Monday, May 25, 2020
Compare and contrast the presentation of oppressionin I...
Compare and contrast the presentation of oppressionin I Am Not That Woman and Still I Rise. The poems I am studying are I Am Not That Woman by Kishwar Naheed and Still I Rise by Maya Angelou, both in the twentieth century. Both poets have based the poems on their own experiences of suppression in their different cultures and they both continue to end with feelings of hope.The poems show the different reactions and attitudes of two very different women who in similar circumstances. In I Am Not That Woman, the poet has been oppressed in her culture of the Asian society. By this she has been oppressed by the traditional values of the Eastern culture but especially by her father and husband. She is also trying to overcome†¦show more content†¦The poet seems bitter towards her father and husband. She seems strong because she has got through her problems so far and is angry and resentful about the whole situation. She seems adamant to not let it happen to her for much longer. The poet uses figurative language to help create imagery in the readers mind. An example of this is the metaphor is I am the one you hid in your walls of stone, where she means how her husband has literally and mentally locked her away, creating the picture of her trapped. To show that she had been pressurized of the Asian society of being forced to have an arranged marriage metaphors are also used here, crushed with the weight of custom and tradition. The poet even uses a biblical refere nce to help picture some of the imagery in the readers mind. This is where she says she is walking on water which is a reference to Jesus and miracles. When she mentions not knowing, she uses this to emphasize the ignorance given to her by her family and husband. She often repeats herself, such as not knowing. By doing this she is trying to get a point across effectively. By the repetition of not knowing she is trying to make them aware that although she has been locked away and that they are controlling her, she still knows things that they do not. The poet is trying to get the point of view across, that she is not the Eastern woman living in captivity, being told what to
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
How to Avoid Bed Bugs When You Travel
Bed bugs were once a pest of the past, but they’ve made a remarkable comeback in recent years. Just a few hitchhiking bed bugs in your luggage can start a full-scale infestation of these bloodsucking insects in your home. What Do Bed Bugs Look Like? Adult bed bugs are oval in shape and brown or reddish in color. Immature bed bugs tend to be lighter in color. Bed bugs usually live in groups, so where theres one, theres likely to be many. Other signs that bed bugs are present include tiny black spots on linens or furniture (excrement) and piles of light brown skin casings. 4 Common Myths About Bed Bugs The mere thought of bed bugs might be enough to make your skin crawl (literally!), but its important you understand a few things about these pests and their habits. Bed bugs dont transmit diseases and arent generally considered a threat to your health. As with any insect bite, bed bug bites can be itchy, and some peoples skin may be more sensitive than others.Bed bugs are not a product of filth. They will inhabit even the cleanest of homes. Dont assume your house or your hotel room is too clean to host bed bugs. If theres something for them to eat (usually you), bed bugs will be just as happy in a 5-star resort as they will in a cheap motel.Bed bugs are nocturnal. That means theyre only going to show their faces at night when its good and dark. Dont expect to walk into a hotel room in broad daylight and see bed bugs crawling up the walls.Bed bugs are really small. Adult bed bugs are visible to the naked eye but youll need a magnifying glass to spot their eggs. Because theyre so tiny, bed bugs can hide in places youd never think of looking. Fortunately, theres plenty you can do to minimize your chances of bringing bed bugs home from your next vacation or business trip. What to Research Before You Go Before you hit the road on your next vacation or business trip, do your homework. People are quick to share their travel experiences online, especially when it comes to bed bugs in hotel rooms. Websites like Tripadvisor, where customers post their own reviews of hotels and resorts, are invaluable resources to see if your hotel has a bed bug problem. You can also check out, an online database that tracks reported bed bug infestations in hotels and apartments. The bottom line – if people are saying theyve seen bed bugs at a certain hotel or resort, dont stay there on your trip. How to Pack to Avoid Bed Bugs Use sealable sandwich bags. This way even if you do end up in a room with the pests your belongings will be protected. Get yourself a good supply of large baggies (gallon sizes work great), and seal everything you can inside them. Clothing, shoes, toiletries, and even books can be zipped up tight. Make sure you seal the baggies completely, as even a tiny opening can allow a wandering bed bug to get in. When in your hotel room, keep the baggies zipped shut unless you need access to an item inside. Use hard-sided luggage. Cloth-sided luggage offers bed bugs a million hideaways. Hard-sided luggage doesnt have folds or seams where bed bugs can hide, and it closes completely, with no gaps so the pests cant penetrate your bags interior. If you must use soft-sided luggage for your trip, lighter-colored bags are better. Bed bugs will be virtually impossible to spot on black or dark-colored bags. Pack clothing that is easy to launder. Avoid packing clothing that can only be laundered in cold water. Washing in hot water, then drying at high heat, does a good job of killing any bed bugs carried home on clothes, so youll want to choose garments that can be easily debugged when you return. How to Inspect Your Hotel Room for Bed Bugs When you arrive at your hotel or resort, leave your luggage in the car or with the bellhop. Should you walk in and find a room teeming with bed bugs, you dont want your belongings sitting in the midst of the infestation. Dont bring your bags into the room until youve done a proper bed bug inspection. Bed bugs hide during daylight hours, and theyre quite small, so finding them takes a little work. Its a good idea to carry a small flashlight when you travel since bed bugs will likely be hiding in the darkest crevices of the room. A LED key chain makes a great bed bug inspection tool. The sulfur in an unlit match will cause the bugs to flee. Run an unlit match along the seam of the mattress to bring the bugs out of hiding. Where to Look When Inspecting a Hotel Room for Bed Bugs Start with the bed (theyre called bed bugs for a reason, after all). Check the linens thoroughly for any signs of bed bugs, especially around any seams, piping, or ruffles. Dont forget to inspect the dust ruffle, a common hiding place for bed bugs that are often overlooked. Pull back the sheets, and inspect the mattress, again looking carefully at any seams or piping. If theres a box spring, check for bed bugs there as well. If possible, lift each corner of the mattress and box spring and inspect the bed frame, another popular hiding place for bed bugs. Bed bugs can also live in wood. Continue your inspection by examining any furniture or other items near the bed. The majority of bed bugs live within close proximity to the bed. If you are able, inspect behind the headboard, which is often mounted on the wall in hotel rooms. Also, look behind picture frames and mirrors. Pull out any drawers, using your flashlight to look inside the dresser and nightstand. What to Do If You Find Bed Bugs in Your Hotel Room? Go immediately to the front desk and ask for a different room. Tell the management what bed bug evidence you found, and specify that you want a room with no history of bed bug problems. Dont let them give you a room adjacent to the room where you found bed bugs (including the rooms above or below it), as bed bugs can easily travel through ductwork or wall cracks into adjoining rooms. Be sure to repeat your bed bug inspection in the new room, too. While Youre Staying at the Hotel Just because you didnt find any bed bugs, doesnt mean they arent there. Its quite possible your room could still have pests, so take a few extra precautions. Never place your luggage or your clothing on the floor or bed. Store your bags on the luggage rack or on top of a dresser, off the floor. Keep any items, not in use sealed in baggies. How to Unpack From Your Trip and Kill Any Stowaway Bed Bugs After you check out of the hotel, you can take steps to keep any undetected bed bugs from following you home. Before you put your luggage in the car to head home, place it in a large plastic garbage bag and knot it tightly closed. Once you get home, unpack carefully.  All clothing and other machine washable items should be laundered immediately in the hottest water allowable. Clothes should then dried on high heat for at least 30 minutes. This should kill any bed bugs that managed to stow away. Freeze things that cant be washed or heated. Items that cannot be exposed to water or heat can be frozen instead, although this takes longer to destroy the bed bug eggs. Keep these belongings sealed in baggies, and place them in a freezer for a minimum of 5 days. Electronics and other items that cannot survive such temperature extremes should be inspected thoroughly, preferably outdoors or in a garage or other area of the house with limited carpeting or furniture. Inspect your luggage, especially soft-sided pieces. Check the zippers, lining, pockets, and any piping or seams carefully for signs of bed bugs. Ideally, you should steam clean your soft-sided luggage. Wipe down hard-sided luggage and check any fabric inner lining thoroughly.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Slowly Evolving Organizations Face Extinction - 1905 Words
Video #9 Summary: â€Å"Slowly evolving organizations face extinction†Video 9 is titled â€Å"Slowly evolving organizations face extinction†and focuses on why some companies are not advancing, but instead declining. The video starts off with the quote with Bill Gates saying â€Å"Microsoft is always two years away from failure.†He demonstrates how competitive and aggressive the modern and up to date world is today. The world today is composed of companies that are currently failing and cannot keep up with the current innovation competition and companies that are ahead of the game with innovations. The challenge to compete for the best innovation in the approaching future is difficult and intense. It is common of people to think that innovation is†¦show more content†¦Companies that wants demanding customers and to be one of the revolutionary businesses in the nation must be constantly stepping up their game to be the best innovator. Video #10: TEDxJamaica-Randall Pinkett: â€Å"The Entrepreneur’s Mindset†This video is about Randall Pinkett who first introduces himself about how he always had the entrepreneurial spirit when he was a kid selling lemonade and his toys and during his college years selling relic. He won the fourth season of Apprentice and is the chairman and CEO of BCT company. His speech will be focusing about the entrepreneurial mindset and the two reasons why it is important which is that we are in a tough economic time where those who survive are those that can do more with less and the second reason is the change of technology compared to decades ago. He describes the term entrepreneur mindset as â€Å"not something you do but the way that you think†. The five characteristics of it are creativity, resourcefulness, courage, resilience, and passion. He suggests that little children have the characteristics of the entrepreneur mindsets that are similar to the mindset of someon e who believes the sky is the limit and those who goes, dream, and pursue for the impossible goals. To support his point he retells a story of when he was at an elementary school and asked a little girl what she wanted to be and she told him she wants to be a lawyer, doctor, and teacher which showed she had the courage to do
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What is Love Essay - 1558 Words
What is Love? Romantic Love Is love chemical? Love cant be just pheromones, surely body chemistry changes. Although, perhaps that is why people break up after a while. Maybe they were attracted to each other at one point, but then the pheromones they were giving off change and the other person is no longer attracted to them. What is attraction based on? What attracts one person to another? People have said they have fallen in love before meeting in person, thanks to the Internet. Pheromones cant account for that. If someone falls in love, without meeting the other person (in-person), what is left? Voice, a photo or two, etc. Perhaps attraction is oral. But attraction cant be just voice, because plenty of people†¦show more content†¦To me this doesnt feel like it can be the same love as a couple in a healthy relationship. Although Helen Fisher divides love into three categories, lust, attraction, and attachment, these categories dont help in determining what love is or how and why we are attracted to some people and not others. Her categories give us tools for putting romantic love into context, but not in explaining what love, unless you accept that its solely brain responses to a person. That feels like the whole chicken and the egg discussion. What will you react to? What will you be attracted to? What will get brain activity going? Cause and effect. What Dr. Fisher discusses is the effect of love, but not what it is. Lust (or sex drive), is physical, but does it come solely from physical attraction? Attraction is one of her categories, but why are people attracted to each other? And finally attachment, why do we feel attached to some people? What is falling in love, and out of love? How do we measure love? How is loving someone different from being in love with someone? In the marketplace, an items value is determined by what the public is willing to pay for it. There seem to be few tools for measuring love. You cant put a price on love, so its hard to say if one person loves another more or less than the other. Dr. Fishers MRIs might be just the thing couples need when they are fighting and one wants to prove toShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Love? What It Is?1527 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is Love? When asked the question â€Å"What is Love?†what are some of the first things that come to mind? Some people might say it is an emotion that we experience when we interact with the world around us. People can have love for many things such as money and other material possessions, family and friends, even the world around them. These are just a few examples of how we often use love in our lives. However, love is not only confined to our lives, it is also a very important emotion in religionsRead MoreWhat Is Love?1020 Words  | 5 Pages250 Tu/Thu 10/5/10 What is Love? Love is one of the most difficult words to define. I challenge you to try. You can even go the easy way and simply Google the word â€Å"love†. What you will find is not one but hundreds of definitions along with countless books, movies, and songs all having to do with love. The reason why it is so hard to define love is because there are different forms/stages of love and there are so many things that love can consist of. Also, love can have a different definitionRead MoreWhat is love?872 Words  | 3 PagesLove and passion is the burning sensation that drives humans to lead their lives into new horizons: following the heart hoping it will guide the way. Janie, the lead character in the book, Their Eyes Were Watching God, written by Zora Neale Hurston, is suppressed by family, and two different husband too, only to find pain and sorrow by not following her heart until she is freed by a man who loves her deeply with only one thing on his mind, to protect and love her like nobody else before. ThroughRead MoreWhat Is Love?1080 Words  | 4 PagesTwelfth Night is love. The notion of love is important to the plot as many of the characters are driven by love. There are multiple forms of love depicted throughout the play; each character represents a different type of love. Viola displays a patient, sincere, and enduring love for Orsion as well as a deep familial love for her brother. Sebastian and Antonio share a special bond which could be classified as brotherly love. These two bonds can be seen as the most real forms of love depicted in TwelfthRead MoreWhat is Love?559 Words  | 2 Pagesdictionary love is a feeling of strong affection for a person. (Merriam-Webster) In my opinion, love is a conjunction of different feelings altogether, when a person is in love they feel happy, sad, excited, and scared everything at the same time. What I am trying to say is that for me there is not real definition for love because nobody can really explain the mix of feelings that happened when one is in love. According to one of Latterell’s assumptions love conquers all, she says that, â€Å"true love willRead MoreWhat Is Love?1409 Words  | 6 Pageswaiting for his response. â€Å"I’m looking at love realistically this time around, instead of through the eyes of romantic delirium.†Julian scoffed. â€Å"You can’t fool me. Save your breath.†David was finding it harder to keep his cool. â€Å"I don’t even know the girl with whom I’m supposed to be in love. The whole thing was kind of an illusion, at least the romantic part. Cecilia was Daniel’s girl.†â€Å"That didn’t bother you this past summerâ€â€you were head over heels in love.†â€Å"Yeah, with a girl astral projectingRead MoreWhat is Love?589 Words  | 2 PagesWhat is â€Å"Love†? Love can be defined as different things. Love can be the love between brother and sister, sibling love, like Ender and Val. Love can also be the love between a boyfriend and girlfriend or a husband and wife, like Val and her husband, which the book doesn’t really talk much about, or Novinha and Libo. In strange cases, the love you should have for a girlfriend or wife but you feel that way for your sister, like Miro and Ouanda. Love is one of the weirdest feeling ever and is somethingRead MoreWhat Is Love Essay796 Words  | 4 PagesMonday Oct. 19th What is Love? According to Webster’s dictionary the word love is described as a strong, positive emotion of regard and affection. But in society today it seems as if we throw the word love around in such a loose manner it really has lost its meaning. Ranging from â€Å"I love Coach purses†, to actually telling a person â€Å"I love you†is now a common thing. Throughout this essay I’ll be taking a philosophical approach to help give a better understanding of what love is according to theRead MoreWhat Is Freedom For Love? Essay746 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is Freedom to Love? Some would say that freedom to love is, having no limitations or boundaries. To see everyone equally. Many would say that freedom to love is, to give ones life for another. I agree with both statements but I would go further to say that freedom to love is not only an act or a response but it is a lifestyle. Something that defines you. Something that make you, who you are. As proud Americans, this month we celebrate the freedom that we have in this country and theRead MoreWhat is Love? Essay571 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is Love? Love, love, love, we hear it every day, every where , it is used so often that we don’t really give it a thought. The question that needs to be answered is what really is love? Was love created so that hate can be suppressed? Is love something that both man and woman hope for when their world comes crashing down on them? Does love help relief pain and suffering felt by victims of natural disasters? Aphrodite, Venus, Cupid, and Eros were well know as the gods of love and sex by
The Importance Of Atlantis By Charles Portis - 797 Words
One demonstrated conviction that Atlantis is a legend comes when Plato notices. Plato in Timaeus says that Atlantis was bigger than Asia minor and Libya, and was an once-perfect express that ended up noticeably degenerate and battle ready and utilized its extraordinary energy to endeavor to overcome the world. It was wrecked by seismic tremors and sank into the Atlantic Sea. Atlantis is ended up being a puzzle in light of the fact that the possibility of a propelled human progress where learning and logical research were urged engaged Western pragmatists who endeavored to distinguish the lost land with America and the Canary lslands. Atlantis is turned out to be a legend when Atlantis rediscovery occures in Jules Vernes 20,000 Alliances†¦show more content†¦E. Scene was also used throughout the story to make it better. An angling trawler, the Andrea Gail was lost adrift with its six team individuals amid the Ideal Tempest of 1991. The 72-foot business angling vessel was worked in Panama City, Florida in 1978 and possessed by Robert Darker. Holding a team of six, she was in commission for a long time before vanishing on an excursion to Newfoundland. The Andrea Gail and her six-man team had been angling in the North Atlantic Sea out of Gloucester, Massachusetts. On September 20, 1991, the Andrea Gail alongside an armada of around 25 sword angling vessels, set out from Gloucester for the last angling outing of the season destined for the Terrific Banks of Newfoundland off the shoreline of eastern Canada. Stacked with ice, the team wanted to get nearly 40,000 pounds of swordfish - the sooner the better, so they could get back home and offer in the benefits. Be that as it may, the team wasnt getting the same number of fish as they had trusted and by the center of October, they had scarcely enough fish to equal the initial investment. Accordingly, Chief Honest William Billy Tyne traveled east to the Flemish Top where he trusted they would have better good fortune. Sooner or later, the ships ice machine started to glitch and would be not able keep up the catch for any longer. Tyne at that point settled on the choice to set a course for home on about October
Ethical Issues in IT Resolving an Ethical Dilemma
Question: Discuss about theEthical Issues in ITfor Resolving an Ethical Dilemma. Answer: Introduction This case study is about the ethical issues in a website that contains the links of some news channels which displays some news that are not allowed by the government. Now the fact is that, the I.T. manager Sarah was unaware about the fact as it was developed by the web developer of a state government department, Yan. The ethical dilemma of this situation has been analyzed in this paper through the use of Thomas Whites framework for solving ethical dilemma. This is an efficient one for solving the problem related to ethics and the questions is What to do? (White 2005). The analysis has three simple steps as discussed in the section below: Step 1: Consequences Analysis In this case, the consequence is that the website links causes lots of embarrassments to the government of Australia due to the website links. The links were ok until it shows any cases that has suppression order. Both the developer and the IT manager have shown lack of professionalism in this case. As per the ACS code of ethics, the IT professionals should maintain professionalism while working in their workplaces. In this case, Yan required to well aware about the links before adding those to the WebPages ( 2016). On the other hand, Sarah had the responsibly to check each and every links of the site before permitting the live streaming of the site in the internet. Step 2: Analysis of the Actions In order to analyse the actions, the ACS code of ethics has been considered. It helped to understand the actual problems of the It professionals involved in this case issue. The incident has also violated the issues of public interest of the ACS code of ethics. The website links of the global channels are not permitted to be shown in the local sites of Australia but the website links enabled it publicly. The integrity factors associated with the development of the website were not considered by the developer and so by the IT manager. Another violation of the ACS code of ethics is the competence violation. As per the ethical consideration, the professional works of the IT professionals should competently and diligently for the stakeholders. In this case, the developed website was the cause of great embarrassment of the stakeholders. Step 3: Decision Making Sarah and Yan both are responsible for this ethical dilemma. Now they should maintain the honesty at the workplace as per the ACS code ( 2016). Both of them should take the responsibility and should admit their negligence to the stakeholders. The contradictory news links should be urgently removed from the pages of the government website. This necessary improvements need to be done by Yan in urgent basis. Yan need to remove those links and add new links after knowing well about the links. Before permitting the live streaming now Sarah need to check all the components of the revised websites. References: 2016.ACS Code of Ethics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Nov. 2016]. White, T.I., 2005. Resolving an ethical dilemma.Loyola Marymount University.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Vietnam War Politics free essay sample
The Vietnam War There was a connection between the students and the Vietnam War and it affected them as well. Before the Vietnam War began the American population held Congressmen, Universities, and all other official institutions in high regard. In the 1960s the views began to change, there were two simple view points between students. One side felt as though the U. S. didn’t need to get involved in the War at all, they felt as though it was a losing battle which continued to put burdens on both social and economic and the U. S. eeded to back out. However there is always an opposing side and that side saw it fit for the U. S. to be in the War, the students felt that the U. S. got involved for a reason so they need to stay there and finish the job. A lot of protests for the War happened on college campuses. We will write a custom essay sample on The Vietnam War Politics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page During the years of the War the draft to enlist in the War was instituted in 1942, which states that men and women from the baby boom era were able to go and fight in the War. The men soldier’s and the women nurse. This draft reinforced the concern of the U. S. being involved. Draft and exemptions were available to college students, which stated that if young men and women weren’t in college they could enlist. If students were trying to avoid the War just by attending college, were told about the injustice of the situation and protested as a way to communicate to the government. When graduated from college you could then also enlist in the draft to fight. Two million Americans fought in the War and fifty-eight thousand or more died. As the War continued finances in the U. S. grew. Students protesting showed the emotions of Americans and since there was a lack of support from Americans with protesting it made matters worse. The political and social outcomes of the Vietnam War, between the years of 1964 and 1968 there were a lot of changes of government in South Vietnam. With all the changes it made it impossible to accommodate any stability or reforming. There was an election being held in 1967 for a new South Vietnamese government. On the communist side the Vietcong the political arm over them was the National Liberation Front or (NLF) which was established in 1960. Their headquarters was in the jungle near the order of Cambodia. The Vietnam War cost the U. S. thirty billion dollars a year. Paris Peace Talks develop as well during this time. Paris Peace Talks were about finding ways to end the Vietnam War Politically. North Vietnam had shown no evidence of willing to negotiate, so March of 1968 President Johnson ordered more bombing on North Vietnam only on a specific area after that North Vietnam decided to negotiate. During this time the U. S. we’re preparing for their national elections. During the time of the elections the divided feelings about the war had become a political factor; it was affecting the U. S. position throughout the World. When President Johnson decided not to reelect it showed a reflection of the opposition to the War. In the year of 1969 the U. S. had a new president Richard M. Nixon who announced that he was pulling troops out of the War and implementing a new strategy which was called Vietnamization. This new strategy meant for the South Vietnamese troops would have to bear the burden of the War. In 1972 the rest of the U. S. ground combat troops left Vietnam. In the same year, North Vietnam set off an attack which overran South Vietnam, in a response to the attack the bombing of the north was resumed and Haiphong Harbor was mined. The Peace Talks continued and in January of 1973 there was an agreement signed, but neither North or South Vietnam wanted to stay true to the agreement with the military and political terms and because, of that they were unable to bring peace to Vietnam. December of 1974 North Vietnam persecuted a final attack on South Vietnam which to led the surrender of South Vietnam and the country was under communist control. The Vietnam War cost the lives of fifty-eight thousand Americans, some killed, some classified and then others are still missing in action to this day, after the war Vietnam suffered economically. REFERENCES www. oppapers. com/history The new book of knowledge (pgs. 336 – 338)
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