Friday, July 26, 2019

Any topic you think is good for my paper 'but look to the assigment Assignment

Any topic you think is good for my paper 'but look to the assigment sheet befour u start' - Assignment Example Using logos as a means of persuasion, Boot provided narrative details of historical claims and identified nautical miles that establish sovereignty to lands according to international law. Likewise, incidents of current events that detail both countries’ active claim through positioning respective vessels in the area have been detailed. The apparent lack of support and active participation of the United States, known as an ally to the Philippines proven by a 1951 treaty, was likewise allegedly established through assuming a neutral stance. The author used ethos by establishing his credibility as a â€Å"senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and author of the forthcoming (book)† (Boot par. 13). By indicating that he is not among the two claiming parties’ citizen, he appeared to present objective and unbiased arguments on this matter. Through establishing appropriate logical reasoning, the author effectively established logos as a rhetorical appeal and has likewise appropriately used ethos to credibly confirm his unbiased character as an author and to provide an objective report on the subject of

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