague are never shown to the audience and it seems a minor detail. Another difference is the cause of the plague in the two plays. In the tragedy, Oedipus Rex, the hero ends up being the cause because he murdered the king; while in A Midsummer Night's Dream the cause is a fight between Titania and Oberon. Another point that can be compared and contrasted is the search for a solution in the plots. In Hamlet, Hamlet is searching for the truth to discover if his father was really murdered by his uncle and if this is true he must correct the situation by killing his uncle. Also, in Oedipus Rex this plot is seen in that Oedipus is searching for the truth about the murder of the old king, Laios, and the situation will be resolved by the murder being banished from Thebes. In contrast A Midsummer Night's Dream is more centered around the lovers trying to overcome the forces that separate them and Oberon seeking revenge on Titania.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Ethics Case Study: Homeless Man Essay
Case Facts: We decided to discuss the case of the homeless man provided in the textbook. Here are the case facts: A homeless man attempted to save a woman that was being attacked in New York City. In the process he was stabbed. He was visibly bleeding on the sidewalk for over an hour, as people walked by, took pictures and stopped to look at him. One man shook him. No one attempted to help him, stay with him, or call emergency services. The homeless man died on the sidewalk. Obligations, Duties and Rights: After reading the initial facts of the case, we discussed the obligations, duties and rights all held by the passersby and viewers of the situation. They are as follows: Every passerby has the right to their personal safety and health, as well as the right to remain silent and anonymous. Given these undeniable rights, every passerby also has the moral duty and obligation to report a witnessed crime to the authorities. They also have the duty to work towards maintaining the safety and well-being of their community. Along with this duty, comes to obligation to support and protect the most vulnerable among this community. Consequences: Our group further discussed the implications of the situation and the associated consequences, both intended and unintended, positive and negative. Following are the consequences that could have occurred if the passersby had chosen to offer aid to the homeless man: First, the man’s life could have been saved. Another outcome would be the finding and persecution of the criminal. Another, would be setting a positive example for the community, in turn promoting the safety of the community as a whole. Another positive consequence could be acting as a catalyst for future laws to be enacted aiding the community. Finally, a positive outcome from helping the homeless man would leave the passersby with altruistic emotions. Negative consequences that could result from refusing to aid the homeless man would include: The homeless man dies and the criminal escapes, potentially continuing to harm more members of the community. Another consequence includes the public losing a sense of security as well as the passersby having the uneasiness and uncertainty of not knowing the outcome of the situation if they chose to walk away before his death. Finally, if the passerby chose to walk away, they face the negative consequence of feeling of regret upon denying their personal morals and obligations. Moral Ideals: Having analyzed the facts, obligations and consequences of the case, the moral ideals that we have extrapolated are: Justice, integrity, loving kindness, and courage. Justice, â€Å"denoting the evaluation of situations according to their merits, fairly and without prejudice, as well as giving each person his or her due.†The best way to carry out justice in this situation would have been to ensure that the criminal was found and prosecuted, and protecting the life of the homeless man. Integrity, the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles regardless of who is watching, is the second moral principle that we have decided best relates to this case. If the passerby had acted with integrity, he/she would have opted to stay with or somehow help the homeless man to insure that his life was saved as opposed to denying their moral obligation in walking away and choosing to ignore the situation. The next moral principle is Loving kindness, â€Å"doing unto others as you would have them do unto you,†or simply the Golden Rule. If the passersby had showed loving kindness, they would have felt empathy towards the homeless man as a fellow human being and would have ensured that he received aid, as they would have wished someone do for them if their roles were reversed. The final moral ideal that we felt most applied to this case was courage, â€Å"consisting only in conquering fear and in withholding the body from flight no matter what the risk of pain. We felt that this moral ideal applied to the case, as it would require the passersby to ignore their rights to safety as humans and allow their obligations to aid the man override their sense of fear and insecurity. If the passerby had maintained this ideal of courage, they would have approached the homeless man and helped to save his life.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Death Be Not Proud Quotes
Death Be Not Proud is a 1949 memoir written by American journalist John Gunther, about his son Johnny, who was a Harvard-bound teenager when he was diagnosed with cancer. He fought bravely to try to help doctors find a cure for his ailment, but died at age 17. The books title comes from a sonnet by metaphysical poet John Donne: Death, be not proud, though some have called theeMighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;For those whom thou thinkst thou dost overthrowDie not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,And soonest our best men with thee do go,Rest of their bones, and souls delivery.Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,And poppy or charms can make us sleep as wellAnd better than thy stroke; why swellst thou then?One short sleep past, we wake eternallyAnd death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die. Here are some quotes and questions for consideration from John Gunthers Death Be Not Proud. God is whats good in me. Johnny Gunther said this at the age of 6, and it shows that even as a small child, he had a desire to do something meaningful and good for the world. Why do you think his father chose to include this in the novel? Does it give us a better understanding of who Johnny is and the person he might have grown up to become? I have so much to do! And theres so little time! Rather than wallow in self-pity, this is Johnnys reaction after the first exam shows the tumor that has been giving him neck pain. He says it to his mother Frances, and it seems to suggest that he knew his diagnosis was terminal. What do you think Johnny meant by saying he had so much to do? A primitive to-the-death struggle of reason against violence, reason against disruption, reason against brute unthinking force--this was what went on in Johnnys head. What he was fighting against was the ruthless assault of chaos. What he was fighting for, as it were, the life of the human mind. His father realizes that Johnnys battle is not just his own, but that hes seeking answers that will benefit others who may suffer the same illness. But even as he tries to think of a solution, the brain tumor is affecting Johnnys mind and his memory. Oh how tired I feel. What a gut-punch for Johnnys father to read this entry in the young mans diary. Johnny often tried to shield his parents from the depths of his suffering, and even this only touches on a fraction of what he must have been going through at the time. Did this make you think perhaps the treatments Johnny was enduring were not worth the pain he was enduring? Why or why not? Scientists will save us all. Taken out of context, this could be read as an ironic or angry statement about medicines failure to save Johnny from the effects of the brain tumor, but its actually a statement from Johnny himself, written in a final letter to his mother. He feels confident that his battle will not be in vain, and that even if hes not cured, the treatments the doctors tried for him will prompt further study. My grief, I find, is not desolation or rebellion at universal law or deity. I find grief to be much simpler and sadder... All the things he loved tear at my heart because he is no longer here on earth to enjoy them. All the things he loved! The devastating reaction of Johnnys mother Frances as she comes to terms with his death. Do you think this is a feeling commonly shared among the bereaved? How much more acute do you think this feeling is for bereaved parents? These quotes are just one part of our study guide on John Gunthers Death Be Not Proud. See the links below for more helpful resources: Overview of Death Be Not Proud Characters in John Gunthers Death Be Not Proud Terms / Vocabulary Review: Death Be Not Proud Questions for Study Discussion
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