Thursday, July 18, 2019

Guava Extract Soap Essay

Significance In finding a cure for the said problem, we conducted a research and we found out that there are natural compounds that can contribute in treating these kinds of problem. Natural compounds that are used for making soap are more appropriate than chemical-based products. I. Introduction II. Abstract III. Statement of the Problem This study determined the effectivity and practically of 4 Season Fruits in making a homemade facial soap. It sought to answer the following questions: IV. Hypothesis The researchers hypothesize that the product, Four seasons soap, can be a viable alternative to the ordinary facial soap in treating different types of skin problems including acne and pimples due to its â€Å"4 seasons† fruits component. â€Å"Effectiveness of 4 Season Fruits as a treatment for pimples and acne.† Sacred Heart Catholic School of Cainta Investigatory Project Nowadays, having pimples and acne is a common problem for teenagers and adults aside from growing of their facial hair, eye bags and the like. This is due to exposure from dirt, dust, pollution and many agents that can produce skin reaction and form pimples and acne. These natural ingredients namely: Pineapple ( (Ananas Comosus), Mango (Mangifera Indica), Guava (Psidium Guajava) and Orange (Citrus Sinensis) (commonly called as 4 Seasons). These fruits have healthy benefits for the skin and some of their common effect are for treating pimples and acne. Is the component of the 4 Seasons soap is effective as an alternative treatment for skin problems? Is it an effective treatment for pimples and acne? What are the possible effects of 4 Seasons soap for the skin? Since it is a homemade soap, Is it possible that an individual can create soap just like this easily and safely? Our investigatory project focused in different benefits that can heal skin problems due to daily exposure to pollution, dust and other agents that can contribute to similar skin problems. These fruits have healthy benefits for the skin and some of their common effect is for treating pimples and acne. We researchers have guessed that the 4 seasons fruits are effective in treating pimples and acne because it contains Vitamin C which has antioxidant properties. But since it is a homemade soap, is it possible that an individual can create soap just like this easily? The possible effects of the 4 seasons soap are: Cleansing,  Moisturizing, Exfoliating and Clearing pimples and pimple marks. The researchers believed that because of the most of the components can be found at home, It is possible that any individual can make their 4 seasons soap easily and safely if they just follow the steps carefully and faithfully. To recognize all the healthy benefits of each of the four seasons for the skin. To determine if the 4 season soap is an effective antioxidant and its anti-aging properties. VII. METHODOLOGY MATERIALS: PROCEDURES: VI. Scope and Limitation Scope The study was conducted to reveal some of the advantages and disadvantages of the 4 season fruits for making soap as treatment for some major skin problems. The study aims to prove that not all chemical-based soaps are used in treating pimples and acne. The study concentrates on how fruits( Pineapple, Mango, Orange and Guava) can benefit human skin. Limitation The study is limited in human skin problems. 3 tbsp. Oil 1/2 tbsp. Guava leaves extract 1/2 tbsp. Mango extract 1/2 tbsp. Orange extract 1/2 tbsp. Pineapple extract 1 tbsp. NaOH or Lye 3 tbsp. H2O or Water Tools Used: Bowl Soap Molder Sauce pan Spoon Stirring rod Rubber gloves Masks Plastic cups Prepare the things to be needed. First, get the extract of each fruit ( Guava, Orange, Mango & Pineapple) . Note: For the Guava, We will be using the leaves for the extract. FOR THE EXTRACT: Remove the peelings of the fruits, and then set aside. In a small pot, put the peelings of each fruit (Note: Separate the peelings of each fruit from another fruit. Don’t combine it with other fruits when getting extracts, it might have different chemical reaction). Then Add water with this amount: 10 tbsp. for peelings of 3 mangoes. 13 tbsp. for the peelings of 5 oranges. 15 tbsp. for the peelings of 2 pineapples. 15 tbsp. for the guava leaves. Prepare the stove to be used. Boil it for 10 minutes (Low Heat); Separate the skin from the extract. Put it in a clean container, let it cool and then set aside. Prepare the Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) or Lye. Put in a container. (Note: Read first the directions in using Lye. For Example: Don’t put the NaOH on aluminum containers. You must use rubber gloves and Masks in dealing with lye and with other chemical substances. Don’t play with them and Keep out of reach of children.) Put some oil (3 tbsp.) and Water (3 tbsp.). Mix it thoroughly. Put the extract of the fruits to the mixture. (1/2 tbsp.). Stir the mixture continuously in a single direction. ( Note: Make sure the mixture is viscous) Let it dry for about 2 days or more. VIII. FINDINGS & RESULTS The researchers found out that the 4 seasons fruits can help minimize pimples and pores. It can also help clear skin impurities because of the anti-oxidants that the soap contains. This research gave us a hard time because there are a lot of instances that the measurements of the ingredients would not compliment the desired results. There can also be a downside in this experiment because the soap is not intended to be used in scars because it might irritate it and it stings. IX. Conclusions The researchers therefore conclude that the 4 seasons soap can reduce pimples and other skin impurities. This is shown by the experiment that we conducted by putting various kinds of ingredients in different amounts and sizes. The experiment was successful because the researchers came up with their desired result even after several tries. This product can be a solution in the problem of many teenagers, including the researchers because of its effectiveness during our experiment. X. RECOMMENDATION The researchers recommend that the further experiments similar to this that will be performed by others must use variety of fruits and not just focus on the 4 seasons used in this experiment. It is also suggested that they test the product before producing to help decrease the chances of having skin irritations and rashes. If given a chance, the researchers suggest that they test it on animal skins that are most likely to be similar to the human skin in order to have a possible result as how it would be on the human skin. The researchers hopoe that you may have a successful study and an imporved product in the future.

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